Comm 13-14: Communication networks Flashcards
What is Comms networks?
A chain of interconnected persons or operations enabling communication
For our purpose, the chain enables radio comms
One member of the chain is designated as the net control station
NCS controls the network. All other stations are member stations
Classes of Networks
Free network
Directed network
Methods of transmitting Data
Audio Teletype (morse) Facsimile Video/Computer Data Link
Network types
Flight information & advisory services Fss Fise fic Rco Drco Pal
Flight information center (FIC)
Various location across country
Provide preflight planning services (Wx, Notams, flight plans for filing)
En route planning services called flight information services enroute (FISE) (METAR, TAFs, SIGNMET, NOTAMS, RSC, CRFI, relay comms with ATC)
Flight service stations (FSS)
Provide airport advisory services (AAS) (Active rwy, W/V, air traffice advisory, wx conditions, etc
Monitor MF broadcasts
Manitoba FSS: Winnipeg, Brandon, Thompson, Churchill
Remote Communication Outlets (RCO)
Remote VHF transmitter/receivers
Established where difficult comms prevail
Enables FSS to provide remote aerodrome advisory service (RAAS)
Enable FIC to provide FISE
Dial-up remote communication outlet (DRCO)
Same as an RCO but have a dialup unit installed. The line is opened or activated by the aircraft in-flight or by the FIC
Key the mic 4 times
Peripheral Station (PAL)
Unstaffed VHF/UHF Tx/Rx established in remote locations to facilitate direct contact between aircraft and controlling agencies
Differ from RCO and DRCO in that the unit you are talking to is an air traffic controller vice FSS or FIC specialist
MACS – Military aeronautical comms system
Provides non-tactical air/ground/air communications to CF and allied aircraft
Edmonton through Trenton
St-Johns through Trenton
Characteristics of MACS
Weather broadcasts at specific times
Freq and phone numbers in 205 sect. E
MCCS – Maritime Command Communications system MCCS is used primarily for tactical comms but can still be used for non-tactical traffic Halifax and Esquimalt Capabilities CRATT (covered radio teletype) HF clear voice Halifax has UHF Data link Use Tactical and File Call signs Freq and designators All freq are classified Each freq has a designator Freq are never identified on a radio by the frequency. They are referred to by the line number
Pipeline HF capabilities
2 way HF voice radio
Simulated phone patch
UHF 292.35MHz
Pipeline freq
5699 Ch1 6712 Ch2 9031 Ch3 11190 Ch4 13221 Ch5
USAF global HF system
13 HF stations around work
May contact them with Mainsail
Can find ways to Provides HF/DF for A/C