Coming Of Democracy Flashcards
Crisis of apartheid 1980s
- Global Economic Downturn: Social, Economic Press, Apartheid=$$
- Rubicon Speech (‘85): Continue total strat= Cons Party (reforms)+ Pressure
- INTERNATIONAL REACTION: (UN+others) Collapse of USSR: No total onslaught (89)
- Pressure from internal reformers: AngloAmerican, PFP+business leaders, Afrikaner Stellenbosch
Secret Negotiations and Talks
- Hendrick Coetsee (Nov ‘85) (Volks Hospital CT from Pollsmoor Prison (‘82))=TUYUNHUIS opened channel
=release of political prisoners - Sus=Mandela seperated= George Bizos to Lusaka+Oliver Tambo
- Influential People invested in ANC
- Meetings with Botha and De Klerk (‘89)+stroke
=Conditional Release of ‘85
Eminent Persons Group
- A group comprised of well-respected diplomats and politicians representing.
- Proximity Talks: ANC @Lusaka=raids+State of Emergency((86)
Highlights from Mandela v.s Botha
- Release all political prisoners
- My release is not the issue, i’m not your pet
- ANC must renounce violence
- break up with SACP
- abandon maj rule V.S min rule
Operation Vulindlela=Vula
=Secret Communication networks = paved an effective road for leaders in and outside South Africa to co-ordinate actions
- SANCTIONS (UN and Commonwealth=Accord, EEC)
- DB
- GENERAL ECONOMY: High Unemployment=unrest, Drought=high food prices,
Drop in gold, rise in foreign debt=rand suffers
- Eminent Persons Group (‘85)
- SANDF cross border raids=intern outcry
- End of Cold War
De klerk replaces Botha
- NP was pressured for more reform (Afrikaner Broederbond, business and prof leaders)
- Botha. Hardlined=Rubicon Speech (‘85)=stroke (89) to be replaced with pragmatic conserv leader by Sep ‘89
Harare Declaration of ‘89
- Lift state of emergency
- End restrictions on political activity
- Un-ban all political org
- Release all political pris
- Stop all political executions
Opening Address De Klerk (2 Feb 1990)
- Unbanning of ANC, PAC, SACP, release of all pp (50 pp released of excusable offences i.e not crimes)
- Easing of restrictions, banning orders and censorship
- Suspension of death penatly
- Willingness to work with other political groups for democracy
=they believed ANC to be weakened by collapse of SU+sweeten internat vote - Began hosting bosberaades to strategise +talks about talks
Mandela’s release
11 Feb 1990
- Widely supported internationally and nationally
- Brought attention to other pp left behind= ANC ref to enter negotiations= all pp released by ‘91
- Mandela encouraged Sanctions to continue
- This reassured white minority that civil war was not going to happen
Why did de Klerk abandon Apartheid?
- Bring back law and order as SA was on brink of civil war
- SA was in deep economic trouble and could not afford civil war
- NP was losing support v.s CP
- God called him
- Collapse of Su hence no total onslaught
- NP was willing to talk with being impressed in secret meetings
- Through ANC Np could hold onto power
- Hope of Power Sharing
- Needed Mandela somhow
Questions to keep in mind
- What factors created the impetus for change?
- How was the transition negotiated?
- How were attempts to derail negotiation managed?
- What characterised this period? [violence/negotiation/cooperation/opposition]
Obstacles in starting formal negotiations (ANC)
- Within the ANC: Clashing opinions and ideas= suspension of armed struggle
- Clashes between exiles and local leaders: whose efforts are overlooked.
- Expectations of millions from townships=impatient
Obstacles in starting formal negotiations (NP)
- Loss of support: anti reform=AWB+CP
2. Third force sus=retain power by allying with IFP
Sebokeng Violence
Groote Schuur planned for april but called off
(From Aprilsih)
1. IFP v.s ANC: hunt for migrant labour hostels (22 July ‘90)
2. Attacks in trains+sus of 3f
= Goldstone Commission,troops sent to Natal, indemnity to ANC exilers
2+4 MAY ‘90
1. Release of all pp:
2. Return of exiles: def of offences
=leaving country without valid doc+previous offences. Granted temp imm
3. Changes to security leg: ensure normal and free political act
4. Create effective channels of communication
Political Violence Background
- ANC supporters @hostels v.s IFP supporters taken over hostels
- Ethnic Violence=Black on black
- Attacks were widespread and organised (with some third force help) to weaken ANC and neg=low grade civil war
Third force definition
Secret military right wing units that operated covertly to destabilise SA to disrupt neg in ‘90s
Third force
- Secret military linked to SADF and police
- Encouraged Black on Black violence in townships
- Trained IFP hitman
Main events of sus
- Sebokeng Massacre (30) ‘90
- Boipatong Massacre (49) July ‘92=walkout of CODESA=ban of trad weapons+enclose hostels+Goldstone Commission of Inquiry
- Bisho (28) Sep
Pretoria Minute
6 August 1990
- Susp of armed struggle
- Np would review Internal Security Act (censorship, comm etc.)
- CODESA would be formed to neg and draft iterim consti
- NP lifted SOE in Natal
National Peace Accord
- There was still tensions, suspicions, violence and obstacles
=National Peace Accord SEPT ‘91
27 Political partiesand homelands - Agree to tolerate eachother,
- work to end violence as well as comm,
- set up structures to abide by
=Goldstone Comm
Convention for a Democratic South Africa at World Trade Centre
21 Dec ‘91
1. De Klerk V.S Suspension of MK
2. ANC wanted CODESA to set up elected constituent assembly and draft up interim consti v.s NP who wanted it to drag on + many binding constitutional decisions
Whites only ref
March ‘92
=strong position hence stubborn at CODESA
May ‘92
- Divided into 5 working groups= WG 2: Maj rule v.s Power sharing
- Basic binding principles stalled WG 2
- Failure of WG2=15 May,rolling mass action (Boipatong) SACP+COSATU+ANC=deadlock
Sebokeng Massacre
22 July ‘90
*Sept ‘90: Train attacks
Boipatong Massacre
17 June ‘92
IFP killed in boipatong hostel
*de klerks visit: police opened fire at angry mob (20) - ANC withdrew+rolling mass action=14 demands
Bisho massacre
7 Sept ‘92 Oupa gqozo ref to give up homelands Anc shot at by defense force (28) discredited=credited neg to curb violence =3 demans 1. Ban trad weapos 2. Enclose hostels 3. Release all pp
Impact of the Bromance
Talking since June ‘92
Gained respec for each other
=Record of Understanding 26 Sept ‘92
=Sunset clause= GNU (5)
Interim Constitution
Finalised 18 Nov ‘93
GNU after 1 person-1-vote
Transitional Executive Council
Oversees run up to elections
Bophuthatswana Massacre
COSAG = Concerned SA group
COSAG and IFP -volkstaad?
Bop civilians went on striike as not alowed elections, dont invite AWB =chaos
Still ref=Trans Exec Counc=more chaos (22 march ‘94)
IFP stll boycott elections?
IFp was still brewing violene in Natal and didn’t have backup
They were worried they would sidleined out of politics
‘94 Elections
27-29 April
Final constitution 8 May ‘96