Comic Strips/Cartoons Flashcards
What is a comic strip?
A humorous depiction of a situation. It usually provides entertainment but may also be used to bring across a message.
The words spoken by a character are often written in _________. You can tell who is speaking by where the bubble is pointing.
Speech bubble
Where are the character’s words written when they are thinking?
In a thought cloud/bubble.
What is a jagged line?
A jagged line is when somebody shouts or when a person is talking through a device or when a device speaks.
Sometimes a cartoon may have a ______.
This is the writing beneath the image that forms a kind of explanation
The “_____” is the word given to the image within a particular section. The comic/cartoon may consist of _________ ________.
Several Frames
The comic/cartoon may consist of a series of frames with a sequence of drawings. If the comic has several read from ______ to ______.
Left To Right
If there are two speech bubbles, read from ____ to _____. (Read the ____ bubble first).
- Top To Bottom
- Top
How do you analyze characters?
- Look at gesture. This refers to the character’s hand movements or any other body movement.
- Look at facial expression. This refers in particular to the character’s eyebrows, eyes and mouth.
How is movement indicated?
By movement lines.
What is important when talking about emotions?