Comfort & Pain Management Flashcards
acute pain
episode of pain that lasts from seconds to less than 6 months
a pattern of compulsive use of addictive substances for means other than those prescribed
drugs typically used for other purposes, but also used to enhance the effect of opioids by providing additional pain relief
pharmaceutical agent used to relieve pain
breakthrough pain
temporary flare-up of moderate to severe pain that occurs even when the patient is taking around-the-clock medication for persistent pain
chronic pain
episode of pain that lasts for 6 months or longer, may be intermittent or continuous
cutaneous pain
superficial pain usually involving the skin or subcutaneous tissue
the endorphin having the most potent analgesic effect
morphine-like substances released by the body that appear to alter the perception of pain
opioids that are widespread throughout the brain and dorsal horn of the spinal cord
how do enkephalins reduce pain
by inhibiting the release of substance P
period in chronic illness when the symptoms of the disease reappear
gate control theory
theory that explains that excitatory pain stimuli carried by small-diameter nerve fibers can be blocked by inhibiting signals carried by large-diameter nerve fibers
severe pain that is extremely resistant to relief measures
process by which the sensation of pain is inhibited or modified
endogenous opioid chemical regulators that appear to have analgesic activity and alter pain perception
neuropathic pain
pain that results as a direct consequence of a lesion or disease affecting abnormal functioning of the PNS or CNS
substances that either excite or inhibit target nerve cells
nociceptive pain
pain from a normal process that results in noxious stimuli being perceived as painful
pain receptors
narcotic analgesics, bind to opiate receptor sites in the central nervous system
pain threshold
amount of stimulation required before a person experiences the sensation of pain
pain tolerance
point beyond which a person is no longer willing to endure pain
conscious process of organizing and interpreting data from the senses into meaningful information