relation between L5 and sacrum
L5 and the sacrum always rotate in opposite directions.
— Sidebending of L5 engages the ipsilateral sacral oblique axis.
Forward sacral torsions are associated with type I (neutral) mechanics at L5 whereas backward sacral torsions are associated with type II (non-neutral) mechanics at L5
anterior Chapman point for the sinuses
between the clavicle and first rib (superior aspect 2nd rib at midclavicular line)
posterior Chapman point for the sinuses
at the C2 articular pillar.
anterior CP for prostate
posterior/lateral margin of IT band
sulcus sign
- shows: glenohumeral joint ligamentous laxity
- pull humerus inferiorly.
HVLA of ankle
restrictive barrier engaged by dorsiflexing and applying traction to ankle until firm bony restrictive barrier is met (while pt is supine)
- traction maintained & force directed in an arcing motion posteriorly and towards the floor
pelvic floor and bladder connection
pelvic floor mm improves urethral sphincter’s ability to delay urination via reflex bladder inhibition
achilles reflex n root
patellar reflex n root
herniated disc effect on reflexes of n.
pancreas VS reflex
T5-T9 bilaterally or R side
stomach VS reflex
T5-T10 on L
esophagus VS reflex
upper lungs CP
3rd intercostal spaces
post CP for gallbladder
R T6 transverse process
sacrum movement during inspiration and exhalation
inspiration - sacrum extends
exhalation - sacrum flexes
muscles involved in opening the jaw
lateral pterygoid m.
SD of lateral pterygoid presentation
chin deviates to contralateral side when opening the jaw
muscles involved in closing the jaw
medial pterygoid
what does OMM to pterygopalatine fossa do
stimulation produces a parasympathetic reflex response
- helps with sinus congestion and pain (thins secretions)
AL5 TP s/cs treatment position
knees brought toward side of TP in order to rotate L5 segment away
tx for patellofemoral syndrome
strengthen VMO (vastus medialis oblique)
muscles used for costal muscle energy to treat rib exhalation SD (restricted on inhalation)
I got up at 1 Am 2 Pee because from 3-5 PM I drank 6-9 Sam Adams and from 10-11 I Laid Down Quietly until 12
1 anterior scalenes 2 posterior scalenes 3-5 pec minor 2-8 serratus anterior (but mainly ribs 6-8) 9-12 lat dorsi 12 QL
law of laplace
fluid mechanics
least splanchnic n carries
symp inn to hindgut (T12)
greater splanchnic n carries
symp inn to foregut (T5-T9)
lesser splanchnic n carries
symp inn to midgut (T10-T11)
percutaneous reflex of Morley means …
pain and/or guarding of abd upon palp in presence of visceral path
Wolff’s law
bone structure will remodel to help support patterns of stress
Sherrington’s law
common SD after birth (for mom)
bilateral sacral flexion
how does inguinal lig affect pelvic SD
inguinal lig attaches to pubis and ipsilateral ASIS
- Tension causes pubis to be superior
loss of foot dorsiflexion and eversion caused by
common peroneal (fibular) nerve (lose both superficial and deep branches)