APGO OBGYN Obj Flashcards
late decelerations are a sign of
uteroplacental insufficiency
variable decelerations are a sign of
umbilical cord compression
early decelerations are a sign of
head compression by uterine contractions
physical findings of down syndrome
flattened nasal bridge small size small rotated cup-shaped ears sandal gap toes hypotonia protruding tongue short broad hands simian creases epicanthic folds oblique palpebral fissures
fetal size of type 1 diabetic mom
fetal size of gestational diabetic mom
signs of infant sepsis
fetal tachycardia
minimal variability in HR
high temp
infants born to diabetic mothers are at increased risk for developing:
hypoglycemia polycythemia hyperbilirubinemia hypocalcemia respiratory distress
contraindications to expectant management of severe preeclampsia remote from term (<32wks)
- thrombocytopenia <100,000
- inability to control BP with max doses of two anti-HTN meds
- non-reassuring fetal surveillance
- LFTs elevated >2x normal
- eclampsia
- persistent CNS sx
- oliguria
signs of Mg sulfate toxicity
diminished or absent deep tendon reflexes (areflexia) then... respiratory depression (12-15mg/dl) or cardiac depression (>15mg/dl)
benefits of fetal fibronectin test
good negative predictive value in symptomatic women (preterm labor)
MOA of Mg sulfate
competes with calcium for entry into cells
causes of elevated maternal serum AFP (alpha fetoprotein)
twin gestation, neural tube defects, pilonidal cysts, cystic hygroma, sacrococcygeal teratoma, fetal abdominal wall defects, fetal death
US markers suggestive of dizygotic twisn
- non-identical twins a dividing membrane thickness greater than 2mm twin peak (lambda) sign different fetal genders two separate placentas (ant and post)
causes of breech presentation
prematurity multiple gestation genetic disorders polyhydramnios hydrocephaly anencephaly placenta previa uterine anomalies uterine fibroids
increased incidence of shoulder dystocia associated with…
fetal macrosomia maternal obesity DM post-term pregnancy prior delivery complicated by shoulder dystocia
increased incidence of cord prolapse associated with …
abnormal fetal presentation (particularly backup transverse lie)
premature or small fetus
recommendations for weight gain in pregnancy
- Underweight : 28-40lbs
- normal: 25-35lbs
- overweight: 15-25 lbs
- obese: 11-20lbs
diseases with increased incidence in jews of ashkenazi descent
Fanconi anemia Tay-Sachs CF Neimann-Pick Canavan disease Bloom syndrome Gaucher's disease
pop at increased incidence of Beta thalassemia
most accurate test for Trisomy 21
cell-free DNA
most common form of inherited mental retardation
fragile X syndrome
- note: down syndrome most common but is not inherited (acquired)
folic acid recommendation in women with prior hx of fetal neural tube defect
4mg folic acid daily before conception and through first trimester