Com Sci mod 3 Flashcards
Explain the main functions of Operating Systems
An operating system is a piece of software that manages files, manages memory, manages processes, handles input and output, and controls peripheral devices like disk drives and printers, resource manager, interface among other things.
eg. Apple macOS, Microsoft Windows, Google’s Android OS, Linux Operating System, and Apple iOS
Describe how Operating Systems have evolved from primitive batch systems to sophisticated multi user systems
Batch Systems: Single job at a time, no user interaction.
• Multi-Programming: Multiple jobs in memory, better resource use.
• Time-Sharing: Multiple users interact simultaneously, sharing CPU time.
• Multi-User Systems: Multiple users run applications simultaneously with advanced resource management.
• Modern OS: Comprehensive systems with GUIs, security, networking, and multi-tasking.
In essence, operating systems have evolved from processing one job at a time with no user interaction to sophisticated platforms supporting multiple users and applications concurrently with robust security and user interfaces.
Describe Batch Systems
a type of operating system that allows multiple users to use it at the same time, without direct communication between them. This is done by having the users submit their jobs to the operating system, which then processes them one at a time.
Describe Multi-Programming Systems
On a single processor computer, a multiprogramming OS can run many programs. In a multiprogramming OS, if one program must wait for an input/output transfer(blocked), the other programmes are ready to use the CPU. As a result, different jobs may have to split CPU time.
eg. Google Chrome browser
Describe Time Sharing
Time-sharing is a method of allowing multiple individuals at different terminals to access the same computer system simultaneously. In a time-sharing operating system, for each process, a time slot of 5 nanoseconds is allocated. Once a process is executed and completed (if it is not completed in its allocated timeshare it will be moved to the rear of the queue), the next process will be executed for the next 5 nanoseconds.
eg. round robin
Describe Multi-User Systems
allows multiple users on different computers or terminals to access a single system with one OS on it.
Examples: Linux, Ubuntu, Unix, Mac OS X, Windows 1010 etc.
Bootstrap Process
The process involves a chain of stages, in which at each stage, a relatively small and simple program loads and then executes the larger, more complicated program of the next stage.
- It is in this sense that the computer “pulls itself up by its bootstraps”; i.e., it improves itself by its own efforts.
Process Management
Process management in an operating system (OS) is the way the OS handles running programs. Think of it as a manager in a company ensuring that each employee (process) gets the resources they need (like CPU time, memory, etc.) and that they work efficiently without interfering with each other. Here are the key points in simple terms:
- Process Creation and Termination
- Scheduling
- Resource Allocation
- Inter-Process Communication (IPC)
- Synchronization
Overall, process management ensures that all running programs (processes) operate smoothly and efficiently, maximizing the performance and stability of the system.
Process States
Running State: When the CPU is allocated to a process, it enters the running state. In this state, the process executes its instructions and uses system resources such as memory, CPU, and I/O devices
Process States
After the creation of a process, the process enters the ready state i.e. the process is loaded into the main memory. The process here is ready to run and is waiting to get the CPU time for its execution
Process States
A blocking call is where the OS decides that it needs to wait for a certain operation to complete before allowing the program to continue execution.
How does the interrupt mechanism work?
An interrupt is an event that occurs to stop the current execution of the current process and notify the operating system to service an interrupt service routine (ISR).
- The ISR is responsible for identifying the software or hardware that caused the interrupt and notifying the CPU of it.
Types of Interrupt
Interrupt generated by the running process
An interrupt is a signal emitted by a device attached to a computer or from a program within the computer. It requires the operating system (OS) to stop and figure out what to do next. An interrupt temporarily stops or terminates a service or a current process.
-stops the running process
Types of Interrupt
Input/Output Interrupt
Interrupt I/O is a way of controlling input/output activity whereby a peripheral or terminal that needs to make or receive a data transfer sends a signal.
Types of Interrupt
External Interrupt
An external interrupt is a computer system interrupt that happens as a result of outside interference, whether that’s from the user, from peripherals, from other hardware devices or through a network.
Types of Interrupt
Input/Output vs External Interrupt
Purpose: I/O is about the ongoing communication between the computer and external devices, while external interrupts are about signaling the CPU to handle urgent tasks.
• Operation: I/O can involve continuous or periodic data transfer, managed by the CPU or dedicated controllers. External interrupts, on the other hand, are sporadic signals that demand immediate CPU action.
Types of Interrupt
Restart Interrupt
These interrupts occur when the operator selects the restart function at the console or when a restart SIGP (signal processor) instruction is received from another processor.
What is Deadlock?
a situation in which two computer programs sharing the same resource are effectively preventing each other from accessing the resource, resulting in both programs ceasing to function.
- The earliest computer operating systems ran only one program at a time.
What is the Process Control Block?
a data structure used by an operating system (OS) to manage and control the execution of processes. It contains all the necessary information about a process, including the process state, program counter, memory allocation, open files, and CPU scheduling information.
Scheduling Algorithms
What are Preemptive Scheduling Algorithms?
Preemptive scheduling is used in real-time systems where the tasks are usually configured with different priorities and time critical tasks are given higher priorities. A higher priority task can stop a lower priority one and grab and use the CPU until it releases it.
Scheduling Algorithms
What are Non-Preemptive Scheduling Algorithms?
Non-preemptive algorithms are designed so that once a process enters the running state, it cannot be preempted until it completes its allotted time
Scheduling Algorithms
Shortest Job First (SJF)
(can also be nonpreemptive)
- Definition: SJF selects the process with the shortest execution time to run next.
- Process: When multiple processes are waiting to be executed, the operating system looks at each one’s estimated execution time and picks the one that will take the least time to complete.
- Benefit: By choosing the shortest job first, SJF aims to minimize the average waiting time for all processes, making the system more efficient.
- Non-preemptive SJF: Once a process starts running, it continues until it finishes.
- Preemptive SJF (also known as Shortest Remaining Time First, SRTF): If a new process arrives with a shorter remaining time than the current one, the current process is paused, and the new process is executed first.
- Fairness: SJF is fair in terms of reducing waiting time but can cause longer jobs to wait significantly (known as the “starvation” problem).
- Optimality: SJF is optimal for minimizing average waiting time if all process times are known in advance.
- Usage: SJF is best suited for environments where job durations are predictable and small, such as batch processing systems
Scheduling Algorithms
Round Robin
time slices (also known as time quanta) are assigned to each process in equal portions and in circular order, handling all processes without priority
- Round-robin algorithm is a pre-emptive algorithm as the scheduler forces the process out of the CPU once the time quota expires.
Scheduling Algorithms
Non- Preemptive
First Come First Serve FCFS
FCFS Scheduling algorithm automatically executes the queued processes and requests in the order of their arrival. It allocates the job that first arrived in the queue to the CPU, then allocates the second one, and so on.
Memory Management
Virtual Memory
a method that computers use to manage storage space to keep systems running quickly and efficiently.
- Using the technique, operating systems can transfer data between different types of storage, such as random access memory (RAM), also known as main memory, and hard drive or solid-state disk storage.
Memory Management
a storage mechanism used in OS to retrieve processes from secondary storage to the main memory as pages. The primary concept behind paging is to break each process into individual pages. Thus the primary memory would also be separated into frames.
Memory Management
the system spends an excessive amount of time swapping data between physical memory (RAM) and virtual memory (disk storage) due to high memory demand and low available resources.
File Management
A directory is a unique type of file that contains only the information needed to access files or other directories. As a result, a directory occupies less space than other types of files.
- File systems consist of groups of directories and the files within the directories.
File Management
used for all input and output (I/O) of information in the operating system, to standardize access to both software and hardware.
- Input occurs when the contents of a file is modified or written to.
- Output occurs when the contents of one file is read or transferred to another file.
Security of Files:
- User IDs
- Passwords
- Access Control List
- File Encryption
- File Compression
Interface (user)
Types of Interfaces:
- Menu
- Command Prompt
- GUI (Graphical User Interface)
- the manipulation of the interface 😟❓
Device Management
Device Drivers
a piece of software that enables communication between an operating system or application and hardware or peripheral devices. It serves as a bridge between the different components of a computer, allowing them to interact with each other.
What are the layers of the OSI Model?
(Open System Interconnection)
- Physical
- Data Link
- Network
- Transport
- Session
- Presentation
- Application.
Device Management
Interrupt Handling (PCB)
- Interrupt handling is a key function in real-time software, and comprises interrupts and their handlers. Only those physical interrupts which of high enough priority can be centered into system interrupt table. The software assigns each interrupt to a handler in the interrupt table
- contains information about the interrupts that a process may have generated and how they were handled by the operating system
Device Management
Input/Output Control
manages the flow of information between the central processing unit (CPU) and various external devices.
Device Management
Peripheral Control
Data is often acted on by instructions. To achieve this, the operating system uses a program called a device driver that controls and communicates with peripherals. Device drivers contain instructions on how to control a device.
- Each connected device has its own driver.
Device Management
a method where a device continuously checks the status of another device to determine if it needs attention. This involves sending requests or queries to the device, waiting for a response, and repeating this process in a loop until the desired condition or data is obtained.
Device Management
The buffer is a section of main memory used to store or hold data temporarily. In other words, a buffer holds data that is sent from one location to another, such as between two devices or an application. Buffering is the process of temporarily storing data in a buffer.
Device Management
the temporary storage of data for usage and execution by a device, program, or system. Data is transmitted to and held in memory or other volatile storage until the software or computer asks for it to be executed.
- SPOOL stands for Simultaneous Peripheral Operations On-Line.
Device Management
Spooling vs Buffering
- Spooling overlaps the input and output of one job with the computation of another job.
- Buffering overlaps the input and output of one job with the computation of the same job.
Network Management
Access Logs
An access log is a log file that records all events related to client applications and user access to a resource on a computer. Examples can be web server access logs, FTP command logs, or database query logs.
Network Management
User Accounts
they allow different users to access and customize the system according to their needs and preferences. User accounts also provide security and privacy, as they can limit the access and permissions of each user to certain files, applications, and settings.
Networking Protocols
Transmission Control Protocol
a communications standard that enables application programs and computing devices to exchange messages over a network. It is designed to send packets across the internet and ensure the successful delivery of data and messages over networks.
Networking Protocols
An Internet Protocol (IP) address is the unique identifying number assigned to every device connected to the internet.
- An IP address definition is a numeric label assigned to devices that use the internet to communicate
What are packets?
In networking, a packet is a small segment of a larger message. Data sent over computer networks, such as the Internet, is divided into packets. These packets are then recombined by the computer or device that receives them.
Network Architecture
Ethernet is the traditional technology for connecting devices in a wired local area network (LAN) or wide area network (WAN).It enables devices to communicate with each other via a protocol, which is a set of rules or common network language.
Network Architecture
Fiber Distributed Data Interface
a network standard that uses fiber optic connections in a local area network (LAN)
- can extend in range up to 200 kilometers (124 miles).
- The FDDI protocol is based on the token ring protocol.
- A FDDI LAN can support thousands of users.
Network Topology
A star network is a local area network (LAN) topology in which all nodes – personal computers (PCs), workstations or other devices – are directly connected to a common central computer that is often referred to as a hub. Therefore, a star network is often referred to as a hub-and-spoke network topology.
- Its speed is very high
- The network is highly scalable.
- Maintenance cost is very high
- Central device dependency
Network Topology
a type of network configuration in which each device on the network is connected to two other devices, forming a “ring.” Data travels around the ring in one direction only, from device to device, until it reaches its destination.
- In this data flows in one direction which reduces the chance of packet collisions.
- In this topology additional workstations can be added after without impacting performance of the network.
- Equal access to the resources.
- Due to the Uni-directional Ring, a data packet (token) must have to pass through all the nodes.
- If one workstation shuts down, it affects whole network or if a node goes down entire network goes down.
- It is slower in performance as compared to the bus topology
Network Topology
a type of network topology in which all devices are connected to a single cable called a “bus.” This cable serves as a shared communication medium, allowing all devices on the network to receive the same signal simultaneously.
- Ease of Installation
- Network Scalability
- Limited Length
- Collision Domain
- Signal Degradation
Network Topology
a network structure that combines two or more different types of topologies, such as star, ring, bus, or mesh. It’s designed to leverage the strengths and minimize the weaknesses of the individual topologies it incorporates.
Network Devices
the device that allows your computers, smartphones, tablets, and other devices to connect to the internet. It does this by converting digital signals from these devices into analog signals that can be transmitted over telephone lines or cable networks.
Network Devices
A network switch is equipment that allows two or more IT devices, such as computers, to communicate with one another. Connecting multiple IT devices together creates a communications network.
Network Devices
a device that connects two or more packet-switched networks or subnetworks. It serves two primary functions: managing traffic between these networks by forwarding data packets to their intended IP addresses, and allowing multiple devices to use the same Internet connection.
- Just as a switch connects multiple devices to create a network, a router connects multiple switches, and their respective networks, to form an even larger network.
Network Devices
a network device that connects multiple subnetworks to create a single network. It provides interconnection with other computer networks that use the same protocol. Through a bridge, multiple LANs can be connected to form a larger and extended LAN.
Network Devices
Network Interface Cards (NIC)
an add-in/expansion card for a PC desktop or laptop computer. It provides a hardware connection that enables the device to be plugged into the network (meaning the internet, in most cases). The connection may be via either Wi-Fi or fast Ethernet.
Network Devices
A hub is a networking device that serves as a central connection point within a local area network (LAN).
- Its primary function is to receive data signals from connected devices and broadcast them to all other connected devices, regardless of the intended recipient.
Transmission Media
Twisted Pair
Twisted pair wires are a type of cabling used to transmit data. They consist of pairs of insulated copper wires twisted together.
- Cost-Effective
- Easy Installation
- Widely Used
- Limited Distance
- Bandwidth Limitations
- Physical Damage
Transmission Media
Compared to copper wired cables, fiber optic cables provide higher bandwidth and can transmit data over longer distances.
- Fiber optic cables support much of the world’s internet, cable television, and telephone systems.
- It is thinner and light weighted
- Bandwidth is above copper cables
- Optical fibers have a long lifespan
- Distance
- Fragility
- Can’t be bent at sharp angles
Transmission Media
Coaxial cable is used as a transmission line for radio frequency signals.
- easy to install
- very durable
- Excellent over short distances
- Signal loss over long distances
- Expensive
- has multiple layers so it is very bulky.
Transmission Media
Satellites looking toward Earth provide information about clouds, oceans, land and ice. They also measure gases in the atmosphere, such as ozone and carbon dioxide, and the amount of energy that Earth absorbs and emits. And satellites monitor wildfires, volcanoes and their smoke.
- it offers a wide scope
- high-speed communication
- adaptability
- cost to manufacture and launch
- maintenance
- signal delay
- signal interference.
Transmission Media
a line-of-sight wireless communication, uses specialized equipment to transmit and receive radio frequency (RF) over long distances without the use of wires or cables. Specific RF allows information to be transmitted through extreme weather conditions such as rain, hail, snow, dust, or even smoke.
- very large information-carrying capacity
- a bandwidth 30 times that of all the rest of the radio spectrum below it
- The cost of equipment or installation cost is high
- Susceptible to weather conditions
- Eavesdropping
Transmission Media
IEE1394 (Firewire)
Because of its fast and reliable transfer rate, IEEE 1394 was frequently used in professional video editing and real-time video transmissions. It was also commonly used to connect electronic appliances in automobiles, such as DVD players, stereo sound systems, and GPS (global positioning system) navigators.
- Cheap standardised cable and plug technology.
- The digital image transmission provides a loss-free signal transfer and therefore a better image than analogue image transfer
- In general, FireWire devices support a higher bandwidth than USB 2.0, and therefore can send more data faster
- most modern PCs do not have FireWire ports built-in
- chipset incompatibility
File Transfer Protocol
a standard network protocol used for the transfer of files from one host to another over a TCP-based network, such as the Internet. FTP works by opening two connections that link the computers trying to communicate with each other.
Hypertext Transfer Protocol
HTTP is an application layer protocol designed to *£transfer information between networked devices** and runs on top of other layers of the network protocol stack.
Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure Sockets Layer
Internet communication protocol used to encrypt and securely transmit information between a user’s web browser and the website they are connected to.
IEEE 802.11a/b vs IEEE 802.16g
802.11g offers wireless transmission over distances of 150 feet and speeds up to 54Mbps compared with the 11Mbps of the 802.11b standard. Like 802.11b, 802.11g operates in the 2.4GHz range and therefore is compatible with it
Characteristics of Voice Over Internet Protocol
Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), is a technology that allows you to make voice calls using a broadband Internet connection instead of a regular (or analog) phone line.
- call recording
- custom caller ID
- voicemail to email.
eg. WhatsApp
- Lower costs
- Increased accessibility
- Complete portability
- Higher scalability
- Clearer voice quality
- Reliable internet connection required
- Susceptible to network jitter
Access Methods for Mobile Networks
Code Division Multiple Access
cellular network technologies used to transmit voice and data between mobile devices and cell towers.
With a CDMA phone, it’ll be locked to a carrier and won’t use a SIM card. Instead of an actual SIM card a CDMA phone will be linked to the network via a phone number.
Access Methods for Mobile Networks
Time Division Multiple Access
TDMA has the advantage in that it enables allocation of different numbers of time slots per frame to different users. Thus, bandwidth can be supplied on demand to different users by concatenating or reassigning time slots based on priority
Access Methods for Mobile Networks
The Global System for Mobile Communications
an open and digital cellular technology used for mobile communication. It uses 4 different frequency bands of 850 MHz, 900 MHz, 1800 MHz and 1900 MHz . It uses the combination of FDMA and TDMA.
The standard is not only used for the transmission of telephony, but also for data transmissions or for the transmission of short messages.
Access Methods for Mobile Networks
General Packet Radio Service
2G enhancement added to 2G GSM networks to offer basic mobile data services at much lower data rates.
A GSM/GPRS modem is a class of wireless modems, designed for communication over the GSM and GPRS network. It requires a SIM (Subscriber Identity Module) card just like mobile phones to activate communication with the network.
Networking Considerations
- Cost
- Security
- Management
- Expandability
- Interconnectivity
- wired vs wireless
Network Configuration
Multi-user network configuration enables multiple users to access shared resources and collaborate efficiently while maintaining security and control over network access and permissions. It’s like having a communal workspace where everyone can work together and share resources, but with proper measures in place to protect privacy and security.
Network Configuration
Clint Sever
Certainly! In a client-server network setup:
- Client: A client is a device or software application that requests services or resources from a server. This can be a computer, smartphone, or any other device that interacts with the server.
- Server: A server is a powerful computer or software application that provides services or resources to clients. Servers are designed to handle multiple client requests simultaneously.
- Communication: Clients and servers communicate with each other over a network, typically using protocols like HTTP, FTP
- Client: Initiates requests for services or resources. For example, a web browser (client) requests web pages from a web server.
- Server: Listens for incoming requests from clients and processes them. It responds to client requests by providing the requested services or resources.
- Web Browsing: When you use a web browser to access a website, your computer (client) sends a request to the web server hosting the site. The server then responds by sending the requested web page back to your browser.
- Email: When you send an email, your email client (like Outlook or Gmail) acts as the client, while the email server (like Gmail’s server) stores and delivers your emails.
- Scalability: Servers can handle multiple client requests simultaneously, allowing the system to scale to accommodate more users.
- Centralized Management: Centralizing resources and services on servers makes it easier to manage and maintain them.
- Resource Sharing: Servers can provide shared resources such as files, printers, and databases to multiple clients, facilitating collaboration and efficiency.
- Security: Centralized control over resources allows for better security management, such as access control and encryption.
- Single Point of Failure: If the server fails, all clients relying on its services may be affected.
- Cost: Setting up and maintaining servers can be expensive, especially for small-scale deployments.
- Network Dependency: Clients rely on network connectivity to access server resources. Network issues can disrupt service availability.
- Complexity: Designing and implementing client-server applications can be complex, especially for distributed systems with multiple servers and clients.
Network Configuration
Centralized vs Distributed System
Certainly! Let’s break down centralized and distributed systems in simple terms:
- Concept: In a centralized system, all resources and decision-making authority are concentrated in a single location or entity.
- Single Point of Control: There is one central entity that controls and manages all resources and operations.
- Resource Concentration: All resources (such as data, processing power, and storage) are located in one place.
- Scalability Challenges: Scaling the system may be limited by the capacity of the central entity.
- Example: A traditional office where all data, applications, and servers are housed within a single on-premises data center controlled by the IT department.
- Concept: In a distributed system, resources and decision-making authority are spread across multiple interconnected nodes or locations.
- Decentralized Control: Resources and operations are distributed across multiple nodes, each with its own degree of autonomy.
- Resource Distribution: Resources are distributed geographically or logically across multiple nodes, which can be located anywhere.
- Scalability: Distributed systems can scale more easily by adding more nodes or resources as needed.
- Example: Cloud computing platforms like AWS or Google Cloud, where data and applications are hosted on servers distributed across multiple data centers worldwide.
- Easier management and control.
- Lower initial setup costs.
- Simpler architecture.
- Single point of failure.
- Limited scalability.
- Network congestion and performance issues.
- Redundancy and fault tolerance.
- Scalability and flexibility.
- Geographic distribution for improved performance and reliability.
- Complex design and management.
- Higher initial setup and maintenance costs.
- Synchronization and consistency challenges.
- Centralized System: All resources and control are concentrated in one location, which can be simpler to manage but may suffer from scalability and reliability issues.
- Distributed System: Resources and control are spread across multiple locations or nodes, offering scalability, fault tolerance, and improved performance, but requiring more complex design and management.
Network Configuration
Peer to Peer
Certainly! Peer-to-peer (P2P) is a network architecture where computers, called peers, communicate directly with each other without the need for a central server. Here’s a simplified explanation:
Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Network:
• Concept: In a peer-to-peer network, every computer (or node) can act as both a client and a server. Peers share resources directly with each other, without relying on a central server. • Characteristics: 1. Decentralized: There is no central server controlling the network. Each peer has equal status and can communicate directly with other peers. 2. Resource Sharing: Peers share resources such as files, processing power, and bandwidth with each other. 3. Self-Organization: Peers dynamically join and leave the network without centralized control. • Examples: • File Sharing: Platforms like BitTorrent enable users to share files directly with each other without a central server. • Messaging Apps: Some messaging apps, like WhatsApp or Signal, use a peer-to-peer architecture for sending messages directly between users. • Advantages: 1. Decentralization: No single point of failure, making the network more resilient. 2. Scalability: Can easily scale as more peers join the network. 3. Efficiency: Direct communication between peers can be faster and more efficient than going through a central server. 4. Privacy: Data stays within the peer network, reducing the risk of third-party surveillance. • Disadvantages: 1. Security Risks: P2P networks can be vulnerable to security threats like malware and unauthorized access. 2. Dependency on Peers: Relies on the availability and reliability of other peers in the network. 3. Content Control: Difficult to enforce content control and copyright protection in decentralized file-sharing networks.
Peer-to-peer (P2P) networks allow computers to communicate directly with each other without relying on a central server. They offer decentralization, scalability, and efficiency but come with security risks and challenges in content control. It’s like a group of friends sharing resources and helping each other directly without needing a leader or coordinator.
Network Security
A firewall is a security system that acts as a barrier between your computer or network and the internet, monitoring and controlling traffic to protect against unauthorized access and cyber threats. It’s like having a vigilant security guard protecting your digital space from intruders.