Caribbean studies: definitions of the Caribbean Flashcards
What is a simple definition of the Caribbean?
The Caribbean is a region that consists of the Caribbean islands, consisting of
the Greater Antilles and the Lucayan archipelago in the North and the Lesser and Netherlands Antilles in the East and South respectively. In a wider sense, the mainland countries of Belize, Guyana, Suriname and French Guiana are included
Geographical definition sample essay:
Irrefutably, the geographical conception of the Caribbean stands as one of the more popular ways of defining the Caribbean region. The geographical emphasis sees three ways of conceiving the Caribbean; territories touched by the Caribbean sea, as an archipelago and using lines of latitude
and longitude. There are several countries however, left out of these descriptions using geography. Admittedly, Bahamas, Turks and Caicos, Barbados and Mainland territories` coastlines are not touched by the Caribbean sea. Furthermore, while the majority of the Caribbean are arguably part of an archipelago; a chain of islands, the Mainland territories are not. The debate furthers rages on as cartographers contest the Northernmost limit. For some it is 25 degrees stopping by the Bahamas for others Bermuda is included extending the line of latitude to 30 degrees North. The conflict of finding a single definition to contain the Caribbean region is indeed problematic.
The geological definition of the Caribbean includes?
Territories located on the Caribbean plate
Why are some strengths of the historical definition of the Caribbean?
Emphasis on the coming of
the genocide, slavery,
plantation system and
Allows countries such as:
Belize, Guyana, Suriname
and the Bahamas to be
defined as Caribbean due to
their similar historical
experiences with Caribbean
What is the ideal definition of the Caribbean?
The Caribbean is a region in which islands are washed by the Caribbean Sea, lying between 50 to 250 N latitude of the equator and 600 to 850 W of the Greenwich Meridian and is defined by the Caribbean plate, as the region experiences similar seismic, tectonic and volcanic activity. It is the only region which has experienced all four historical processes of European Colonization, Plantation Society, African Slavery and Systems of Indentureship, with all territories being at differing stages of achieving political autonomy from European Colonizers. The Caribbean is comprised of a diasporic society of persons who came to the Caribbean and settles, and those who migrated from the Caribbean and settled abroad.
Disadvantages of the geographical definition of the Caribbean?
- Not all islands, such as Guyana, Suriname, Barbados, Bahamas and Bermuda are washed by
the Caribbean Sea - Bermuda, Bahamas, Suriname and French Guiana lie outside of the lines of latitude and longitude that the Caribbean is defined by
- Land masses such as Central and South America would be included in this definition which are not traditionally considered part of the Caribbean
- The definition gives as sense of physical space, but completely ignores the human/social aspect of the Caribbean
Advantages of the geographical definition of the Caribbean?
- It gives a solid/tangible definition that grounds the Caribbean in space
- It is the only definition that speaks to the wider Caribbean inclusive of mainland territories
Disadvantages of the geological definition of the Caribbean?
- It excludes most of Trinidad, Belize and Cuba, the Bahamas, Bermuda and the Guianas
- Barbados does not share similar geological features, being an accretionary prism.
Advantages of the geological definition of the Caribbean?
- It now includes Barbados in terms of the Caribbean Plate
- It gives the Caribbean a sense of location
- It begins to explain why culture among the Caribbean people is common, our geological
landscape influences our culture
What are the four historical processes the Caribbean has experienced?
- European Colonization
- Plantation Society
- African Slavery
- Systems of Indentureship
Disadvantages of the historical definition of the Caribbean?
- This definition, due to the array of colonizers that came to the Caribbean in the past, to this day, still fragments the Caribbean culturally and linguistically into the English, Spanish, French and Dutch Speaking Caribbean
Advantages of the historical definition of the Caribbean?
- It is the only definition which includes all territories
- Together with the geological definition it defines the Caribbean as both a people and space
- Political arrangements
which evolved from their
association with Europe and
later on the USA
Disadvantages of the Political definition of the Caribbean?
- This definition is very complex and also fragments the Caribbean
- Due to the uniqueness of each individual government, classification of countries as associated states or dependencies becomes difficult
- This definition begs the question, “am I a Caribbean person” with persons living in the Caribbean, but holding citizenship for another country, for instance, the Departments of France
- Caribbean countries differ in the type
of political arrangement and the
amount of autonomy (freedom) they
have in controlling their own affairs :
French, British, Dutch and American
Advantages of the Political definition of the Caribbean?
- The definition, like the historical, includes all territories
- It highlights the political uniqueness of each individual country
Disadvantages of the Diasporic definition of the Caribbean?
- This definition does not define the Caribbean physically
- It includes Caribbean persons who may not have necessarily carried their culture with them
Advantages of the Diasporic definition of the Caribbean?
- The definition includes a wide expanse of Caribbean people
- It is not limited to Caribbean territories, but defines the Caribbean globally.
- Focuses of people/culture
“The ideal way to describe the Caribbean region is by using political and historical definitions.”
With the use of examples, discuss the extent to which you agree with this statement.
There has always been controversy surrounding the process of
defining the Caribbean. The Caribbean is diverse in itself consisting of island chains such as the Greater and Lesser Antilles to the mainland territories such as Belize and Guyana. This diversity in itself presents a problem of finding this elusive definition that would encompass all Caribbean territories. While it is true to say that defining the Caribbean historically and politically has its merits, it can also be argued they are far from ideal definitions as they are not inclusive of all the territories that comprise the Caribbean region. It can therefore be argued that it is really a combination of the all the definers; political, historical,
geographic, geological as well as diasporic that can be an ideal definition
The Caribbean is a diverse and complex place, with the term Caribbean
understood in many ways by researchers. Explain FOUR ways in which the concept of Caribbean is defined by researchers.
There has always been controversy surrounding the process of defining the
Caribbean. The Caribbean is diverse and complex in itself consisting of island chains such as the Greater and Lesser Antilles to the mainland territories such as Belize and Guyana. This diversity in itself presents a problem for researchers as there are several approaches which have used to establish a basis for defining the Caribbean. There definitions however are far from ideal as they are not inclusive of all the territories that comprise the Caribbean region. Researchers over time have sought to define the Caribbean by using geography, geology, history and political arrangements to define the Caribbean region
Describe how geography have shaped the values important in the Caribbean?
Flaws of definitions and inclusion of mainland territories
• Its archipelago nature – has helped fostered some degree of insularity and a sense of separateness
• Common physical environment with similar resources – similar undertakings; agriculture,tourism , fishing
• Mountainous terrain, flat coastal areas – influence settlement patterns
Distinguish between the different political forms found within the Caribbean. What implications does this have for relationships between these territories?
The varying levels of sovereignty and dependency influence diplomatic and economic alliances.
- Political alliances and integration: territories with similar political forms have closer ties.
- Some Caribbean countries have a closer relationship with their Mother country
- Varying degrees of autonomy and dependency varies influence diplomatic and economic alliances
- Weakens the notion of a Caribbean identity: not Caribbean citizens; Americans, French, Dutch
- Diversity in political status can complicate regional cooperation, can impede CARICOM initiatives and intra-regional trade
- Migration and movement: differing political statuses affect migration policies
e.g. citizens of French overseas departments are EU citizens and thus have the right to live and work in any EU country, a privilege not shared by citizens of independent Caribbean nations.
Discuss the geological definition of the Caribbean and explore how this perspective helps in understanding the region’s susceptibility to natural hazards.
Volcanic eruption
The subduction of the Atlantic crust beneath the Caribbean Plate creates conditions ripe for volcanic activity throughout the Lesser Antilles - 19 active volcanoes. This geological understanding helps predict which islands are at risk of volcanic eruptions, allowing for better preparedness and risk management strategies. More informed and prepared communities are crucial for reducing vulnerabilities and enhancing resilience. -
The complex interactions of the Caribbean Plate with the North American and South American Plates create significant seismic risks. Geologists and seismologists can study these plate movements to forecast potential seismic activity, enhancing earthquake preparedness, geological insights can guide infrastructure development, building resilience in infrastructure- building codes, cross bracing, base isolators. -
Both earthquakes and volcanic eruptions in the Caribbean can trigger tsunamis. A
geological understanding of the region helps in identifying areas at risk of tsunamis, which is critical for tsunami warning systems and evacuation procedures – Kick ‘em Jenny (Kick ‘em Jenny is an active submarine volcano or seamount on the Caribbean Sea floor, located 8 km north of the island of Grenada)