COLREG Sound Signals Flashcards
What is a short blast?
One second duration
Prolongued blast?
Blastvif around 4 to 6 seconds
What vessels have whistles?
Vessels of 12m or more
One short blast?
I am altering course to starboard
Two short blasts?
I am altering my course to port
Three short blasts?
I am operating astern propulsion
When in a narrow channel, intention of overtaking by starboard side is?
2 prolonged blasts and the 1 short blast
When in a narrow channel, intention to pass by the port side?
2 prolonged blasts then 2 short blasts
In a narrow channel, vessel being overtaken agrees how?
One long, one short, one long, one short
When in doubt of a vessels intentions?
5 short and rapid blasts of the whistle
Vessel nearing a bend in a channel or fairway should do what a receive what ?
Sound 1 prolonged blast
Recieve 1 prolonged blast by a vessel approaching
If whistles are fitted over 100m apart then?
Then only 1 is used for giving maneuvering and warning signals
Rule 32
The word whistle means any sounds signalling appliance capable of producing the prescribed blasts which comply with the specifications in annex 3 to these regulations
Sounds signals in restricted visibility?
In or near an area of restricted visibility. Whether by day or night
Pdv in restricted visibility?
Making way, sound at intervals of not more than 2 minutes- 1 prolonged blast
Underway but not stopped and making no way, sound at intervals of not more than 2 minutes - 2 prolonged blasts in succession with an interval of 2 seconds
One prolonged and two short? Restricted vis
Intervals of not more than 2 minutes
NUC CBD RAM Sailing vessel Vessel engaged in fishing Vessel engaged in towing
If at anchor, vessels engaged in fishing, RAM shall?Restricted vis
1 prolonged and 2 short
If a vessel is bring towed or more than one being towed, the last if manned shall?Restricted vis
Intervals of not more than 2 minute, one prolonged then 3 short, immediately after towing vessels signal
Pushing vessel or vessel being pushed?Restricted vis
Regarded as a power driven vessel,
Follow rules a or b,
One prolonged if making way
2 prolonged if underway but not stopped
Vessel at anchor?Restricted vis
Intervals of not more than a minute
Ring the bell rapidly for 5 seconds
If vessel is larger than 100m - Bell sounded at forepart of vessel then immediately after, gong is sounded in the after part of the vessel for 5 seconds.
Also can do 1 short, long , one short to give warning
Vessel aground?Restricted vis
Give the bell signal and if required the gong.
Also 3 separate abs distinct strokes on the bell immediately before and after the rapid ringing of the bell.
Vessel of between 12 and 20m is not obliged to give the gong signal but will have to give an efficient sound signal at intervals of not more than 2 minutes
Pilot vessel? Restricted vis
4 short blasts
Vessel less than 12m?
Not obliged to give the bell signal at anchor during restricted visibility but must make another efficient sound signal at interval of not more than 2 minutes
Rule 36? It’s title?
Signals to attract attention
Rule 37, its title?
Distress signals
Rule 35, its title?
Sound signals in restricted visibility
Rule 34, its title?
Manoeuvering and warning signals
Rule 33, its title?
Equipment for sound signals
Rule 32, its title?