Colorectal Cancer Flashcards
Most to least common site
then right colon
then left and transverse colon
Treatment modalities
Surgery - only curative option
Radiotherapy - sometimes curative in rectal cancer
Elective Tx
Colon = surgery then chemo Rectum = radiotherapy chosen over surgery, then chemo
What is found on examination?
- palpable tumour mass
- hepatomegaly
- large rectal mass
- palpable lymph nodes
Staging method
Duke’s stages
T1N0M0/A = submucosa only T2N0M/B1 = muscularis propria T3N0M0/B2 = transmural extension T2N1M0/C1 = T2, enlarged mesenteric nodes T3N1M0/C2 = T3, enlarged mesenteric nodes T4/C2 = Invasion of adjacent organs AnyTM1/D = distant metastases present
Define N0-2
N0 = no spread to lymph nodes N1 = Cancer found in 1-3 lymph nodes N2 = 4 or more
Define Tis - T4
Tis = confined to innermost layer of colon or rectum T1 = grown through first few layers of colon/rectum T2 = grown into thick muscular layer of colon/rectum T3 = grown through entire colon or rectum wall T4 = through entire colon or rectum wall into nearby tissue or organs
Surgical Resections R0-R2
R0 = no residual tumour following resection R1 = microscopic residual tumour following surgery R2 = macroscopic residual tumour at completion of surgery
Colonoscopy/OGD with multiple biopsies = ulcerating lesion narrowing lumen
Barium enema = mass lesion in colon
CT Colongraphy = sensitive, ulcerating lesions narrowing lumen
CT thorax, abdo, pelvis = metastasis
3 types of colonic cancer
Hereditary non-polyposis colorectal carcinoma
Familial adenomatous polyposis
Hereditary non-polyposis colorectal carcinoma
Autosomal dominant
Mostly proximal colon
Also risk of endometrial cancer
MSH2 and MSH1 gene
Amsterdam criteria
Hereditary non-polyposis colorectal carcinoma
- at least 3 family members with colon cancer
- span 2 generations at least
- 1 case at least diagnosed <50
Familial Adenomatous Polyposis
Autosomal Dominant
Also risk of duodenal tumours
Faecal Occult Blood Testing
Screen every 2 years to all men and women 60-74 years
If Over 74 can request screening
Most common treatment
Nearly always surgical resection
Rectal Cancer Tx
- surgical resection
APER = abdo-perineal excision of rectum (if on anal verge)
Anterior resection (if upper/lower rectum)
What is important to give post op?
Accelerates return of normal bowel function
Spouted Stomas
- small bowel stomas so irritant contents don’t contact skin
- colonic stomas do not need to be spouted as colonic contents less irritant
Define gastrostomy
- epigastrum
- for feeding/gastric decompression
Define loop jejunostomy
- very high output
- after emergency laparotomy with planned early closure
- any location
Define percutaneous jejunostomy
- feeding
- proximal bowel
Define loop ileostomy
- defunctioned colon after rectal surgery
Define end ileostomy
- after excision of colon
- to defunction colon
Define end colostomy
- colon diverted or resection and anastomosis not achievable
- LIF or RIF