Color Vision 4 Flashcards
What is the most important factor in obtaining proper color vision testing result?
Lighting - Illuminant C
- mimics indirect daylight
Ishihara, HRR and SPP2 are all what type of CV tests?
Pseudoisochromatic Tests
Can psuedoisochromatic test distinguish between dichromats and anomalous trichromats?
What pseudoisochromatic tests can look for blue/yellow deficiencies?
HRR and SPP2
A farnsworth d-15 forms what within the CIE diagram? Can it pick up mild deficiencies?
hue circle
cannot pick up mild deficiencies
What test detects milder changes in color vision and the hue circle in the CIE diagram is smaller when compared to an F D-15?
Lanthony Desaturated D-15
What is the only diffefrence in the caps of the farnsworth munsell 100 hue test?
hue (wavelength)
- brightness (value) and chroma (saturation) are the same
What does the circle in the CIE diagram look like for a farnsworth munsell 100 hue?
smaller spaces between circle
In the farnsworth 100 hue, what are the orders of a protan, deutan and tritan deficiency?
Protan = 1st order Deutan = 2nd order Tritan = 3rd order
What is the only test that differentiates between anopia vs. anomaly?
Nagal Anomaloscope
- tests red/green deficiencies only
On the NA, canluminance change on the y-axis? x-axis?
Y-axis = yes, variable luminance, constant wavelength (yellow) X-axis = no, constant luminance, variable wavelength (red to green)
How many matches on a NA will a trichromat make? what are the coordinates?
1 match; X=45, Y=17
How many matches on the NA will a deuteranope make? What are the coordinates?
- may have more than 1 match on color confusion line
- X= varies, Y = 17 (always)
How many matches on the NA will a protanope make? What are the coordinates?
- many matches on color confusion line
- X and Y vary
- Y-axis will get brighter for shorter wavelength (more green)
- Y-axis will get dimmer for longer wavelengths (more red)
For deuteranomaly, what will the coordinates of the NA show?
Y-axis = 17 X-axis = won't go past 40