Colonial And Rev Era Flashcards
Boston massacre
Americans were shot by British soldiers after they harassed the soldiers in March of 1770
Battle of lexington and concord
It marked the start of the American Revolution War in 1775
Boston Tea Party
People dumped tea into the sea because of Townshend Act which led to Boston Port Act
Founding of Jamestown year
Founding of Plymouth year
Battle of Lexington and concord year
Declaration of independence year
2nd continental Congress
Served at American governing during American Rev in 1775
Declaration of Independence
Stated purpose of government and why America broke away
People began to have questions about traditional and religious authority. They looked for reasons and sience
Idea that God has something by planned special about America
Ben Franklin
Helped craft documents like declaration of independence and US constitution. He secured French support
French and Indian War
1763 seven years war between Britain and France fighting over central America. It also altered balance of power in north america
George 3
Developed Stamp Act and Townshend Act in 1767
First permanent English settlement in NA established in 1607
John Locke
Known for his natural right and government by consent thoughts. Developed idea of social contract: most members has to agree
Magna carta
Idea that kings also has to follow rules
“ no tax without rep”
People mad about direct taxes
Supreme legislation body of United Kingdom which has representatives from house of commons and house of lords
Founded 1620. Mayflower compact was signed there
Idea that God has decided and planned out everything
Salutary neglect
Unofficial British policy which they ignored until 1700’s
Social contract
Idea that people give up little bit of freedom in exchange for security and benefits provided by living under a system of law
Stamp Act
Established in 1765 by Britain which required Americans to have official stamps on everything
Townshred Act
Developed in 1767 by Britain that made Americans pay tax for British Tea, British Glass, British leads, and British paper
George Washington
First president that led the Continental Army during revolution. Ran the Continental convention in 1787
Middle passage
Slaves transported from Africa to America
Coercive Act
1774 intolerable act. Passed as result of Boston Tea Party. Closed Boston Harbor, took away Massachusetts power & place under British control
City on a hill
Puritans setting good example for others
Jamestown/Virginia Conpany
Jamestown founded 1607 by Virginia Company result first permanent English settler. It struggled with disease and starvation, but Tobacco farming made it successful
House of Burgesses
to create and pass laws for the colony by acting as a representative government where citizens elected members to make decisions on their behalf