Correct volume should be accurate because it will be diluted because of ___________ if not full.
> Anticoagulant
Blood flow stop due to clots; discontinue remove needle
and remove blood clot, ask the patient to continue in the other side/
labeled unsuccessful.
> Above 12 mins
Give the Ml of whole blood, normally 8 to 12 mins, average of 10 mins.
> 450-500 Ml
It promote good blood flow or avoid numbness and how many secs?
> Give stress ball or make a fist every 10 sec
Place micropore in hub part of needle to avoid
moving of needle
> Free flowing of blood
Skin to vein insertion
> 16 gauge needle
How many inches after cleansing tourniquet application in antecubital fossa?
> 3-4 inches above
Prior to blood collection, the intended venipuncture site must be cleaned
with a scrub solution containing
What do you call when the patient before doing the phlebotomy procedure?
Ask the donor to which site is commonly preferred for ____________
> Blood Donation
___________ reselect the vein
> For first time
Give the centimeters of PVP IODINE COMPLEX
> 4 centimeters or 1.5
BURNING / itchy sensation= hypersensitive reaction
> If Allergic
It is used for alternative cleansing agent.
ALLERGIC TO BOTH and apply in intended site scrub the area with UP
DOWN motion for 30 secs-> dry- repeat 30secs scrubbing-> dry= set for venipuncture
> 70% isopropyl alcohol
How many secs in all direction circular motion for the site?
> 30 secs
How many millimeter does blood pressure cuff?
> 40-60 millimeter