Cold War Rivalry Flashcards
What was the primary relationship change between the USA and USSR after the Grand Alliance broke down?
They viewed each other with suspicion and as enemies.
What did the USA fear during the Berlin crises?
The spread of communism.
At Yalta, what was agreed upon regarding Germany and Berlin?
They would be divided into four zones.
What was decided at Potsdam about the administration of each sector of Germany?
Each sector would be administered by one of the allies.
Why did the USSR receive the bulk of reparations according to the Potsdam agreement?
Because Russia had the highest casualties.
What was the significance of secret telegrams exchanged between the USA and USSR?
Both nations wanted world domination.
What policy did the USA move away from under the Truman Doctrine?
What was the Marshall Plan?
A financial aid program.
What was the policy of containment based on?
Domino theory.
What was Stalin’s response to the Allies declaring a plan to create a West German state?
He initiated a blockade of West Berlin.
What was the USA’s response to Stalin’s blockade of West Berlin?
An airlift of supplies.
How many tonnes of supplies were airlifted to West Berlin on average each day?
4000 tonnes.
What major military alliances were created as a consequence of the increased East/West rivalry?
- Warsaw Pact.
What event in 1961 increased the number of refugees leaving East to West Berlin?
The Berlin Crisis.
What was Khrushchev’s solution to the Berlin Crisis?
Build the Berlin Wall.
The Cuban Missile Crisis occurred in which month and year?
October 1962.
What revolution occurred in Cuba in 1959?
Fidel Castro overthrew Batista.
What was the USA’s response to Castro’s actions after he ejected US businesses?
The USA refused to buy Cuba’s biggest export, sugar.
What was the Bay of Pigs invasion?
A failed attempt to overthrow Castro.
What did Khrushchev install in Cuba that raised security concerns for the USA?
Ballistic missiles.
What did JFK impose to prevent USSR missiles from reaching Cuba?
A naval blockade.
What was the deal reached between JFK and Khrushchev regarding missiles?
USA would remove missiles from Turkey if USSR removed missiles from Cuba.
What was the term used for pushing to the verge of war during the Cuban Missile Crisis?
What was the significance of the Hotline established between the Kremlin and the White House?
To facilitate direct communication during crises.
What treaty was agreed upon to stop testing nuclear weapons?
Partial Test Ban Treaty.
What was the Domino Theory in relation to Vietnam?
If Vietnam fell to communism, so would all of Southeast Asia.
Who was the leader of North Vietnam?
Ho Chi Minh.
What was the Gulf of Tonkin incident?
An attack on the US destroyer Maddox that justified military involvement.
What military strategy involved the use of Agent Orange and Napalm?
Operation Rolling Thunder.
What were the tactics used by the Vietcong?
Guerrilla tactics.
What was the public response to the Vietnam War due to high civilian casualties?
High levels of opposition.
What significant event marked a turning point in Nixon’s approach to Vietnam?
Nixon’s visit to China in 1972.
What occurred in January 1973 regarding Vietnam?
A peace treaty was signed, and Vietnam was united as Communist.