Cold War Flashcards
Ho Chi Minh
Young Vietnamese nationalist who turned to communists for help in his struggle. Leader of the the north
Ngo Dinh Diem
ruler of south Vietnam, ruled as a dictator, leader of Anti communist
communist guerrillas, opposition of Diems governmet. Supported the north more than the south. Helped with the assignation of Diem
Lyndon Johnson
US president, during the start of war. He escalated US involvement in the Vietnam war
Richard Nixon
US president, during the end of the war. Began withdrawing troops from Vietnam in 1969. This is also known as vietnamization
Khmer Rouge
Communist rebels set up brutal communist government. Attempted to transform Cambodia into a communist society.
President Truman
Fired MacArthur
Came up with the doctrine plan and believed that communism and nationalism couldn’t exist in the same earth
domino theory
the fall of one to communism would lead to the fall of its neighbors
Nixons plan. it allowed for US troops to gradually pull out, while the south Vietnamese increased their combat role
Truman doctrine
Support countries that were anti- communist This speech contrasted democracy and communism. showing his support for countries that rejected communism.
To stop the spread of something( communism)
Marshall plan
To send supplies such as food and machines to anti- communist— help them fight the war. Created by president Marshall gave money to western and eastern Europe to save their economies
Moa zhendong
Leader of China in the North. Communism and had help from the soviet And eventually made an alliance with them.
Jiang jieshi
Ruler for nationalist of southern China. Lost to the North and fled to Taiwan
Kim sung il
Leader of Korea– communism ( the north)was a communist dicator
Aftermath of North Korea and south
North Korea suffered due to the lack of resources. Although under his rule they began building nuclear weapons but that didn’t help the problems of them struggling because of Shortages of food and energy. South Korea prospered thanks to the massive aid from US
Aftermath of North and south viet
North imposed strict rules on the south. Still has a huge amount of people who welcomed communism
US military alliance post WWII
Policy of containment
made by truman stopping the spread of communism. foreign policy directed at blocking soviet influence and stopping the expansion of communism.
The marshall plan
gave money to western and eastern Europe to save their economies. It was an assistance program providing food and materials to rebuild western Europe. George Marshall (US) proposed to aid Europe (specially western) that were free from soviet domination after the war
Willingness to go the brink or edge, of war. Required a reliable source of nuclear weapons and airplanes to deliver them. Opposite of appeasement
What was the legacy of the war for N. Korea and S. Korea?
The two Koreas are still divided and north Koreas possession of nuclear weapons is a major obstacle and the US still keeps troops in South Korea. north is still communist and dont have a good economy. The south had a striving economy.
Why did the UN send an international force to korea?
South Korea asked UN to intervene, when it came to a vote the soviets were absent and because of their absence the soviets couldn’t stop (veto) the UN from sending international force to help south korea to invade north korea
38th parallel
A line that crosses korea at 38 degrees north latitude
Douglas MacArthur
was a US war command general
Why did war break out between the Vietnamese Nationalists and the French?
Because Ho’s communist party led to revolts and strikes against the French
What was the outcome of the war for France and for Vietnam?
France was defeated and Vietnam was divided at 17 degrees north latitude. Geneva cords elections
How did the United States get involved in Vietnam?
They got involved because they sent weapons/plans/and other military equipment to South Vietnam 1st: US supported France 2nd: Gulf of Tonkin
Why did the US withdraw its troops from Vietnam?
They withdrew troops from Vietnam because young people began to protest the tremendous loss of life, Known as Vietnamization