cold war Flashcards
grand alliance
yalta confererence
- US and UK wanted collective security made by the UN, no spheres of influence, and germany to be reconstructed as a democratic country. roosevelt wanted stalins help to defeat Japan.
stalin wanted to expand the USSR’s spheres of influence into eastern europe
germnay and berlin would be divided into four parts, UN would be set up, USSR would gain land from poland, stalin agreed to democratic elections in europe. the precentage agreement
the precentage agreement
division of countries into spheres of influence. agreement between stalin and churchill in 1944, roosevelt was briefed and made no objections
potsdam conference
- allies sceptical of soviet involevemnt in the middle east, stalin was anxious of soviet security due to US atomic bomb
kennan’s long telegram
- introduced containment and the domino effect. increased US involvement in foriegn affairs, and the introduction of th marshall plan
iron curtain speech
churchill 1946. condemned soviet policies and promoted a special relationship between US and UK. stalin claimed that this was an anti-soviet attack, they were ‘demonizing’ him
truman docterine
1947 containment and aiding countries that could be offers of communism
1947 consolidation of european communist states after the split into spheres of influence. introduced collectivization = similar economic and foreign policies
the marshall plan
- financial aid to prevent countries from becoming communist. some of teh money must be spent on US export and share of financial info with US
- mutual economic assistance as they traded together
- formed after china became communist and teh berlin blockade. all members pledged to defend attacked member
the warsaw pact
- equivalent to nato
berlin blockade
ussr blocked all enterances to berlin as opposition to bizonia and their new currency. allies used airlifts to deliver food and coal
revisionist perspective collapse of grand alliance
us is the reason due to us foreign policies,
orthodox perspective collapse of grand alliance
ussr was at fault due to them being inevitably expansionists, us had to defend themselves