cold environments Flashcards
clocc is
compass directions
➡️ used as a way of describing the location of a place
svalbard has … major islands
svalbard pop.
approx. 2700
svalbard is …% glaciers
the majority of svalbards pop. live in the main town of
svalbards max. temp is …°c and min. temp is …°c
growing close to the ground means
reduced damage by wind and ice particles
small leaves means
water which can be lost through the leaf surface can be conserved
shallow root systems
allow the plant to grow in the active layer and avoid permafrost
grow in close proximity to each other means
eacg plant acts as a barrier for others for the wind and ice particles
look at adaptations of plants
example of an adapted plant is
• low growing (5 - 15 cm off the ground to survive strong winds)
• stems have thick bark for stability
• small leathery leaves to help retain water
name 3 polar bear adaptationz
small sa to vol ratio ➡️ less heat loss
white transparent fur ➡️ allows camo
large dimpled feet ➡️ spreads weight out
acute sense of smell ➡️ smell prey from far away and under ice
layers of thick fat and fur ➡️ insulation and a store of fuel during hibernation
oil based fur ➡️ allows water to bead off after swimming, reduced chance of water freezing on animals
closable nostrils ➡️ prevents water from entering nose whilst swimming
opportunity definition
a chance for an event to take place
svalbard has … miles of roads
name 3 opportunities in svalbard
mineral extraction
energy production
… % of all Atlantic Cod that ends up in supermarkets around the world comes from the Barents Sea
mineral extraction us no longer an opportunity in svalbard because
all mining opportunities closed in svalbard
name 3 challenges in cold environments
extreme temps
utilidors or utility corridors are
building built above the ground and are made out of wood in order to keep pipes insulated
➡️ don’t want them to melt permafrost or freeze
roads in svalbard are built on
gravel pads 1 - 2 m deep to prevent the permafrost from melting
runways in svalbard are
painted white to reflect sunlight
where is the global seed vault
how can tech be used to maintain cold environments
use stilts to raise infrastructure and services in svalbard
can provide eco friendly solutions
sensors keep close track of the grounds temp and moisture
the Antarctic treaty was signed in
the antarctic treaty states
controls and limits tourism
prevents economic developments
recognises the importance of Antarctica for shared scientific research
no military use shall be made of antarctica
nuclear explosions and nuclear waste disposal are banned
complete freedom of scientific investigation