cognitive psyc chapter 4 Flashcards
focusing of mental effort on certain aspects or environments and blocking out other ones
-its selective, limited, and can be directed
why is attention needed
-bc our senses provide more info then our brain can process
-our working memory can only hold a certain amount of info at once
dichotic listening
-one message is presented to the left ear and another to the right ear
-participant “shadows” one message to ensure he/she is attending to that message
results of dichotic listening
-the participants could accuartely shadow the mssage and filter out the messages
-but they couldn’t report details of message other than the pitch and gender,etc.
broadbent’s filter model
-select info based on physical characteristics of stimuli
-unattended info is filtered out before it can be sent to brain areas responsible for analyzing the meaning of the message
-Identifies messages based on physical characteristics
-A “bottleneck” that limits information transfer
-Only attended message is passed on
-processes info to determine meaning
-info sent to memory and conciousness
broadbents model can’t explain…
that participant’s can sometimes detect highly salient
information in the unattended message
-ex. your name
treisman’s attenuation theory
-instead of filter there’s attenuator
-analyzes incoming info
-the analysis proceeds far enough to separate messages
-attended message is passed at full strength
-unattended message is passed on at full strength
late selection models
selection of info for full processing doesn’t happen until after info has been fully analyzed for meaning
-its a dichotic listening experiment
-in one attended ear, participants heard ambigous sentences (ex. “they were throwing stones at the bank”
- in unattended ear participants heard words related to different meanings of the ambigous words (“river” or “money”)
-after this participants were given memory test and had to choose which option was closest to attended message
-ex. They threw stones toward the side of the river yesterday
-They threw stones at the savings and loan yesterday
-biased words affected perception
cognitive resources
processing capacity that can be allocated to perform cognitive tasks
task load
Amount of cognitive resources are used to accomplish a task
high load tasks
uses almost all; no resources for other tasks
low load tasks
uses few; resources available for other tasks