Cognitive Approach To Explaining Depression Flashcards
What did Beck(1967) suggest?
Some people are more prone to depression because of faulty information processing.
What are arbitrary interferences?
Drawing negative conclusions off the back of insufficient evidence.
What is selective thinking?
Focusing on negative details or events while ignoring positive ones.
What is overgeneralisation?
Drawing sweeping conclusions based on a single incident.
What is personalising?
Taking responsibility and blame for all unpleasant things that happen.
What is black and white thinking?
Seeing everything in terms of success or failure.
What are the two descriptions for the cognitive approach?
- Beck’s negative triad.
- Ellis’s ABC Model.
What idea is Beck’s Negative Triad based on?
That a person develops a dysfunctional view of themselves because of three types of negative thinking that occur automatically.
What are the three types of negative thinking?
1) The self - confirm low-self esteem.
2) The world - impression of no hope.
3) The future - reduce hope, enhance depression.
What does the negative triad create?
Cognitive vulnerability.
What does Ellis’s ABC model say about depression?
It is a result of irrational thoughts - it is not about the events but about how a person thinks about the events.
What can irrational thinking prevent?
A person from behaving rationally.
What are the three parts of the ABC Model?
1) Activating Event (A).
2) Belief (B).
3) Consequences (C).
What is an example of an activating event(A)?
A nearby group of people laughing.
What is an example of a belief(B)?
It might be rational (the group is laughing at their own joke) or irrational (they are laughing at me).
What is an example of a consequence(C)?
Rational beliefs lead to healthy emotions (acceptance) whereas irrational beliefs lead to unhealthy emotions (depression).
What are the five evaluation points for the cognitive approach?
+ scientific.
+ practical applications.
- ‘inhuman’ as it is not determinist.
- negative beliefs are not always irrational.
- struggle to establish cause and effect.