Cognitive Approach Flashcards
Initiation - differ in expectation of pos vs neg beh
Brandon - beh escalates into addiction bc of expectations individual has about cons/benefits
Kassel - adolescent smokers expect smoking to decrease their stress
Maitanence -
Brandon - as addiction develops, activity influenced less by conscious expectations and more by unconscious expectations
Explains the lack of control many addicts experience
Expectancies can be manipulated to prevent relapse
Relapse -
DeVries and Backbrier - expectations of cost/benefits effect an individual’s readiness to quit and likelihood of relapse
Those who perceive it to have many benefits are more likely to relapse
May sufferer publication bias - pos research findings published far more - unrepresentative
Initiation -
Gelkopf - individuals use diff forms of pathological beh to treat physiological symptoms as a form of self medication
Some help overcome depression - gambling particularly associated with poverty
Doesn’t actually make anything better but appears like it does
Griffiths - 30/30 ref/non reg gamblers tested in verbalisation as they played
Reg gamblers thought they were more skilled that they were and made irrational justifications
Explain losses as near misses
Relapse -
Recall bias - tendency to recall/overestimate wins and underestimate losses
“Just world” some believed they deserve a win so will return
May be more than one motivation - perhaps better to treat underlying mood disorder then attempt to quit