Coding Flashcards
coding process
- Prepare transcripts
- Read and get sense
- Code
- List all codes
- Group codes and remove overlap
- Write theme passage
- Create conceptual map of themes
- Develop narrative story tying themes together
coding software give two examples
quirkos, Nvivo
what does coding software do
organises data to enable analysis
define qualitative research
making sense of the subjective and socially constructed meanings expressed the those who take part in research about the phenomena being studied.
How to interpret and analyse?
- Start by getting preliminary impression of data (read, listen, watch)
- Find a way to measure the material (counting mainly)
- Establish meaning
methods to organise analysis
- Induction – let material speak for itself, no preconceived idea
- Content analysis – count frequency of phrases/words – uses coding
- Thematic analysis – identifying themes – uses coding
- Event analysis – identify specific events in time (how long, when, what is happening) (logistics and supply chain side)
What is a theme and thematic analysis
- Uncover themes by exploring similarities and relationships between chunks of data and interpreting them in a way that is meaningful in the answering of research questions
- Themes are distinct categories of information that don’t overlap
word cloud processes
Data condensation: summarising and simplifying data and/or
selectively focus on some parts of this data
– Data display: organising and assembling data into summary
diagrams or visual displays
– Drawing & verifying conclusions: make comparisons between
elements of the data by looking at the displays