Codes & Regulations During Programming Flashcards
What 4 things can states do with IBC?
- Adopt all or just some chapters
- Adopt current or earlier version
- Adopt all / some / none of complementary codes
- Can include additional requirements or modify sections
American with Disabilities Act (ADA)
Federal level law that regulates removal of barriers to physically disabled.
-requirements based on ANSI A1117.1
In addition to state building code (typically a version of IBC), what other codes can state govt enforce?
- Energy codes
- Elevator construction requirements
- Environmental regulations
- Rules related to state govt bldgs
- Fabric flammability standards
What is a type of local regulation?
Zoning ordinance
What types of amendments can local codes make to model building code in use?
Amendments that pertain to specific needs of a geographic region, or provisions designed to alleviate local problems not addressed in model codes.
Ex: mountainous area may require higher snow-load factor for roof design bc of local climate
Whose responsibility is it to enforce codes?
Local building department or AHJ (Authority having jurisdiction)
Model code
One that has been written by group of experts knowledgeable in field without reference to specific geographic area
Most commonly used model code
IBC (International Building Code)
What’s it mean that IBC is prescriptive based?
Describes specific materials / methods of design to be used rather than how components are supposed to function
Least acceptable risk
Minimum level needed for building & occupant safety
ASTM International
Agency that writes standards and test procedures that prescribe how test apparatus must be set up, how materials must be prepared, and how long test must last
National Fire Protection Association
-private, voluntary organization that develops standards related to cause and prevention of destructive fires
What does ANSI do?
Approves standards developed by other organizations
Listed Label
Signifies product has passed safety test & is manufactured under UL follow-up services program. When a product is successfully tested it’s listed
Classified Label
Samples of a product were tested for certain types of uses only. Must specify conditions that were tested for.
National Recognized Testing Laboratory
Best known NRTL; when a product passes test, it’s given a UL label.
What is most common use of UL procedures?
Testing doors & other kinds of protection for openings.
How does building code tie into testing materials?
Building code indicates what tests / standards a material must satisfy to be acceptable for use
What are product tests concerned with the most?
Fire safety
What do fire safety tests rate?
How well a construction assembly can keep fire/smoke from passing from one space to another & rate flammability of finish material
What 3 tests are commonly used to rate fire resistance of construction assemblies?
- ASTM E119 (Standard test methods for fire tests of building construction and materials)
- NFPA 252 (Standard methods of fire tests for door assemblies)
- NFPA 257 (standard on fire test for window & glassblock assemblies)
Describe ASTM E119
2-part test:
- Heat transfer through assembly is measured to see how long fire must be applied to one side of the assembly before the other side combusts
- Hose stream test - duplicate of assembly is exposed to fire for half the time determined by first part of test. Then a steam of high pressurized water is directed at assembly to test assembly’s integrity & to withstand impacts.
What time ratings are given to materials tested according to ASTM E119?
1-hour, 2-hour, 3-hour or 4-hour
Describe NFPA 252
Evaluates how well a door or opening assembly resists passage of flame, heat, gas. 2-part test:
- Establish fire endurance rating
- Hose stream test (will determine if door will stay in frame when subject to blast from fire hose after exposure to fire).
Describe NFPA 257
Gives specific fire and hose stream test procedures to use to establish degree of fire protection (in units of time) for window openings in fire resistive walls. Determines degree of protection from spread of fire, including flame, heat & hot gases.
What do flammability tests determine?
- If material is flammable & if it burns with applied heat or supports combustion
- Material is given flame spread index (FSI) from 0 to 100
- Materials classified into 3 groups based on flame spread.
List FSI ratings from most fire resistant to least
Class A (I) - FSI = 0-25 Class B (II) - FSI = 26-75 Class C (III) - FSI = 76-100
List 3 common flammability tests
- ASTM E84
- NFPA 265
- NFPA 286
Describe ASTM E84
Rates surface burning characteristics of interior finishes. Also known as Steiner Tunnel Test. Material is placed in narrow test chamber with flame at one end. Generates FSI & sometimes SDI.
Smoke developed index - measure if concentration of smoke is emitted by object as it burns. Can be part of ASTM E84 flammability test.
Describe NFPA 265
Sometimes called room corner test. Measures contribution of interior wall textile to room fire growth. Textile is applied to 3 walls in test room 8’x12’x8’ high. Ignition source in room provides output of 40kw for 5 mins and 150 kw for 10 mins.
To pass the material must meet 2 conditions:
- Flames did not spread to clg during 40 kw exposure
- No spread of flame to outer edges of wall
Describe NFPA 286
Measures heat & smoke released, combustion products released, and potential for fire spread beyond the room, in order to evaluate how much a finish contributes to growth of fire in the room
Division of city or other area into districts in order to regulate use of land, location & size of buildings within the districts
What 5 things does zoning regulate?
- Use of land parcel
- How much of land can be covered by buildings
- How large structures can be
- Setbacks from property lines
- How much parking / loading to provide
What type of zoning district is most restrictive?
What are zoning districts based on?
Residential, commercial & industrial occupancies
What are 6 types of easements?
- Utility (most common)
- Access
- Support
- Joint Access
- Scenic
- Conservation
Right to use another’s land for specific purpose or to prevent landowner from using it for a particular purpose
Access Easement
Grants landowner & public right to cross an adj. property if a parcel is not served by a road
Support Easement
Allow common party wall to be constructed between properties
Joint Access Easement
2 or more property owners can share common feature
Scenic Easement
Protects views
Conservation Easement
Limits land use in large areas
Right of Way
Legal right of one party / public to traverse land belonging to another
Ex: streets / sidewalk
What are 3 types of deed restrictions?
- Restrictive covenants
- Affirmative covenants
- Conditional covenants
Restrictive covenants
Provisions that restrict use of property by buyer
Ex: types of materials that can be used
Affirmative covenants
Require buyer to perform specific duty in future
Ex: build & maintain fence
Conditional covenants
Allows title of property to revert to original owner if restrictions in deed are not followed
When do Fair a housing requirements apply?
Multi-family or single-family dwellings in buildings with 4 or more units, regardless if project is publicly or privately funded
International Residential Code; applies to 1 & 2 family dwellings and buildings with 3 or more townhouse units with separate means of egress - limited to 3 stories above grade
List 5 most critical things for the architect to determine on a project in reference to code
- Occupancy load
- Construction Type
- Max allowable height
- Max allowable area
- Energy conservation approach
What 3 things does occupancy help determine?
- Max allowable area
- Max allowable height (ft. & stories)
- How to separate building from other structures
What construction type is most fire resistive?
Type I
What construction type is least fire resistive?
Type V
What do A & B indicate in construction type?
If construction is fire protected or not
How can you minimize cost with type of construction?
Use the least fire restrictive type appropriate for the project
How can allowable height of building be increased?
Of building is fully sprinklered
Occupant Load
of people building code assumes will occupy a building / portion of building
How do you calculate occupant load?
Divide floor area by occupant load factor
What must be known in order to design the egress system?
Occupant load