Coast Guard IV Inland Flashcards
What is inland?
the navigable waters of the United States shoreward of the navigational demarcation lines dividing the high seas from harbors, rivers, and other inland waters of the United States and the waters of the Great Lakes on the United States side of the International Boundary.
Western River?
-Mississippi River and tributaries South Pass and Southwest Pass -Port Allen Morgan City Alternate Route -Part of Atchafalaya River above junction with Port Allen-Morgan City Alternate Route including Old River and Red River
What is Great Lakes?
Great Lakes and their connecting tributary waters including Calumet River (to Thomas O’Brien Lock 326/327), Chicago River (to Ashland Avenue Bridge 321/322) and St. Lawrence River as far as as Saint Lambert Lock
Narrow Channel Rules Inland
Crossing Channel Rule Inland
1) Downbound Boat with current has ROW and will initiate sounds
2) Any boat ascending/descending the river has ROW
Inland: power driven vessel
can carry all round white light in lieu of 2nd masthead light and sternlight
Pushing vs Towing
Pushing: two yellow towing lights in vertical line Towing: towing lights in vertical line above sternlight
Inland: vessel being pushed not part of composite unit
Inland: Vessel being towed alongside
forward end sidelights and special flashing light
alongside: same shit

With maneuvering, what signals you use for crossing within half a mile
How about for overtaking?
1 short blast: i leave you on port
-if in agreement, mimic same sounds
Overtaking: one short blast: i intend to overtake you on your starboard side
-if in agreement, mimic sound
Red right return?
“Red, Right, Return; Left, Leaving.” Keep the red buoys on your right when returning and on your left when leaving. If the numbers are going up, you are returning (to your penthouse in the sky!). If the numbers are going down, you are leaving (to that great job you just won!).

- Anchor
- Motoring while sailing
- Towing
- Fishing
- mining
- power driven towing vessel, tow severly restrics movement
- Constrained by draft
- Run aground
- Veseel doing dreding/underwater shit, 2 black is bad side, 2 diamond cool to pass side
INLAND ONLY Under the Inland Navigation Rules, what is the meaning of a one short blast signal used when meeting another vessel?
I intend to leave you on my port side