CNS Flashcards
maturation pattern in neonate
reach adult T1 in 1 yr
adult T2 in 2 yr
inf > sup
post > ant
cent > periphr
sens > motor
what is the last part of the brain mylinate
subcortical WM.
occipt > 12 mo
front > 18 mo
FT finsih > 40 mo
PS: BS and post IC > mylinated at birth
MC anomaly ass w/ ACC
IH lipoma
mcl: IH 2nd: Quadriq cistern
not tru neoplasm. cong
extreme retrofelx of the head = star gazing fetus
large for mag
visceral anomaly
short neck
absence of the vermis and continuity of the cerebellar hemispheres, dentate nuclei, and superior cerebellar peduncles.
DW varient vs DWM
vermis is hypoplastic in both
vs. DWM:
cerebellum is hypoplastic
no marked hydro
post. fossa is normal in size
meckel gruber syndrome
occiptal enchepahlocele
polycystic kid
azygous ACA
lobar HPE
ab. SP
ab. optic tract
Dyke-Davidoff-Masson syndrome
unlike Ramussen’s encph
there is calv expansion and sinuses pneumotization
mildest form of lissencphaly
double cortex band hetrotopia
Xlinked, F>M
classic one is autosomal. M=F, CMV
cobblestone lissencephaly
ass w/ congenital muscular dysplasia
retinal detach
hydranencephaly causes
HSV is the mcc
2nd: toxo, CMV
IH hypotension
Downward displacement of brain through incisura (brain "sagging") Diffuse dural thickening/enhancement Veins, dural sinuses distended Engorged pituitary gland Subdural hygromas/hematomas
mcl of arachniod cyst
middle cranial fossa
NB mets in kids
Pleomorphic Xanthoastrocytoma
cortical based, periphral, solid and cyst Temporal lobe mcl Supratentorial enhancing dural tail, no T2 edema peds = DIG
Dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor (DNET)
Benign mixed glial-neuronal neoplasm focal cortical dysplasia T lobe >> drug resistant seizure bubbly appearance > NO C+ peds < 20
F lobe
1p/19q deletion > gd px
IDH1 > T2/flair mismatch
medulloblastoma ass w/
Turcot syn: GBM
Gorlin syn: basal cell navus skin ca, odontogenic cyst
mcc of IV mass in adult
central neurocytoma
|»_space; calcify, hetrogen, cystic and solid
mcl of subependymoma
4th vent, foramen of monro
homogen C+
might not enhance
soft»_space; no hydro
choriod plexus pap/ca
ca only in kids.
adult = 4th vent
Meningoma in nuke
+ octerotide
+ Tc-MDP
mcl of dermiod cyst
1st: supracellar cistern
2nd: post. fossa
mimic aggressive mening
invade skull» but no calc no hyperostosis
dysmoplastic infantile ganglioma
large cystic
< 1yr.
one lobe
> 0.3 evans index
LP: drainage of 30-40 ml
porenchephalic cyst
WM lining the cyst
mcc: 2/2 to periventricular hge infarct
perivent leukomalacia
wavy countors of lat ven
low vol of WM
ab SI
Joubert synd
molar teeth is high Sn but not Sp. for joubert
molar teeth means»_space; ataxia, develop delay and hypotonia
- up to 18 wk GA. you cant Dx ACC before that
- agyric smooth app of the brain WNL until 26 GA
psuedotum cerebri LP pressure
> 25 mmHg
TRV sinus stenosis is seen up 90%mc
mc ass w/ SOD
earliest manifestation of osmotic demylination
+DWI pons
extrapontine loc might be seen: BG, EC, amygdala, cerebellum
Marchiafava-Bignami disease (MBD)
- is a rare CNS disorder
alcoholism and malnutrition. - classically involves the corpus callosum with necrosis and demyelination. no ME.
- notice WE does not involve CC
methanol toxcity
optic nerve atrophy
hge putamen
WM necrosis
GP hypoHU.
T2 bright
mc CNS tumor post RTX
mc brain changes post RTX
vascular mal
Chasing the dragon
semiovale WM. PL of IC, deep cerebellum WM
mcl of MS in children
post. fossa.
M = F
most Sn seq for spine and infratent MS
subcortical arteriosclerosis encephalopathy
multi infarct dementia that involves the WM. spares U fibers
< 40 YO mc heredidatry stroke T lobe >>> classic F and P lobes can be + spares occipital L.
Hurler’s diz
lysosomal beaked L1 VB metopic carcniosyn prominant perivascular space macrocephaly
maternally inhertied
mitoch dis
elev lactate in spectro
involves P-O lobes
metachromatic leukodystrophy
AR lysosomal
non SP WM + spares U fibers
X-linked leukodystrophy
canvan diz
AR, neonate, poor head control, hypotonia High NAA diffuse WM involve GP thalami spares putamen
congenital HIV
BG Ca⁺⁺ in (not in adult)
Cerebral atrophy»_space; frontal
fusiform vasculopathy stroke
subarachnoid hemorrhage
congenital HSV encephalitis
hge encephalitis vs Rubella»_space; ischemia
Dilated PVSs in deep gray nuclei of AIDS patient, no enhancement
Brain TB
basilar C+
vasculitis»_space; infarct
CN involve
Most Sn seq for HSV
DWI > T2
you might see bleeding in the adult type
west nile
T2 bright BG and thalamus
pt from saudi
CJD = prion diz
Pulvinar sign: post thalamus
Hockey stick sign: dorsomedial tthalamus
rapidly progressive atrophy
gyriform DWI+
mcc of epi/subdural empyema
frontal sinusitis
subperiosteal hematoma
elevate the periostum. limited by stutures
no CL Sg.
mcl: P and O lobes
subgalaeal hematoma
not limited space.
underneath galeal aponiorosis
sutural diastesis comp in adult
dural venous sinus thrombosis
kids: leptomeningeal cyst
mc parasitic diz of the CNS
stage I vesicular: no edema or C+, cystic
stage II colliodal: edema C+
stage III grandular less edema and C+. start to calc
stage IV: nodular calcified: calc
non ketoic hyperglycemia
BG and BS CT hyperdensity
T1: high
no ME, no C+
looks similar to HE. look at Hx
spares BG in adult
common in children
opioid overdose, methanol tox
putamen hge necrosis SPARES GP
optic nerve atrophy
NO tox similar to B12 deficiency»_space; post col.
putamen hge necrosis seen in
involves both cortical and subcortical.
P and O lobes
DWI is -ve. but sever diz might be +ve
acute: b/l symmetric insular and cingulate DWI+ve
Bilateral T1WI hyperintensity in basal ganglia (BG), particularly globus pallidus (GP)
hypo glu injury
CC and IC
BS, thalami and cerebllum»_space; spared
artery of percheron
paramedian thalami DWI+
Recurrent artery of Heubner infarct
Caudate and IC infarct
The recurrent artery of Huebner is a br off the ACA.
might get clipped during ACOM aneurysm Rx.
risk of IC aneurysm rupture
post circ > ant
> 10mm 1% risk of rupture
risk of AVM rupture
small draining v
BG loc
mcc of IC vasculitis
mcc of CVD in the brain
sinonasal polyoposis pattern RF
ASA sensitivity
ant nasal septum
In max a
might be anastomosis between In max a and opthalmic a. pay attension to the eye
Parotid gland duct
arises from the anterior surface of the gland, traversing the masseter muscle. The duct then pierces the buccinator, moving medially.
It opens out into: the second upper molar.
Submandibular duct
Wharton’s duct
allows the passage of saliva from the submandibular gland to the sublingual papilla located anteriorly. … It runs forward with lingual nerve and vein and hypoglossal nerve and opens into the sublingual papilla at the side of the frenulum of the tongue.
torus palatinus
bony exostosis off the hard palate. WNL
Dentigerous cyst = follicular cyst
Benign developmental jaw cyst associated with crown of unerupted tooth
3rd molar»_space; MCL
Keratocystic odontogenic tumor
B9 cystic neoplasm of jaw with aggressive behavior and high recurrence rate
no cortical destruction
mcc mand tumor
Ameblastoma = adamantinoma
expansile multiloculated mixed cystic & solid mandible mass, usually near 3rd molar 2nd mcc of mabible tumor arise from dentigerous cyst 5-20% painless ADULT
mcc mand tumor.
mature solid tum w/ lucent border
tornwoldt’s cyst
Ovoid, cystic mass in midline nasopharyngeal mucosal space
between longus coli ms
warhtin’s tum on nuke is +ve on
mcc malg partiod tum
2nd: ACC»_space; perineuoral spread ( melanoma too)
Rx of tonsillar ab
RP abscess»_space; Sx drainge
mcc of cong neck cyst
TGD cyst
mcc of 1ry mass in the prestyliod parapharngyeal space
salv gland BMT
mcc lesion is extension from adjacent space
pott puffy tumor
frontal sinusitis
epidural abscess
nasal glial hetrotopia loc
no connecton w/ IC component
dont C+ much
chonal atresia
bony comp is almost alwz
pyriform aperture , 4 mm
Dx of CNS vasculitis
mc features of VA dissection
arterial stenosis
gold Dx: DSA
RX; AC if no hge infarct
ENV coil, or Sx embolization
rever cerebral vasocons synd: RCVS
SAH»_space; HA
vasospasm of small and med vessels
resolve both S&S and img within 3 mo
Mx of Cartiod cav fistual
direct: coil, stent or ballon or surgical ligation
indirect: conservative
moya moya is known as
pial vascular engorgement»_space; Ivy sign
Rx: conservatove, ASA in mild cases.
ECA and MCA anastimosis in sever cases
venous infarct SI
DWI might be -ve
most deadly comp of SAH
Dx: angiographic
fisher scale
Rx; NSAID, CCB, endovasc
MCC of septic CS thrombosis
fungal in immunocomp
Mx: ABx, AC, I&D if needed
SOV prominance seen in both CST and CCF
IC Amyloid affect which vessels
small and med size vs.
MRI is the SOC.
sporadic > hereditary
Rathke cleft cyst T2 SI?
T2 : hyperintense cyst with a hypointense, intracystic nodule
what are the types of hypothalnic hamartoma
parahypothalamic: precausious puberity
intrahypothalamic: galaztetic seizure
all F/U GM SI. no C+
Lymphocytic hypophysitis RF?
1- ipilimumab for metastatic melanoma. immuno Rx
2- Preg
3- post partum
so both men and women can get it
enlarged. Enhances intensely, uniformly
S&S depends on which seg is affected,
mcc of Jagular foramne mass
1st: paragan
2nd: shawanoma» cystic, hge, no bone destruction
3: meningoma»_space; skull hyperostosis
mc nerve > 9
inverted pap
more in male
high rate of recurrence if not comp resected
rare transfor»_space; SCC
where do u measure nuchal thickness?
measured at cerebellum and thalamus
>5 mm 97% Sp for Down
features of pulm nodules ass w/ malg
1- semi sold
2- irrg
3- slow doubling
4- lack of calc
mc cause of CJD
rarely zoontic
pointing toward the ventricle GM based mass
DNET»_space; no C+
if there DDxL gamglioma, oligo
most reliable sign of ch DVT
prior US
chrionic pumb ass w/ ?
increased miscarriage X2
what is blake’s pouch cyst
infravermian cyst that communicates with fourth ventricle
dehiscent jugular bulb
sigmoid plate between a high riding jugular bulb and the middle ear is absent, allowing the wall of the jugular bulb to bulge into the middle ear cavity.
esthino NB Px ?
good relative to othet H&N ca
arise from olf bulb
Mx: Sx and Rtx
how to differ b9 from path spine fracture ?
BM STx post element involve hx of OP but C+ is the least helpful features as both non healed fracture and ca will C+
eagle syndrome ? patak syndrome
elongated styliod > 3 cm
or cacl styliohyiod lig.
CN comp
DJD post spinal fusion most common loc ?
mcl»_space; lumber spine
above > lower level of fusion
least common T spine
10% of ppl get it
normal length of the styliod process ?
2.5 cm
]> 3 cm Eagle syndrome
Esinthenomueroblastoma time of onset ?
2nd and 6th decades
peritumor cysts
GD px !!!!
ant temp lobe
MCL of spinal hemangioblastoma
thoracic. eccentric
MCL of giant perivascular space
1st: mesoncephalothalaic
2nd: WM
earliest finding of Osm demylination
DWI of the pons
MCL of inverted pap
lat wall of the nasal cavity, middle turbinate and max ostioum.
MCL of allergic fungal sinistis
CPA facial nerve shawanoma
super rare.
MCL»_space; middle ear. dont call CPA mass CN VII shawanoma
NF1 mode of inheritance
50% genetic
50% acquired mutation
major reason of M&M w/ SAH
Enphesamtous OM organism ?
Enterobacteria GNR
MCL of spontaneous RP hge
Psoas ms
MCC of B9 cong orbital mass ?
Dermoid > extraoccular
MCC extraoccular orbital ca in kids?
Tolso Hunt dis
IgG4 of the cavernous sinus
MCC of spontanous orbital hge
MCC of orbital malg
MCC of exopthalmus
arachnioditis Mx?
intrathecal steriod adhesion lysis MCL: L/S pseudomass on myeolgram archnioditis ossificans
RA: no calc. disc is normal. +ve lig laxity and ADI widening. invagination of the foramnen mag
CPPD: calc. psueodumass
Wt is the MCC of inherited polyneuropathy?
charcort Marrie tooth diz.
type 1: MC one, ADD
type II: 2nd mc, Xlinked
both motor and senor polyneurpathy
fusiform nerve enlargement NNO NO NO C+
Vs: NF1, lymphoma, amyliod or sarciodosis
Mx of chrodoma?
Sx + RTx
MCC of extradural mass?
MCC of intradural extramed?
1st: shawanoma
2nd: menin: MCL: T>C>L
no malg degen
hge + cystic changes common
NEVER degen»_space; ca
target»_space; non Sp.
might undergo malg degen
MTx of PNST?
Sx but reccurance is high w/ NF1/2
presents w/ pain > weakness 2/2 DRG
MCL of OO in the spine
VHL Chr?
MCL of astrocytoma?
T > C
long segm 4-7 VB
MCL of epend?
Rx of aggressive spine hemang?
transarterial embol RTx veretroplasty ethanol inj Sx
MCC of Spine diz in HIV pt?
HIV myelitis
T > C.
POST col.
MCC of CN ab ass/ GBS?
MCL loc of spine hemangioblastoma
T > C
Type I caudal regression?
Sacral agensis > S1
cord terminates at T11-T12, blunted
type II caudal reg?
cocyx agenisis
conus terminates at L3-L4
Cong ab ass/ w/ caudal regression
MC GU: renal agensii and hydro
MC GI: anal atresia, imper anus
VB seg anomaly
Wt is block VB?
fusion w/ disc
Normal C+ of CNVII?
labyrnith, tympnaic, Ganiculate, mastiod
AB: cancicular, cictsernal and extratemporal
Weekly QC mr ?
Center fr Table position Setup and scanning Geometric accuracy High And low contrast resolution >> phantom Artifact analysis Film quality control Visual check list
Annual QC mr
B0 homogeneous
Slice thickened accuracy and position
RF coil
Display monitor