CNAF 3710 Flashcards
Instrument Time
The portion of pilot time in either day or night under actual or simulated instrument conditions.
a. Actual instrument time logged by both pilots in a dual/multi-piloted aircraft flight in actual instrument conditions.
b. Simulated instrument time shall be logged only by the pilot actually manipulating the controls.
Alternate Airfield
Destination wx = 0-0 up to but not including minimums
alternate wx = 3,000 - 3 or better
Why were MTRs developed?
to accommodate high-speed, low-level tactical training in excess of 250 KIAS.
When is an alternate required?
when the weather at the destination is forecast to be less than 3,000-foot ceiling and 3-statute-mile visibility during the period 1 hour before ETA until 1 hour after ETA.
The quantity of oxygen aboard an aircraft before takeoff must be sufficient to accomplish the planned mission. In aircraft carrying passengers, there shall be an adequate quantity of oxygen to protect all occupants through normal descent to __ feet.
A flight weather packet may be requested, but is not mandatory. Naval aviators should normally allow a minimum of __ hours for preparation of the packet.
2 hrs
MTRs that include one or more segments above 1,500 feet above ground level (AGL) are identified by a __ digit identifier; those with no segment above 1,500 feet AGL are identified by __ digits.
Pilots of aircraft operating on a VR route will adjust their
transponder to code ___ unless otherwise assigned by ATC.
Caffeine intake of __ mg per day (__ to __ cups
of drip coffee) is the recommended maximum intake.
450 mg
3 to 4 ups
Where available, ___ service shall be requested especially when VFR flight is required through high-density traffic areas.
radar advisory
Before starting an engine, the wheels of the aircraft shall be ___ and the parking brake ___ unless a deviation from this requirement is specifically authorized by the applicable model NATOPS manual.
Engine malfunctions on multi-engine aircraft
If specific T/M/S procedures authorize continued flight, the PIC should only proceed to a selected destination after considering the following: ___
a. The nature of the malfunction and the possible mechanical difficulties that may occur if flight is continued.
b. The altitude, weight, and usable fuel at the time of engine stoppage.
c. The terrain and weather conditions en route and at suitable landing points.
d. Possible air traffic congestion at suitable landing points.
e. Pilot familiarity with the airport to be used.
f. Power on remaining engine(s) is sufficient for en route conditions and available landing sites.
Crew rest includes free time for meals, transportation and rest and must include an opportunity for __ hours of uninterrupted sleep time for every __-hour period.
8 hrs
24 hr
Certain naval air traffic controllers certified in accordance with the guidance contained in reference (c) are authorized to record and disseminate changing tower visibility observations directly to the pilot when prevailing visibility is less than __ miles.
Flight crew should not be scheduled for continuous alert and/or flight duty (required awake) in excess of __ hours. If it becomes necessary to exceed the __-hour rule, __
hours of continuous off-duty time shall be provided prior to scheduling the member for any flight duties.
18 hrs
18 hr
15 hrs
Dental procedures that involve the use of local injectable drugs (e.g., Novocain) shall be cause for grounding for a period of __ hours. Use of intravenous sedatives shall require grounding for __ hours.
12 hrs
24 hrs
Flight personnel in combat, flying in a shipboard environment, or flying operational missions shall not donate blood within __ weeks prior to such flying.
Approach criteria for multi-piloted aircraft
When reported weather is at or below published landing minimums for the approach to be conducted, an approach shall not be commenced in multi-piloted aircraft unless the aircraft has the capability to proceed to a suitable alternate in the event of a missed approach.
Circadian Rhythm
The accommodation period can be estimated by allowing __ day for every time zone crossed in excess of __.
Participation in flight duties is prohibited for __ hours following dynamic SEBD (or equivalent egress device) training.
Under normal circumstances, flight personnel shall not fly or participate in low-pressure chamber flights within __ hours following scuba diving, compressed air dives, or high-pressure chamber evolutions.
24 hrs
4 principles of ORM
(1) Accept risk when benefits outweigh the costs.
(2) Accept no unnecessary risk.
(3) Anticipate and manage risk by planning.
(4) Make risk decisions at the right level.
Flight personnel may donate blood occasionally. The minimum interval for all donors shall be __ months.
During simulated emergency operations and functional check-flights of multiengine aircraft, no propeller shall be fully feathered or engine secured at an altitude below __ feet AGL except as follows: ___
a. Aircraft undergoing test and trials as required by COMNAVAIRSYSCOM.
b. Aircraft whose design characteristics include normal operations with propellers feathered or engines secured below 4,000 feet AGL.
c. Four-engine aircraft may operate with one propeller feathered or with one engine secured at altitudes of 1,500 feet AGL or higher when required for check-flights or training purposes subject to restrictions contained in the
applicable NATOPS flight manual.
TCAS is activated by transponder when aircraft are squawking mode “__” or “__.”
S or C
Special instrument rating takeoff minimums
No takeoff ceiling or visibility minimums apply. Takeoff shall depend on the judgment of the pilot and urgency of
Only an aircraft commander with a special instrument rating, who is also on the flight controls, is authorized to make departures from an airfield when weather conditions are below minimum.
At a minimum, such aircraft (commercial) shall be avoided by a margin of at least __ feet vertically or __ mile laterally unless ordered otherwise by competent air traffic control authority.
500 ft
1 mile
Oxygen use improves night vision performance at altitudes above __ feet.
Actual Instrument Approach
When actual instrument conditions are encountered below 1,000 feet above the airport/flight deck elevation during an instrument approach.
Pre-oxygenation (uninterrupted breathing of aircraft oxygen systems) for __ minutes or more prior to altitude exposure above __ feet significantly reduces the risk of DCS.
30 mins
Max airspeed in airspace underlying class B airspace or in a VFR corridor designated through a class B airspace area
200 KIAS
DD-175-1 briefs are only valid for __ hours past briefing/FWB delivery time or ETD plus __ hour. Briefings received more than __ hours prior to takeoff will be void and require rebriefing prior to departure. Whenever possible, naval aviators should request a DD-175-1 flight route weather briefing at least __ hour prior to proposed brief time to allow sufficient time for brief preparation.
Alcohol can adversely affect the vestibular system for as long as __ hours even when blood alcohol content is zero.
48 hrs
Operations on VRs shall be conducted only when the weather is at or above VFR minimums except that: ___
(1) Flight visibility shall be 5 miles or more; and
(2) Flights shall not be conducted below a ceiling of less than 3,000 feet AGL.
Standard instrument rating takeoff minimums
Published minimums for the available NPA, but not less than 300-foot ceiling and 1-statute mile visibility. When
a precision approach compatible with installed and operable aircraft equipment is available, with published minimums less than 300/1, takeoff is authorized provided the weather is at least equal to the precision approach
minimums for the landing runway in use, but in no case when the weather is less than 200-foot ceiling and 1/2-statute-mile visibility/2,400-foot runway visual range (RVR).
Flight personnel shall not participate in flight duties or perform low-pressure chamber runs for __ days following donation of 450 cc of blood (__ pint).
three levels of ORM based upon time and assests
Time critical, deliberate, in-depth
Except for operational necessity, emergencies, and flights involving all-weather research projects or weather reconnaissance, pilots shall not file into or through areas for which the SPC has issued a WW unless one of the following exceptions apply:
a. Storm development has not progressed as forecast.
(1) VFR filing is permitted if existing and forecast weather for the planned route permits such flights.
(2) IFR flight may be permitted if aircraft radar is installed and operative, thus permitting detection and avoidance of isolated thunderstorms.
(3) IFR flight is permissible in controlled airspace if VMC can be maintained, thus enabling aircraft to detect and avoid isolated thunderstorms.
b. Performance characteristics of the aircraft permit an en route flight altitude above existing or developing severe storms.
___ that may affect aircraft controllability shall not be conducted anytime passengers are aboard the aircraft.
Simulated emergencies
The PIC shall review a record of aircraft discrepancies and corrective actions for the __ previous flights.
If loss of pressurization occurs and oxygen systems are suspect, an immediate descent shall be made as soon as possible to a cabin altitude at or below __ feet.
If oxygen systems are not suspect, immediate descent shall be made to a cabin altitude at or below __ feet.
During loss of pressurization ___ shall use oxygen.
10,000 ft
18,000 ft
all occupants
Unless otherwise delineated in an MTR special operating procedure, aircrew shall avoid charted, uncontrolled airports by __ nm or __ feet.
3 nm or 1,500 ft
Alternate Airfield
Destination wx = published minimums up to but not including 3,000-3
alternate wx = NPA: published mins plus 300-1
PA: published mins plus 200 - 1/2
Immersion in water with a temperature of between __° and __° for as little as __ hours can result in unconsciousness because of hypothermia. Wearing of the complete anti-exposure ensemble as authorized by (an) is the only configuration that ensures adequate thermal protection with water temperatures below __°F.
50 and 60
2 hours
When are WW bulletins issued?
for areas where conditions are favorable for development of severe weather and warnings are issued by local National Weather Service forecast offices where these
conditions are actually occurring.
When shall anti-collision lights be on?
immediately before engine start and at all times when the aircraft engine(s) is in operation, except when the use of
such lights adversely affects ground operations (i.e., arming and de-arming, refueling operations, etc.)
When it is necessary to fly over known wild fowl habitations, an altitude of at least __ feet shall be maintained, conditions permitting.
Two types of leadership
designated and functional
For straight-in approaches, pilots shall use ___,
if available, to determine if visibility meets the weather criteria for approaches, which are published in DoD FLIP Terminal Approach Procedures. ___ shall be used for circling approach criteria.
Prevailing visibility
Minimum requirements for special instrument ratings include all of the requirements for a standard instrument rating plus the following: ___
a. Five years of military and nonmilitary flying experience.
b. Two thousand hours of military and/or civil time as a certificated commercial/airline transport pilot.
c. One hundred hours of military actual instrument time.
d. A special instrument rating is recognition of a pilot’s experience, demonstrated flight ability, and judgment.
Except when necessary for takeoff and landing or when the mission of the flight requires otherwise, flights in fixed-wing aircraft shall not be conducted below an altitude of __ feet above the terrain or surface of the water.
500 ft
Max airspeed below 10,000 MSL
250 KIAS
Whenever practicable, fuel shall not be jettisoned (dumped) below an altitude of __ feet above the terrain.
Flight plans shall be filed based on all the following:
a. The actual weather at the point of departure at the time of clearance.
b. The existing and forecast weather for the entire route of flight.
c. Destination and alternate forecasts for a period 1 hour before ETA until 1 hour after ETA.
In unpressurized aircraft when oxygen is not available to other occupants, flight between __ and __ feet shall not exceed __ hours duration, and flight above __ feet is prohibited.
10,000 and 13,000
3 hrs
Consumption of any type of alcohol is prohibited within __ hours of any mission brief or flight planning. Adherence to the letter of this rule does not guarantee a crew member will be free from the effects of alcohol after a period of __ hours.
12 hrs for both
What should you expect if you declare minimum fuel?
Pilots declaring minimum fuel should not expect special handling from FAA controllers.
Civil aircraft carrying __ or more passengers are equipped with Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS). TCAS may activate when it detects an aircraft within __ feet vertically, and __ nm horizontally.
1,200 ft
6 nm
Define minimum fuel
an advisory term indicating that in the judgment of the pilot the fuel state is such that no undue delay can be accepted en route to the destination. It is not an emergency situation, but undue delay may result in an emergency.
When out of controlled airspace and over designated mountainous terrain, as shown in appropriate DoD FLIPs, an aircraft shall not be flown less than __ feet above the highest terrain or obstacle within __ miles of the intended line of flight.
2,000 ft
22 miles
In multipiloted pressurized aircraft if above FL __, the pilot at the controls must be using __ percent oxygen if the other seat is occupied by other than a qualified pilot, except for aircraft equipped with quick–donning masks at both pilot stations where the above rule shall apply above FL __.
FL 250
FL 350
Minimum requirements for a standard instrument rating are as follows: ___
a. 50 hours of instrument pilot time under actual or simulated instrument conditions.
b. Successfully complete a NATOPS instrument evaluation in accordance with the NATOPS Instrument Flight Manual.
c. Within the 6 months preceding the date of the instrument evaluation flight obtain (i.e., if the checkride occurs on 24 January 01, count all instrument hours and approaches after 24 July 00):
(1) Six hours as pilot under actual or simulated instrument conditions.
(2) Twelve final approaches under actual or simulated instrument conditions, six of which shall be precision approaches and six of which shall be nonprecision.
d. Within the 12 months preceding the date of the instrument evaluation flight obtain (i.e., checkride occurs on 24 January 01, count all instrument hours and approaches after 24 January 00): (1) Twelve hours as pilot under actual or simulated instrument conditions. (2) A total of 18 final approaches under actual or simulated instrument conditions, 12 of which shall be precision and six of which shall be nonprecision.
Flight personnel shall not participate in flight duties for __ hours after receiving an immunization or injection unless cleared sooner by an FS.
12 hrs
Smoking has been shown to cause lung disease and impair night vision, dark adaptation, and increase susceptibility to ___.
Max airspeed regarding class C or D airport
200 KIAS at or below 2,500 ft AGL within 4 nm
Fuel planning if alternate is not required
fuel to fly from takeoff to destination airfield, plus a reserve of 10 percent of planned fuel requirements.
Flight personnel shall not perform flight duties for __ hours after exposure to low-pressure chamber flight in excess of __ feet.
12 hrs
30,000 ft
When out of controlled airspace and only when the mission of the flight requires otherwise, an aircraft shall not be flown less than __ feet above the highest terrain, surface of the water, or obstacle within __ miles of the intended line of flight.
1,000 ft
22 miles
Fuel planning if alternate is required
fuel to fly from takeoff to the approach fix serving destination and thence to an alternate airfield, plus a reserve of 10 percent of planned fuel requirements.
In no case shall the planned fuel reserve after final landing at destination or alternate airfield, if one is required, be less than that needed for __ minutes of flight, computed as follows: ___
20 mins
Compute fuel consumption based on maximum endurance operation at 10,000 feet.
When shall position lights be displayed?
- 30 mins before official sunset until 30 mins after official sunrise or any time prevailing vis as seen from the cockpit is less than 3 SM
- Immediately before engine start and anytime the engine(s) is running.
- When the aircraft is being towed unless the aircraft is otherwise illuminated.
- When an aircraft is parked and likely to cause a hazard unless the aircraft is otherwise illuminated or marked with obstruction lights.
a pilot shall not be designated as PIC unless the
pilot has made at least __ takeoffs and landings and logged __ hours of pilot time in the same model aircraft within the preceding __ days. Also, lacking NATOPS guidance for a specific aircraft, __ hours first pilot time in model is required for initial qualification.
If our destination ONLY has a PAR/ASR, what type of approach does our alternate need to have?
an approach that you can fly without the use of two way radio communications
if the destination ONLY has a PAR/ASR then our alternate cannot only have a PAR/ASR