CN + Examination Flashcards
Function of CN 1- olfactory
CN 2-optic Function
Dorsal/Medial/Ventral/Ventromedial rotation is associated to which nerve?
CN 3-oculomotor
Dorsomedial rotation of the eye is associated to which CN?
4 - trochelar
CN 6 - abducens function
Lateral mov and globe retraction
Balance and auditory perception is CN ?
8 -vestibulocochlear
Swallowing via sensory/motor of pharynx is via which CN?
9 - glossopharyngeal
Parasympathetic innervation of the heart/lungs/GI is due to which CN?
10 - vagus
CN 11 (accessory) function
posture and neck movement
How can you assess CN 7?
Face expression/Symmetry
Eye position is used to test which CN?
3,4,6 (eye position) and 8 (balance)
The menace response tests what CN?
CN 2 - visual perception
CN 7 - blinking
The cerebral cortex for head movement and CN 2 test is through which test?
Visual Tracking and Navigation
Pupil Size and Symmetry and PLR is assessed for which CN?
2 and 3
The corneal reflex tests which CN?
CN V1 - corneal sensation
CN 6 - eye retraction
What is used to assess CN V1/2 and 7?
Palpebral reflex
Describe palpebral reflex testing
Elicit blink by touching medial and lateral aspect of the eyelids
Describe the vibrissae response
Elicit blinking/lip movement by touching whiskers
Which CN is tested in the vibrissae response apart from facial?
CN v2
The chin pinch response technique is described as:
Elicit movement of head by touching ching
The nasostimulation response is used to asses which CN?
CN V1/2 - nostril sensation and cerebral cortex for movement of head
What is the name of the technique used to elicit a blink/ear movement by touching the inner pinna?
How do you induce physiological nystagmus?
by turning the head left and right
Observing the eye for abnormal rhythmic movements is to test for?
Pathological Nystagmus
The gag reflex is used to test which CN?
CN 9 and 10 (pharynx sensation)
Which test is used to assess CN V3 only?
Jaw tone
CN 12 is assessed by?
Observing tongue symmetry and touching it for motor response
A patient presents to you with facial asymmetry. Which cranial nerve is most likely dysfunctional in this patient?
CN 7
A patient presents to you for abnormal eye position. During your exam, the patient appears visual, but PLRs are absent. Which cranial nerve is most likely dysfunctional in this patient?
CN 3
Another patient presents to you for abnormal eye position (medially rotated). During your exam, the patient has intact palpebral reflexes, but corneal reflex is absent. Which cranial nerve is most likely dysfunctional in this patient?
CN 6
A patient presents to you for self-trauma of the face. During your exam you find an absent vibrissae, absent lateral palpebral reflex, intact medial palpebral reflex, and absent pinna reflex. What cranial nerve is likely responsible for the patient’s clinical signs?
CN V2 - maxilalry
A patient presents to you for choking while eating and drinking. On exam, you are unable to elicit a gag reflex. What 2 cranial nerves could be responsible for the patient’s clinical signs?
9 and 10
A patient presents to you for annual exam. During your evaluation, you notice severe atrophy of the tongue. What cranial nerve is most likely dysfunctional in this patient?
A patient presents to you for excessive drooling and inability to eat or drink. You immediately notice the patient is unable to close the jaw. During your exam you find reduced jaw tone, absent chin pinch response, and atrophy of the muscles of mastication. Dysfunction of which cranial nerve is likely responsible for the patient’s clinical signs?
CNV3 - mandibular
A young patient presents to you for a head tilt, falling over, and apparent dizziness. On your exam, you notice the patient is deaf. Which cranial nerve is likely dysfunctional in this patient?
A patient presents to you for bumping into things at home. On exam, you note dilated pupils, absent menace response, absent PLR, absent tracking, and failure to navigate. Which cranial nerve is likely dysfunctional in this patient?
A patient presents to you for chronic corneal ulceration. On exam, you find an absent corneal reflex, absent medial palpebral, and reduced nasostimulation on the affected side. Dysfunction of which cranial nerve is likely responsible for the patient’s clinical signs?
CN V1 -opthalmic