CMD Line Training Flashcards
When can you descend below MSA at night?
- Circling Area
- 5NM on PAPI
- 7NM on PAPI at aerodrome with GS
- 10NM on ILS
-14NM on ILS on 16L and 34L
If you require a certain runway, how far from the aerodrome must you request it?
80NM from a capital city aerodrome or 30NM from a regular control zone.
After what period of time must we advise ATC if GNSS is unavailable?
5 Minutes if RAIM fail.
1 Minute if the GNSS has entered DR mode.
If deviating from flight planned TAS how many kts must you notify ATC?
If you get an RA during a breakout procedure what should you follow?
The RA
If operating one one altimeter do you need to notify ATC?
Maximum circuit speed class D
Take off wake sep standards
- 2 Min Full Length Heavy
- 3 Min Intersection Heavy
- 3 Min Full Length Super
- 4 Min Intersection Super
How close can we follow heavier aircraft?
- 5NM Heavy
- 7 NM Super
What distance can an intersection departure be considered full length?
Provided you begin the take off roll from no more than 150m where the proceeding aircraft began their takeoff roll.
What are the items required for brief in a holding pattern?
T - Type of entry F - Fuel L - Lights A - Altitude S - Speed T - Time
When taxiing behind a jet how many meters must we be behind?
46m Static
30m Moving
Where is the thunderstorm airport shut down PA?
How ofter must fuel in flight be checked?
Every hour
Junior FO Takeoff Minima
300ft and 2km Vis or Airport Runway Limits, whichever is lower.
How far apart are the approach lights?
150m +-6m
OCTA & CTA Transponder Codes?
2000 & 3000
What are the requirements after start before selecting power levers below Flight Idle?
780RPM and TRU and AC Gen Lights Out
What must we now add into ISTOP threats brief due COVID?
Run through the COVID TAB with each new crew.
Where can the card for the observer safety brief be found?
The Esky
With the APU running, what is the company SOP for start with pushback
Start both engines off the APU
Minimum crew O2 dispatch and when do we need to request a refil?
1,300psi min dispatch and refill at 1,500psi
Where can we find LDA?
Performance Handbook
Where can we find LRC power settings?
LRC Data Card