Club History Flashcards
When was the SAMC first established?
Where was the original SAMC started?
Fort Hood, Texas
What key people were instrumental in getting the original club set up?
Officers, enlisted, civil service, and a Kileen civilian
What general officer lead the effort in creating the original club?
Lieutenant General Crosbie Saint, then the III Corps Commander
What senior enlisted lead the effort in creating the original club?
Command Sergeant Major George L. Horvath, then the III Corps Command Sergeant Major
What civil service employee lead the effort in creating the original club?
Jean Crisp, then the III Corps Award Clerk and now the Test and Experimentation Command Awards Clerk
What civilian lead the effort in creating the original club?
Mr. Don Moore, a Kileen artist who assisted with designing the logo and club awards
When was the Fort Hood installation club expanded from Fort Hood to all of III Corps?
Who expanded the Fort Hood installation club to all of III Corps?
Lieutenant General Pete Taylor, the III Corp Commander, and Command Sergeant Major Richard B. Cayton, the III Corp Command Sergeant Major
In 1991, when the club expanded to all of III Corps, what other posts received SAMCs?
Fort Riley, Kansas; Fort Sill, Oklahoma; Fort Bliss, Texas; Fort Polk, Louisiana; Fort Carson, Colorado
When was Command Sergeant Major Richard B. Cayton voted into the SAMC?
Who voted Command Sergeant Major Richard B. Cayton into the SAMC?
Club membership
After being voted into the SAMC, what position did Command Sergeant Major Richard B. Cayton assume? What was the outcome?
Forces Command (FORSCOM) Command Sergeant Major. The club quickly spread throughout FORSCOM, including the Reserves and National Guard.
When did the SAMC spread Army-wide?
How did the SAMC spread Army-wide?
The SAMC was discussed at a Sergeant Major of the Army Conference.
What was the guidance on membership when the SAMC spread Army-wide?
The SAMC spread to all commands with installations retaining the selection process for their own NCOs.
In 1998, what was club membership estimated at?
3000 Soldiers and steadily increasing
What is the SAMC motto?
“You lead from the front.” - Audie Murphy