Audie Murphy White Paper (SGM Evans) Flashcards
Of Emmett’s and Josie’s children, what number son was Audie? What number child?
Audie was the third son and seventh child.
Who was Audie named after?
A close friend and neighbor.
Who was Audie’s eldest sister?
Elizabeth Murphy
Who chose Audie’s middle name Leon, literally translating to Lion in Spanish?
Elizabeth, Audie’s eldest sister.
As a child and teen, what was Audie referred to as by his friends?
In the Army, what was Audie referred to as by his buddies?
What name was Audie listed by on orders and press releases?
Audie L. Murphy, the name he became famous by.
Who were Audie Murphy’s parents?
Emmett and Josie Murphy
After the war, what was Audie commonly referred to as?
Audie Murphy
What did Audie sign important documents as?
Audie Leon Murphy
Audie was a born what? His ability to what was uncanny?
“To sight, stalk, and shoot game”
What characteristics ensured Audie’s survival at the front lines of combat?
Almost perfect eyesight and hearing and the “luck of the Irish.”
What did Audie and his brother Charles often do?
Spend the day shooting a snuff can out of each others hands at distances out to fifty feet.
Describe Audie’s faith?
Audie’s belief in God was very positive. Although not a member of a particular faith, he did attend Sunday school and worship service most every Sunday before joining the military. During the war, Audie carried a copy of the New Testament with him daily. Furthermore, in 1957 in Dallas, Audie joined the Masonic Order, an ancient and respected fraternal order dedicated to the concepts of Christian living and exemplified by the Golden Rule.
As a child, what jobs did Audie perform?
Field hand, grocery store clerk, gas station clerk, and radio repairman.
How did Audie become interested in the Army?
Audie’s mother had two brothers who served during WWI and revealed stories to Audie on France and the action they saw.
Where was Audie officially sworn in?
Dallas, Texas
What did the Army recruiter require before enlisting Audie? Why?
The Army recruiter required a signed affidavit from his sister attesting to his age due to his boyish looks.
Where was Audie initially assigned when he arrived in North Africa? Who was the Commander?
Company B, 15th Infantry Regiment, 3rd Infantry Division, under the command of LT W.H. Reeves.
What was Audie’s initial position in Company B? Why? How long did he serve in this position?
Platoon Messenger
His size
Until he was promoted to Corporal, 15 July 1943.
What vice did Audie initiate in Sicily? How did it affect his life?
He became a compulsive gambler. This vice haunted him for the rest of his life. While the gambler’s instincts contributed to his success and survival in combat, it became a major problem after the war.
How did Audie progress from a Platoon Messenger?
He consistently volunteered for patrol duty on a daily basis and occasionally slipped out with one or two weekly. Eventually the Company Commander allowed him to regularly conduct patrols, after continued assistance.
What was the name of the first causality Audie saw? What were the first words Audie heard?
“Get his ammo, he won’t need it and you will.”
What was Audie diagnosed with soon thereafter arriving to Sicily?
When did Audie shoot best?
When he fired instinctively and upon reflex, rather than aiming with his sights.
How many respiratory infections did Audie suffer from during the war?
Three; all of which were influenza.
Describe how Audie grew as a combat leader over the course of his campaigns?
Sicily, basic combat skills. Italy, practiced combat skills and polished them. France, perfected combat skills and became the most decorated Soldier in America history.