clios notes cold war Flashcards
nonviolent war between communism (soviet union) and capitalism (us)
cold war
supply and demand regulates economy, not federal government
free market capitalism
production/investment/prices/incomes are determined by central government
command economy
soviets were mad at allies for not opening this earlier in wwii
second front
location of conference where soviets agreed for free elections
ideological barrier in europe, coined by churchill
iron curtain
iron curtain guy
winston churchill
soviet dictator
josef stalin
said to adopt containment
george kennan
stop communism at current lines; george kennan
fancy name for america’s containment
truman doctrine
america’s offer of money to europe for american goods
marshall plan
they had civil wars, and received aid from truman doctrine
greece and turkey
big international thing, created in SF and a forum for disputes
united nations
part of UN, 15 members, 5 permanent
security council
part of UN, everyone gets to vote
general assembly
speech that inspired UN charter
four freedoms speech
churchill and fdr agreement that inspired UN charter
atlantic charter
UN created this to say life/liberty/etc were natural-born rights
universal declaration of human rights
people agreed to lower tariffs and trade barriers. US supported
general agreement of trade and tariffs (GATT)
set up currency exchange and world bank
international monetary fund (IMF)
western european/NA allies thing
US alliance in asia/pacific
eastern europe/soviet union alliance
warsaw pact
proposal to place atomic weapons in UN control
baruch plan
hydrogen bomb, way more powerful than atomic
if you attack me, youre dead too
mutual assured destruction (MAD)
prohibited above-ground nuclear tests in the Kennedy administration
test ban treaty
nixon negotiated these to “limit arms”
salt 1 and 2
people called for this to stop nuclear weapon production
nuclear freeze
thing that actually reduced arms after the cold war with bush
soviets made this to reduce goods moving to west berlin
berlin blockade
US did this to combat berlin blockade
berlin airlift
ussr built this to prevent people from moving west
berlin wall
divider between north and south korea
38th parallel
he requested approval from UN to help south korea
harry truman
south korea american general
general douglas macarthur
the beach macarthur and troops landed on
chinese communist leader
mao tse tung (zedong)
anti-communist chinese leader, supported by US
chiang kai shek
ordered loyalty oaths of federal employees
harry truman
these were implemented by truman for federal workers during the red scare
loyalty oaths
he went to yalta with fdr and was accused of conversing with communists
alger hiss
they traded atomic bomb secrets to the soviets
julius & ethyl rosenberg
congress-established committee to investigate communism threat
ten writers/directors accused of promoting communism
hollywood ten
to be marked as a communist and lose most job opportunities
senator who claimed he had a list of communists
joseph mccarthy
people refused to self-incriminate via this
5th amendment
he led the cuban communist revolution
fidel castro
previous cuban leader who was allies with america
juan bautista
american considered latin america their turf via this
monroe doctrine
us has police powers in latin america
roosevelt corollary
they created a plan to overthrow castro in ‘61
central intelligence agency (cia)
CIA planned this in ‘61 but it failed
bay of pigs invasion
provided cuba with nuclear weapons to deter US
nikita khrushchev
top civilian/military advisors assembled by JFK to manage crisis
problem that happened after bombs were sent to cuba
cuban missile crisis
two options JFK chose over air strikes for cuban missile crisis
from 46-54, france fought in this war with US support for territory
first indochina war
indochina communist military
viet minh
wanted to put vietnam under communist control
ho chi minh
vietnam battle where the french lost
dien bien phu
line between north & south vietnam
17th parallel
these were signed and france left vietnam
geneva accords
he proposed the domino theory
dwight eisenhower
if south vietnam falls, so do the rest
domino theory
kennedy supported this unpopular south vietnamese leader
ngo dinh diem
he faced the vietnam decision after jfk was assassinated
lyndon johnson
johnson proposed this to congress to protect US interests in vietnam
gulf of tonkin resolution
general in charge of vietnam stuff
william westmoreland
ambushes/hit-and-run tactics
guerilla war
south vietnam communists who tried to defeat US
viet cong
young people needed to go to war
this means direct contact wasnt wanted (just support)
limited war
communist attack on south vietnam
tet offensive
promised to achieve peace with honor in vietnam
richard nixon
nixon’s vietnam promise
peace with honor
maxe vietnam do it, not us
kennedy’s thing to send young americans to latin america to help with life stuff
peace corps
set of programs to help latin america that backfired
alliance for progress
communists who took over nicaragua
reagan funded them to help defeat sandanistas
reagan pushed for this expensive nuclear defense program that pressured soviets into peace
strategic defense initiative aka star wars
this reformer took soviet power during reagan years. called for perestroika and glasnost
mikhail gorbachev
resurrecting economy through free market
some free speech
us and britain supposed this as a jewish state in 1945
carter negotiated this to bring together egypt/isreal
camp david accords
camp david israeli leader
menachim begin
camp david egyptian leader
anwar sadat
iraq’s oil-rich neighbor; invaded in 1990
he wanted a new world order
george h.w. bush
bush used this to get people against iraq
new world order
bush moves 500,000 troops to saudi arabia
desert shield
desert shield/storm commanders
norman schwarzkopf and colin powell
heavy bombing on iraqi troops to push them out of kuwait
desert storm