Clinical trials Flashcards
Phases of clinical trials
- Pre-clincal phase
- Phase I Human pharmacology
- Phase II Therapeutic exploratory
- Phase III Therapeutic confirmatory
- Phase IV Therapeutic use
Pre-clinical phase
Animal and laboratory studies
Phase I Human pharmacology
Pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, metabolism, dosage and safety
Phase II Therapeutic exploratory
Safety and effectiveness
Phase III Therapeutic confirmatory
Pre-marketing data to establish safety and efficacy against current gold standard treatment
PPhase IV Therapeutic use
Post-marketing examination of long-term side effects, efficacy and evaluation of uses/doses in various populations/ethnicities
Absolute risk reduction (ARR)
Absolute risk = number of people/total number of people
ARR = Absolute risk in group 1 - Absolute risk in group 2
Relative risk reduction (RRR)
(Absolute risk in placebo group - Abolute risk in group X) / Absolute risk in placebo group
Number needed to treat (NNT)
Odds ratio (OR)
Odds in group 1 = Number of times it will happen/number of times it won’t happen
OR = Odds in group 1/Odds in group 2