Clinical Psychology Flashcards
Of the Vienna circle, by what age did each theorist believe personality is formed?
Freud: by age 5; Adler: by age 6, Jung: not until midlife (40-45)
What defense mechanism is illustrated by the boy whose fear of horses resulted from his fear of his father?
Displacement (“Little Hans”)
In Object Relations theory, when does the child realize that he or she is separate from other figures in his or her life?
By age 4-5 months.
Which type of personality theorist would reject a medical model in which a person must be diagnosed in order to be treated?
Humanistic, especially phenomenological (e.g., Carl Rogers, Fritz Perls)
Which theoretical approach was developed to deal only with the diagnosis of major depression, and from what two approaches does it incorporate elements?
Interpersonal therapy, which combines elements of cognitive-behavioral and psychodynamic therapies.
What are three major principles of solution-focused therapy?
- The client is the expert.
- Play to the client’s strengths.
- Look for exceptions.
What are the two approaches needed in the initial two stages of Prochaska and DiClemente’s transtheoretical model?
Global goals and consciousness-raising (Precontemplative and contemplative stages)
How soon is the client likely to make changes when entering the contemplative and preparation stages of the transtheoretical model?
Contemplative: six months
Preparation: one month
In Bowenian family therapy, the therapist will focus on which family member when working individually?
The most differentiated family member.
What are the names of the three stages of structural family therapy, according to Minuchin?
- Joining (mimesis) in which the therapist acts similarly to family members
- Enactment, in which the therapist observes how the family operates and who has power (mapping)
- Unbalancing, in which the therapist fosters changes in the family structure and power balance.
How does Minuchin unbalance the family?
Manipulates the mood and escalates the stress.
What are four common problem areas focused upon in Interpersonal Therapy?
Role disputes, role transitions, unresolved grief, interpersonal deficits.
What is the guiding principle of Prochaska and DiClemente’s transtheoretical model as applied to psychotherapy?
The therapist’s interventions must match the client’s stage of change.
Name a constructivist personality theory.
George Kelly’s Personal Construct Theory.
What are three key concepts from Murray Bowen’s Extended Family Systems Therapy?
Differentiation of self
Emotional Triangles
Multigenerational transmission process
What therapy approach most often makes use of genograms?
Murray Bowen’s Extended Family Systems Therapy.
Name two key concepts of dysfunction in Salvador Minuchin’s Structural Family Therapy, and how they affect families.
Boundaries (may be too rigid or too diffuse) Rigid Triads (detouring, stable coalition, triangulation)
These prevent the family from responding appropriately (adapting) to stress.
What were Eysenck’s (1952) results on psychotherapy research, and what different results were found by Smith, Glass, and Miller (1980)?
Eysenck looked at eclectic therapy, psychodynamic therapy, and no therapy and found that improvement rates were 66%, 44%, and 72% respectively. Smith, Glass, and Miller looked at treatment vs. no treatment and found that therapy clients showed 80% greater levels of improvement than clients who did not receive treatment.
What were Howard, et al’s (1986) three most striking results for dose dependent effects in psychotherapy?
50% showed marked improvement after 8 sessions (Remoralization)
75% showed marked improvement after 26 sessions (Remediation)
85% showed marked improvement at 52 sessions. (Rehabilitation)
What is the term for the effect in which one major diagnosis leads to a clinician’s attributing all symptoms to that diagnosis rather than looking for additional diagnoses?
Diagnostic overshadowing.
Name the four levels of identification with majority/minority culture in Berry’s acculturation model.
IDENTIFICATION Low Minority High Minority
Low Majority Marginalization Separation
High Majority Assimilation Integration
Distinguish emic from etic approaches.
Emic: Culture specific, point of view from within culture
Etic: Universalistic, point of view from outside culture.
Define Wrenn’s (1964) concept of Cultural Encapsulation.
Therapist views things from his or her own worldview, and has rigid (stereotyped) notions of cultural issues and therapeutic techniques.
Name the stages in Atkinson, Morten, and Sue’s Racial/Cultural Identity Development Model.
Conformity (Prefers dominant [majority] group over own) Dissonance (Conflicting attitudes about own/dominant groups) Resistance and Immersion (Prefers own/rejects dominant group) Introspection (Is concerned about inflexible attitudes re: groups) Integrative awareness (Accepts cultural values by examining)
Name the stages in Cross’s Black Racial (Negrescence) Identity Development Model.
Pre-encounter (Race of little salience, and may have internalized racist beliefs)
Encounter (An event or events lead to greater awareness of racism)
Immersion-Emersion (Race high salience, begins developing Black identity)
Internalization (Race still highly salient, adopts black nationalist, biculturalist, or multiculturalist identity)
Name the statuses in Helms’ White Racial Identity Model.
Contact (Lack of racial awareness)
Disintegration (Increased awareness of differences, conflict)
Reintegration (Sticking with the majority views/values)
Pseudo-independence (Questions racist beliefs/values)
Immersion-emersion (Replaces racist beliefs with reality)
Autonomy (Internalizes non-racist white identity)
What is the general rule regarding the handling of affect in therapy as it relates to level of acculturation?
For clients who are less acculturated, strong affect can be shaming, especially when not accorded respect.
What are two key findings about the use of cuento therapy with Latino/a clients?
Folktales should be from the traditions of the country of origin. They should be translated into the language most commonly used by the client, but they should be designated as being from the country of origin.