Clinical Psychology Flashcards
Psychodynamic Therapy
-human behavior is motivated by the unconscious
-early development has an influence on the present
-insight into the unconscious is the key to therapy
Ex. Freud Psychoanalysis, Adler’s Individual , Jung’s Analytical, Mahler’s Object Relations Theory
Freudian Psychoanalysis
human beings are determined by events occurring in the first 5 years;
personality theory;
maladaptive behavior results from unresolved childhood conflict;
therapy goals: being consciously aware of the unconscious
Freud’s personality theory
structural: id, ego, superego
developmental: libido changes across 5 stages- oral, anal, phallic, latency, and genital
defense mechanisms
defense mechanisms
used by the ego toward off anxiety resulting from
conflicts between id impulses and the demands of the superego or reality;
lead to maladaptive behavior when they become a habit way of dealing with conflict
reaction formation
Freud’s psychodynamic techniques
analysis: free association, dreams, resistance, transference
confrontation, clarification, interpretation, catharsis;
working through
Adler’s Individual Therapy
teleological approach: behavior is motivated by future goals!
personality: focus on inferiority feelings, serving for superiority, style of life, & social interest;
two styles of life
style of life
how a person compensates for inferiority;
healthy style of life: goals reflect optimism, confidence, the welfare of others
mistaken style of life: goals are self-centered, strive for personal power, competition
4 goals of Behavior in children
power, attention, revenge, display deficiency
Jung’s Analytical Psychotherapy
libido: general psychic energy
behavior determined by past events & future goals
personality: consequence of conscious & unconscious;
primordial images that structure how people perceive experiences
ex. persona, shadow, anima, animus
public mask
dark side
integration of conscious & unconscious –> unique identity –> wisdom
Jung & transference
interested in it;
projection of unconscious
Object Relations Theory
view object seeking as basic drive;
goal: bring conscious awareness to unconscious relationship & replace with appropriate ones
focus: splitting, projective identification
(Mahler’s) Model of Early Development
[1m] normal infantile autism: self-absorbed
normal symbiotic phase: child aware of mom
[4/5m] separation-individuation
separation anxiety
[3y] object constancy
assimilating aspect of the object onto self
Humanistic Therapy
here & now;
rejection of diagnostic labels;
ex. Rogerian, Gestalt, Existential, Reality,
Person Centered Therapy (Rogerian)
self-actualization tendency= source of motivation;
maladaptive behavior is due to incongruence b/w self & experience
3 therapeutic conditions of rogerian therapy
unconditional positive regard;
genuiness: genuine & authentic
accurate empathetic understanding
Gestalt Therapy
whole> sum of parts;&
emphasis on contact, awareness, & experimentation;
personality: self & self-image
Goal: become a unified whole!
aspect that promotes one’s ability to live as fully integrated person
“darker side”
Gestalt & Maladaptive behavior
neurotic behavior is a growth disorder that stems from disturbance in boundary b/w self & environment
boundary disturbances
introjection, projection, retroflection, confluence
accepting concept/facts w/o fully understanding them
disowning aspects of self & associating them to other people
doing to oneself what they want to do to others
no boundary –> intolerance of any diff b/w self & others
Gestalt & transference
transference= counterproductive!!
focus on helping client differentiate between fantasy & reality)
Existential Therapy
emphasis on personal & responsibility or developing meaningful life;
success v failure identity
Personal Construct Therapy
Kelly; Constructivist!
focus on how client experiences world based on how bipolar dimension construct
Brief Therapies
time limited, focus on current concerns, therapist takes an active role;
Ex. Interpersonal, solution focused, Transtheoretical, Motivational Interviewing
Interpersonal Therapy
Kierman & Weissman;
focus on social relationships
primary problem areas: unresolved grief, role transitions, interpersonal deficits, & interpersonal role dispute
Primary Problem Areas of Interpersonal Therapy
unresolved grief, role transition, interpersonal; deficits, & interpersonal role dispute
Solution Focused Therapy
focus on the solution not the problem nor etiology;
use of questions
miracle question
“If everything was fixed…”
exception question
“when did you not feel that way?”
scaling question
“1 to 10”
Transtheoretical Model
Prochaska & Diclemente;
focus on factors that facilitate behavior change;
stages of change (progression not linear)
*interventions most effective when they match the stage a person is in
Stages of Change
pre contemplation: individual has little insight into the need to change;
contemplation: individual aware that change is needed but not committed to change
preparation: plans to take action & has realistic plan
action: takes steps to change behavior:
maintenance: change in behavior for 6+ months & takes steps to prevent relapse
Motivational Interviewing
focus on factors that impede ability to change;
Goal: enhance intrinsic motivation by helping client examine their ambivalence about change;
advocates a collaborative relationship b/w therapist & client
Techniques for MI
Open ended questions
Reflective listening
Family Therapies
focus on the unit and not on the individual
ex. general systems, communication/interaction family, extended family system, structural family, strategic family, Millan’s systemic, behavioral, Object Relations Family
General Systems Theory
system is maintained through interactions; family is open system
maladaptive behavior is due to dysfunctional communication patterns
involves a feedback loop;
negative: reduces deviation
positive: increases deviation & disrupts system
double-blind communication
conflicting negative injunctions
“do this & you will be punished”
communication/ interaction family therapy
2 assumptions: all behavior is communication & all communication has a report & command function
2 communication patters: symmetrical & complementary
symmetrical communication pattern
equality b/w communication but may lead to one-upmanship
complementary communication pattern
reflect inequality
Extended Family Systems
family functioning in terms of inter-related concepts: differentiation, emotional triangles, family projection process, multigenerational transmutation
individual ability to separate intellectuals & emotional functions
undifferentiated family ego
family members whose members are highly emotionally fused
emotional triangle
third person added to a duo to increase stability & decrease tension
family projection process
process by which parental conflicts & emotional immaturity are transmitted to children
multigenerational transmission process
lower levels of differentiation are passed down from one generation to another;
*leads to maladaptive behavior
depicts relationships between family members & is used as an ASMT tool
Structural Family Therapy
looks at power hierarchies, subsystems & boundaries
*maladaptive behavior results from inflexible family structure
rigid triad where people focus on one child either by overprotecting or scapegoating
stable coalition
rigid triad where parent 1 & child team up & gang up against parent 2
rigid triad where each parent pull child to their side;
AKA unstable coalition
Techniques used in Structural Family Therapies
Joining: blending with the family (mimesis & tracking)
evaluating family structure
restructuring family
Strategic Family Therapy
maladaptive behavior: role of communication & control
*based on assumption that behavior change is due to change in perception & emotions
relies on paradoxical interventions
paradoxical interventions
alters behaviors of family members;
using resistance in a constructive way;
Ex. ordeals, restraining, positioning, reframing, prescribing
perform unpleasant task every time symptom occurs
encouraging family not to change
therapist accepts & exaggerates client assertions about the problem
giving symptoms a more + meaning
instructing client to maintain/exaggerate symptom
Milan Systemic Family Therapy
maladaptive behavior results from family patterns that are so fixed, members can’t make new choices
goal: help members see their choices
*use circular questions which are asked to each member
Behavioral Family Therapy
based on operant conditioning, social learning, & social exchange;
maladaptive behavior is learned & maintained by antecedents & consequences
goal: identify function of maladaptive behavior & replace with more adaptive ones
Object Relations Family Therapy
maladaptive behavior is due to intrapsychic & interpersonal factors
source of dysfunction is projective identification
projective identification
family member projects old introjects onto another family member
Group Therapy
groups go through stages: orientation, conflict, development of cohesiveness
*therapist is meant to be a technical expert and participant
Yale’s 11 curative factors
cohesion, interpersonal learning, catharsis, self-understanding (most important for group members) + altruism, universality, guidance, identification, family-reenactment, installation of hope, & existential factors
people suited for group therapy
when the problem is interpersonal issue, person motivated to change, person has a + view of group therapy, & person likes peer support
Feminist Therapy
emphasis on power difference between women & men & how that affects behavior;
goal: bring empowerment
self-in relation theory
mean gender diff can be traced to differences in mom-daughter & mom-son relationships
used to recover repressed memories
useful for reducing some types of pain by unlocking flow of qi
applying pressure to reflex areas to re-establish balance
primary prevention
goal is to decrease prevalence, strategies that promote health available to ALL members
secondary prevention
decrease prevalence by decreasing duration through early detection/intervention
tertiary prevention
decrease duration & consequences of mental & physical disorder
Health Belief Model
health behaviors influenced by
1) susceptibility to illness
2) individual evaluation of benefits & costs
3) internal & external cues to action
*implies that all behaviors can be modified by targeting knowledge
organizational consultation
entire organization is consulted
advocacy consultation
consultant fosters goals of disenfranchised group
mental health consultation
involves consultant, consultee, & client
client-centered case consultation
working with therapist to develop plan that will increase their ability to work with patient
consultee-centered-case consultation
enhancing consulate’s performance in delivering services to specific population;
targets consultee’s skills & knowledge
*theme interference can occur
theme interference
conflict related to when a type of client/situation interferes with working with similar situation
program-centered administration consultation
work with 1+ consultee & resolve problems relate to existing PROGRAM
consultee-centered administration consultation
help administrative-level personnel improve professional functioning to be more effective in future
things to keep in mind with telepsychology
-maintaining confidentiality & privacy
-how to obtain informed consent
-local & federal laws