clinical pathology Flashcards
kidney function assays
BUN, creatinine, calcium, phosphorus
kidney assay elevation causes and decrease causes
kidney dysfuunction/failure, dehydration (causes azotemia), high protein diet strenuous exercise starvation, overhydration 15-30 mg normal range dog/cat increase in BUN can lead to azotemia
evaluates kidneys ability to filter creatnine from blood
elevation causes: severe kidney damage
renal failure
75% kidney funcion loss > elevated levels
BUN and Creanine BFF’s
used together for best indicator of renal function
elevation of both indicates sever renal damage
Calcium and Phosphorus (inverse relationship)
both found in bones also found as electrolytes
both regulated by the parathyroid hormone
regulates kidneys ability to actively reabsorption calcium and excrete phosphorus
blood coagulation
PO4 3-
energy production n
pancreatic function assays
amylase, lipase, trypsin & tli, glucose
amylase and lipase
exocrine function
enzymes secreted necessary for digestion
primary source is pancreas
amylase breaks down starches and glycogen
lipase breaks down long chains of fatty acids
diagnose pancreatitis
lipase more sensitive than amylase
amylase and lipase elevation & decrease causes
acute or chronic pancreatitis
obstruction of pancreatic ducts
decrease: chronic, progressive pancreatic disease
trypsin and tli
exocrine function
breaks down protein in digested food
trypsin more detectable in feces than blood
tli uses serum Most Accurate
caused for TLI decrease/increase
increase: pancreatitis , post prandial
decrease: decrease pancreatic function
indicator of carbohydrate breakdown bodys primary source of energy
ENDOCRINE function
glucose depends on insulin produced by pancreas
glucose elevation/decrease causes:
type p2 diabetes (mellitus)
excitement, stress (felines), hyperglycemia
decrease: indicates reduced intake, hypoglycemia
glucose measurement
plasma from a grey top tube (best)
serum from a SST or RTT
sitting results can result in decrease in levels
requires fresh whole blood
Liver function assays
ALT(SGPT), AST(SGOT), Alk phosphatase (AP), total bilirubin , total protein
Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST)
screening test for liver disease ,enzymes that catalyze protein breakdown
ALT elevAtions
hepatic cancer , bile duct obstruction, trauma such as HBC, sever muscle injury* HIT BY A CAR
AST elevations
hepatic disease
muscle inflammation or necrosis
strenuous exercise
hemolysis of sample IM INJECTION
in young most AP is from bone
Older animals most AP is from liver
AP or ALP elevation causes
bone injury, obstrucive liver disease , hepatic lipidosis (fatty liver) , hyperadrenocorticism (cushings dz) , drugs can elevate and elevation in younger animals
total bilirubin
evaluates liver function and patency of bile ducts
determines cause of icterus
unconjugated bilirubin
indirect bilirubin
before liver, insoluble
conjugated bilirubin
direct bilirubin
after liver, water soluble
total bilirubin elevation causes
indirect: RBC destruction or blockage (hemolysis)
direct: bileduct injury or obstruction
hepatocyte damage
total proteins
Albumin, Fibrinogen , Glubulin
total serum protein
all protein factors except fibrinogen
total plasma protein
measures all the protin factors including fibrinogen
tp elevation
tp decrease
over hydrated
blood loss, malnutrition, mephritis, lymphosarcoma
30 - 50 % of tp
first protein lost during injury
acts as a transport for fatty acids billirubin and many drugs
change causes: renal disease dietary intake intestinal absorption of proteins
decrease: hypoalbuminemia can cause ascites
alpha: transport and bind
beta: iron transprt and fibrin formation
Gamma: Imminoglubulins
first responder
precedes the production of IgG or IgA
second exposure most abundant in circulation neutralizes microbes and toxins passive immunity evaluates 12 hours post parturition of proper transfer
mucosal imunity
protection of respiratory intestinal and urogenital tracts
immediate hypersensitivity reaction
allergies and anaphalactic shock
anti parasitic response
b lymphocyte activation
contain surface antigen receptors in some species to signal the b cells to be activated
albumin/globulin ratio
changes in ratio frequently first sign of protein abnormality
makes up 3-6% of the tp
synthesized by hepatocytes
its a clotting
precursor of fibrin, fibrinogen converted to fibrin clot
fibrinogen increase causes
acute inflammtion
tissue damage
fibrinogen decrease
lack of clot formation
clot stability altered
Misc assay CPK (CK)
Creatine Kinase (creatine Phosphokinase)
produced primarily by striated muscle cells also to some extent by the brain
acts as catalyst in energy production
CK elevation causes
skeletal or cardiac MUSCLE damage
after surgery , shipping/transport, strenuous exercise
stored in bone
muscle contraction
PO4 3-
ATP release and transfe
carbohydrate metabolism’
building block for cell membrane and dna
sodium (Na)
cation of plasma and extracellular fluids
distribution of water
Potasium (K+)
intracellular cation
normal myo function
cardiac function , respiration, blood acidosis
magnesium (Mg++)
required for transmissiion of impulses in the neuromuscular sytem
regulates movement of calcium into smooth muscle
chloride (CI-)
extracelular anion
water distribution in the body
osmotic pressure , pH balance
bicarbonate (HCO3-)
carbon dioxide transport from tissue to lungs measures blood carbon dioxide levels
acid/base balance
Red top tube
serum chemistries/monitoring panels
tiger top tube
serum chemistries/ monitoring panels
green top tube
plasma chmistries/blood gases/ avian and exotics
lithium heparin/sodium heparin
lavender top tube
cbc/ hematocritis
grey top tube
glucose (fructosamine test)
sodium fluoride
blue top tube
coagulation panels
sodium citrate
t cells b cells, and natural killer cells
t cells
. These cells are distinguished from other lymphocytes by the specialized T cell receptor molecule that is located on the surface of the cell. This molecule is important in immunity because it recognizes antigens and is able to bind to them.
b cells
These cells are distinguished from other lymphocytes by a protein on their surface known as the B cell receptor. This protein is specialized to recognize and attach to specific antigens.
natural killer cells
lymphocytes that are known to be cytotoxic. This means they have the ability to kill other cells. These cells are an important part of the immune system because they are able to recognize virally infected cells as well as some types of tumor cells and kill them before they cause a great amount of harm.