Clinical Part 3 pHTN, PE, OSA, ILD (Pence) Flashcards
What is pulmonary HTN?
mean pulmonary artery pressure > 25mmHg
associated with mortality if untreated
What are the symptoms of pHTN?
DOE, fatigue, pleuritic chest pain, pre-syncope, edema, JVP
What are the cardinal signs of Right HF?
syncope on exertion
excessive and rapid weight gain
lower extremiyt swelling
How is pHTN diagnosed?
EKG changs: RAD, iBBB, RAE in lead II
Labs: increased BNP
Transthoracis Echocardiogram (TTE): estimates pulm. artery systolic pressure, looks at RV size
Cardiac catheterization (Swan Ganz catheterization)
What is the best way to diagnose pHTN?
Swan Ganz catheterization
How is pHTN treated?
Treat underlying cause (HF, COPD, ILD, OSA, etc)
Prostacyclin agonist: epoprostenol, iloprost, selexipag
PDE inhibtor: tadalafil, sildenafi
Endothelium antagonist: bosentan, ambrisentan, macicentran
CCB: amolidipine, nifedipine, diltiazem
What is a PE?
VTE located in pulmonary vasculature
–> usually arising from a DVT
What is virchow’s triad?
venous stasis
endothelial injury
What are the sx of PE?
chest pain
+/- LE edema
Consider HF and Arrythmia as DSS
How is PE diagnosed?
What is the Gold Standard?
Well’s criteria!!! or Geneva Score
D-Dimer (sensitive, rules out PE if normal)
EKG changes: sinus tach, S1Q3T3
CT Chest with Contrast is gold standard
VQ scan is second line image
If a D shaped LV champer is seen on Echo, what does this indicate?
What is the treatment for an unstable PE?
(presents with hypotension)
- resuscitation
- thrombolytic therapy
if thrombolytic therapy fails, repeat thrombolysis, consider catheter-directed thrombolysis, or proceed to surgery
How to treat a stable PE?
What is the mechanism of direct oral anticoagulants? (DOACs)
Do they require bridge therapy?
What are the cons?
Xa inhibitors-rovaroxaban, apixaban
approved to be used without LMWH bridge
expensive, may be hard to reverse
How long is treatment for PE?
at least three months
Pt’s with provoked DVT from travel, surgery or HRT do not require extended therapy
Who requires indefinite anticoagulation after PE?
those with underlying disease with high risk of VTE recurrence
- malignancy
- genetic mutations