Clinical Mycobacteriology Flashcards
What are characteristics of mycobacterium? (4)
Obligate aerobes
Mycolic acids
How is transmitted Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Respiratory route
What is Calcified infection in the lungs called?
Ghon complex caused by MTB
What is the tuberculin skin test?
That freaking bubble they put under your skin to see if you have TB
Can you tell if a patient has active Tb from a TST or a IGRA test?
What are some symptomes of active TB?
Do AFB Stains differentiate between MTB and NTM?
No they can not
What Ruyon Class changes color to light?
Runyon I
AKA Photochromogens
Which Runyon Class changes w/ or w/o light?
RUnyon II
AKA Scotochromogens
Which Runyon Class has not pigment?
Runyon III
AKA Nonchromogenic
Which Runyon Class Grows quickly?
Runyon IV
AKA Rapid Growers
What is Scrofula?
Cervical Lymphadenitits
How are NTM transmitted?
By environmentla exposures
How are MTB and Leprosy transmitted?
Must effective way to check for MTB?