Clinical Medicine Exam 2 ID Flashcards
Endocarditis criteria for Dx
Accepted criteria for diagnosis
Modified Duke Criteria Definitive diagnosis: 80% accuracy IF 2 major criteria, or 1 major criterion + 3 minor criteria, or 5 minor criteria are fulfilled
Chlamydia testing
“gold standard”
NAAT testing: urine or swabs
Syphillis Tertiary
years later - effect neurological system
blindness, paralyzed, cognitive decline, meningitis, hearing loss, aphasia
Which of the following is the most common risk factor associated with right-sided IE?
A. Left sided infective endocarditis
B. Intravenous drug use
C. History of alcohol abuse
D. Pulmonic stenosis
B. Intravenous drug use
Tetanus vaccination types
Dtap (kids) = 2,4,6 mo / 15-18mo / 4-6 yrs
Tdap = 11-64 yrs
Td (booster) = Q 10 yrs, 5 if dirty wound
TIG human or equine
Infectious Diarrhea Presentation
Non bloody or watery
giadia, noro, roto, crypto, ecoli, vibrio
Sepsis Definition
A potentially life-threatening condition that occurs when the body’s response to an infection damages its own tissues.
When the infection-fighting processes turn on the body, they cause organs to function poorly and abnormally.
Sepsismay progress to septic shock.
ability to cause disease
Lyme Disease
Tick must be on for 24–36 hours
Erythema migrans: target rash
Headache or stiff neck.
Arthralgias, arthritis, and myalgias
no true test
doxy 100mg BID x 10-14d
Amox in Pregos
MMR in pregnant women
Pregnant women without evidence of immunity:
It is recommended that they receive immune globulin.
Measles vaccination, in conjunction with mumps andrubella, is contraindicated.
HSV-2 Genital Herpes in pregnancy
can be transmitted to the neonate during delivery
Risk is high enough that cesarean delivery is preferred
unless asymptomatic
Acyclovir(oral and topical) appears to be safe during pregnancy
Endocarditis Prophylaxis with dental
Prosthetic cardiac valve
Previous infective endocarditis
Congenital heart disease (CHD)
Amox 2G
Diptheria Presentation
Classic physical exam finding – pseudomembrane covering tonsils and pharynx
mild sore throat, fever, malaise
Congenital Syphillis
skin lesions, lymphadenopathy, hepatosplenomegaly, failure to thrive, blood-stained nasal discharge, perioral fissures, meningitis, choroiditis, hydrocephalus, seizures, intellectual disability, osteochondritis, and pseudoparalysis (Parrot atrophy of newborn)
Diagnosis is clinical, confirmed by microscopy or serology
Treatment is penicillin
Sepsis labs
Neutrophilia (most common)
Thrombocytopenia (50% of patients)
Draw 3 cultures from seperate sites (95% discovery)
Bacterial vs Viral STI’s
Chlamydia, LGV, gonorrhea & syphilis
Can be treated and cured with antibiotics
Untreated infection can cause PID, infertility, & epididymitis
Viral STI’s include HPV, HIV, Herpes, & Hepatitis A,B,C
Medication available to treat symptoms only
There is NO cure (C*)
Can pass onto others for the rest of your life
Bacterial Meningitis CSF results
Elevated opening pressure >180
Low glucose <2.2
HIgh Protein >0.45
High WBC 10-10000 (mostly Neutrophils)
GAS Strep Infection Misc.
Skin = Impetigo, cellulitis
Others = Arthritis, endocarditis, empyema, necrotizing fascitits
Group D strep
Streptococcus gallolyticus (bovis)and the enterococci.S gallolyticus (bovis)is a cause of endocarditis in association with bowel neoplasia or cirrhosis and is treated like viridans streptococci
Tx: PCN G or Ceftriaxone or Vanc alone
Which of the following is the drug of choice for MSSA bacteremia due to endocarditis?
Supportive care, vaccine
80% asymptomatic or mild sx with low grade fever, mild cough, fatigue
Infectious Diarrhea mild vs moderate vs severe
Mild less than 3
mod 4 or more with loal symptoms
severe 4 or more withsystemic symptoms
A previously healthy 20-year-old college student presents to the office complaining of 2 days of sore throat, fevers, and myalgias. On physical exam, he has a fever (temperature of 101.3 °F), tonsillar enlargement with exudates, and freely moveable, tender anterior cervical lymphadenopathy. His exam is otherwise normal and he has no rashes. The patient’s rapid antigen detection test for group A Streptococcus (GAS) is negative, so he is sent home without antimicrobials. The serum monospot test for heterophile antibodies is also negative. However, 2 days later, the throat culture is growing group A, ß-hemolytic streptococci. The student is contacted and returns to clinic, but is reluctant to do anything further because he feels much better. He has no known drug allergies.
Which one of the following options would be most appropriate?
A. He should be treated with oral penicillin to reduce the likelihood that rheumatic fever will develop
B. He should be treated with oral azithromycin due to increasing penicillin resistance against GAS
C. Hold antibiotics because it is too late to prevent non-suppurative complications of GAS infection
D. Hold antibiotics because he is colonized, no infected
A. He should be treated with oral penicillin to reduce the likelihood that rheumatic fever will develop
Measles Immz
Routine Immunization (1st dose 12-15 mo, 2nd dose 4-6 y/o or 1 month after first dose if >12 mo)
(vaccine ↓ deaths by 75%),
Cytomegalovirus in pregnancy Tx
Treatment: Mainly supportive
Parenteralgancicloviror oralvalganciclovirmay prevent hearing deterioration and improve developmental outcomes and is given to infants with symptomatic disease identified in the neonatal period
Malaria presentation
headache and fatigue, followed by fever
chills, high fever, then sweats
Rash, lymphadenopathy are NOT typical in Malaria – if present – look for another reason for the fever
A 66-year-old diabetic man with past medical history significant for alcoholism and HIV presented to an outside ED for severe scrotal pain. He first noted a small “pimple” 2 days ago, and since noted increased rash, some drainage, and increasing pain. Exam revealed an area of erythema and copious, foul-smelling purulent discharge and crepitus in the soft tissue. The local ED did not have access to a surgeon and transferred the patient to the hospital for further care. No fluids, antibiotics, or other interventions were initiated there. On arrival, vitals show a heart rate of 123 bpm, blood pressure of 67/39 mmHg, respiratory rate of 22, and temperature of 38.9 °C.
Which one of the following steps is the most urgent next step in caring for this patient?
A. Start empiric antibiotics, such as Vancomycin and piperacillin/tazobactam
B. Obtain gram stain of pus to help select the most appropriate antibiotic
C. Obtain a CT scan of the pelvis and upper thighs
D. Fluid bolus, blood cultures and urgent surgical consultation
D. Fluid bolus, blood cultures and urgent surgical consultation
protozoan parasite
Most common curable sexually transmitted parasitic infection
Strawberry Cervix
dysuria, urethral itching, urethral discomfort, painful intercourse, foul smelling frothy discharge
Metronidazole 2G
2nd most common bacterial STI worldwide and US
Syphillis Testing
Dark Field Microscopy
Neuro CSF evaluation
Helminth Testing
CBC will show eosinophilia, stool sample shows eggs under microscopy
Infectious Diarrhea acute vs chronic
under 2 weeks is acute
over 2 weeks is chronic
Syphillis Treatment
Treatment depends on stage
1 or 2 = IM Bicillin 2.4 million units single dose or doxy
3rd or Latent = IM Bicillin 2.4 million units Qwk x 3
Neuro = Pen G qd x 14
Most common cause of STI in the world
Chlamydia Trachomatis
Bacterial meningitis
Fever, headache, stiff neck
bacterial and viral can be indisguinishable clinically
Group B strep (under 2 months), H flu, Listeria, N. meningitis, s pneumo (most in adults and peds)
FUO Most common Autoimmune Disorders
Still Disease
Polyarteritis Nodosa
Endocarditis tx
MRSA, PCN Allergy = vanc/dapto
otherwise oxacillin or nafcillin (MSSA)
Pinworm tx
Treatment – Albendazole 400mg
Pyrantel pamoate 11mg/kg to max of 1 gram, mebendazole 100mg – all single doses
Repeat dose in two weeks due to frequent reinfection
Wash all cloths and bedding
Treatment of household members is advocated to eliminate potential reinfection
Left sided vs right sided endocarditis
Left = valves = mitral, aortic prior endocarditis Cardiac murmurs (85%)
Right = IVDA (90%) 10% of all endocarditis cases Fever in 90% (most common) S. aureus
Varicella -Zoster in pregnancy
Approximately 10-20%of those infected with varicella developpneumonia
A pregnant mother can transmit varicella to her baby via the placenta
during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, the baby has a0.5-1% risk of developing a rare birth defect known as congenital varicella syndrome
May have underdeveloped arms and legs, eye inflammation, and incomplete brain development
Primary – anti-viral – Acylovir most common
Pinworm Testing
identification of eggs or adult worms on perianal skin
Scotch tape test
Albendazole 400mg or Pyrantel pamoate
Tetanus Presentation
Trismus (lockjaw), muscle pain and stiffness, back pain, and difficulty swallowing
muscle spasms and pain in trunk, jaw, and neck, respiratory distress or arrest
Metronidazole (Flagyl), Antitoxin Equine/Human
Vaccine, TIG Booster
Etiology of endocarditis
Valve disease (50%)
IV drug use
Protthetic valve
Underlying valve disease (~50% of cases)
IV Drug use
Prosthetic valve
Most common cause is S Aureus
Fever, murmur, cough, SOB
Classic sx:
Splinter hemorrhages, Petechiae,
Janeway Lesions = PainLESS lesions on soles, palms
Oslers nodes = PAINFUL lesions on fingers, toes, feet
Roth spots = lesions on retina
TEE = Trans esphogeal echo
Modified duke criteria
infection of the pleura (pain on inspiration)
A 34-year-old man presents in the clinic today for a 2 to 3 day history of abdominal cramping and multiple frequent loose stools. His past medical history is significant for hypertension for which he has been on chlorthalidone. He has been hydrating himself well and, per physician’s advice, had stopped his chlorthalidone when his diarrhea persisted for more than 24 hours. He says that he recently ate at a new restaurant in his neighborhood and seems to think these symptoms began after that. He does not appear clinically ill and his physical examination is unremarkable except for hyperactive bowel sounds. Stool cultures are requested and results come back 2 days later with growth of Salmonella spp. (not Salmonella typhi) from the specimen.
Which one of the following steps is the next best step in management of this patient?
A. Inform the patient about the results and start intravenous ceftriaxone
B. Inform the patient about the results and encourage good supportive care with fluid and food intake
C. Inform the patient about the results and start trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole
D. Inform the patient about the results and start ampicillin
B. Inform the patient about the results and encourage good supportive care with fluid and food intake
Syphillis Testing
Dark field microscopy- allows direct examination of spirochetes
Serological testing: Treponemal/Nontreponemal
Neuro patients: CSF fluid evaluation
Imaging studies depend on organ involved
CXR – aortic aneurysm -> CT confirmation
Echo rule out aortic regurgitation
Tx: Depends on stage
Noscomial pneumonia bacteria
more likely to be caused by a resistant bacteria
MRSA or pseudomonas
Shigellosis Presentation
stool with mucus and blood,
abdominal cramps, tenesmus, diarrhea, fever, chills, anorexia, malaise, headache
Empiric Azithromycin, Ciprofloxacin or Ceftriaxone
GAS Strep Infection
group a beta-hemolytic strep (Gram Pos)
Sudden fever, sore throat, odynophagia, tender cervical adenopathy, malaise, nausea
GAS Strep Infection types
group a beta-hemolytic strep (Gram Pos)
Sudden fever, sore throat, odynophagia, tender cervical adenopathy, malaise, nausea
Scarlet Fever
Diffuse fine red papules, sand paper-like; resembles sunburn-> Groin, axilla. Blanches. “Strawberry tongue”
GAS pharyngitis, wound infections and burns
Rheumatic fever
(Jones Criteria)
arthritis, carditis, chorea, subcutaneous nodules, and erythema marginatum
FUO Most Common Neoplasms
**there are many types of cancer that may manifest fever
Cryptococcosis Presentation
Most common cause of fungal meningitis
presents clinically as chronic meningoencephalitis
CNS disease predominates
Nuchal rigidity and meningeal signs present ~ 50%,
Sepsis Presentation
Fever, chills (often abrupt onset) Hypothermia (15%) Tachycardia Hyperventilation Hypotension and shock
Malaria General
Most important protozoan parasitic disease of humans
Hundreds of millions of illnesses and hundreds of thousands of deaths each year
Plasmodium falciparum is responsible for nearly all severe disease (4 types of plasmodium)
All travelers to endemic areas who present with fever and similar symptom complex must be evaluated for Malaria
Severe disease has a very high morbidity and mortality
It may take up to 2 months for symptoms to begin
Tetanus TIG indications
Administer Antitoxin (early) Human tetanus immune globulin (TIG)-PREFERRED OR equine antitoxin
TIG is the preparation of choice, A single IM dose (3000–5000 IU) is given, with a portion injected around the wound.
Infectious diarrhea
secretory (watery)
Bacteria = ie vibrio cholera Virus = Rotavirus, norovirus protozoa = giargdia, cryptosporidium
copious diarrhea (rice water stools) can lead to dehydration and vascular collapse
Rocky Mountain SPotted Fever Presentation
Acute onset of high fever, chills, headache, nausea, and vomiting, myalgias, restlessness, insomnia, irritability
Rash days 2-6
Doxycycline 100 mg BID – continue treatment at least 3 days after fever is gone
Jones criteria
Jones criteria -
1 required,
2 major or 1 required,
1 major and 2 minor criteria must be present for diagnosis.
1 required – evidence of antecedent strep infection
Major (JONES)– polyarthritis, Carditis, subcutaneous nodules, erythema marginatum, chorea
Minor – fever, arthralgias, previous rheumatic fever or rheumatic heart disease, acute phase reactions – ESR, CRP, leukocytosis, prolonged PR interval
Infectious Diarrhea Etiology
Emotional stress Food intolerance Inorganic agents Organic substances Medications Infectious Agents
Bacterial Meningitis etiology
Strep Pneumo (50%) adults
N. meningitis (25%)
Group B strep (15%)
Varicella -Zoster in pregnancy treatment
Primary – anti-viral – Acylovir most common
2 types, A & B
Inflammation of the upper respiratory tree and trachea w/i 2 days of transmission
aerosolized respiratory droplets via coughing, sneezing, talking, or touching inanimate objects
Self limiting, supportive, flu vaccine, tamiflu
Helminth Presentation
(Round worms most common)
cough, blood tinged sputum, wheezing, late – anorexia, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
Syphillis treatment
Treatment depends on stage
1 or 2 = IM Bicillin 2.4 million units single dose or doxy
3rd or Latent = IM Bicillin 2.4 million units Qwk x 3
Neuro = Pen G qd x 14
Erythema Infectiosum
Fifth disease (Parvo virus)
targets red blood cells and marrow
1 of 6 of the most common viral rashes in children
respiratory droplets
Fever, HA, sore throat
Slapped cheek: bright red, raised erythema over cheeks
Red lacelike reticular pattern
Papular Purpuric Gloves and Socks
caused by Parvo B19
Self limiting, supportive
Cryptococcosis Testing
Respiratory disease is diagnosed by culture of secretions
Meningeal disease – lumbar puncture
Gram stain of CSF usually reveals budding yeast
Infectious Diarrhea Tx
usually self limiting, supportive
mild = replace fluids, avoid dehydration
Severe=rehydration, ORS
Bloody = Flouroquinolone or azithro
Avoid lopermide in shigella or toxic megacolon
Tetanus Vaccination times
Receive a series of 3 vaccinations
Tdap initially
Td at least 4 weeks later
TD again between 6-12 months
Then every 10 years
In pregnancy, best to wait until 2nd trimester unless tetanus prone wound
Tetanus prone wounds
Greater than 6 hours old
Stellate, avulsion
Greater than 1cm deep
Missile, crush, burn, frostbite
Devitalized tissue
Epstein Barr Virus (Herpes Family)
95% of people will get it in their lives
direct contact saliva, bodily fluid
Might be asymptomatic, mononucleosis, fever, malaise, spleenomegaly
supportive, avoid contact sports
Typical ”Classic” Presentation:
Chills, followed by fever, pleuritic pain and productive cough
Atypical = MAC , legionella, chlamydia
Acute Rheumatic fever Presentation
Migratory joint pain, fatigue, fever, heart murmur, flat rash, chorea (Sydenham) and unusual behavior
JONES Joints Carditis Nodules Erythema Chorea
PCN-G x 1
Serum or urine Zika virus IgM, screen pregnant women with reverse-transcriptase PCR, NAAT
during pregnancy can cause microcephaly
Syphillis Secondary
2-24 weeks
morbilliform rash on the body, dark spots on palms and soles, hair loss, feeling ill, condyloma lata
HA, myalgia, arthralgia, hepatosplenomegaly, alopecia, malaise
HPV Testing
Clinically based on visible lesions
Pap smear, anal pap, colposcopy, anoscopy