Clinical Exam from Bone School website Flashcards
Angular deformity LL in Paeds Examination
Unilateral / bilateral
- angular profile
- femorotibial angle
- inter-malleolar / intercondylar distance (quantify)
LLD / rotational profile / joint laxity
Height vs Age
Dynamic contractures in Cerebral Palsy Examination
R1 v R2
- R1 is passive range of motion performed slowly
- R2 is passive range of motion performed quickly
- a difference between the two indicates dynamic component
Walking aids in Cerebral Palsy Examination
- ankle foot orthosis
- knee ankle foot orthosis
- ground reaction AFO
Kaye walker
- seat on it
- co-ordinates walking
Reciprocal Gait Orthoses
Gait in Cerebral Palsy Examination
Decreased velocity
Coronal Plane
- scissoring / tight adductors)
- asymmetrical arm swing / hemiplegia
- LLD / hip dislocation
- equinus / jump / crouch
A. Equinus
- ankle in equinus
- knee straight or in recurvatum
- hip extends full
B. Jump
- equinus of ankle
- flexion of knees and hips, never extend fully
C. Crouch
- ankle in dorsiflexion
- over lengthening of T Achilles
- have to flex knees and hips to regain centre of balance
Lower Limb
R1 - do slowly
R2 - do quickly
Looking for a difference between the R1 and R2
- if reduced ROM on R2, have spasticity / dynamic element
- amenable to botox
Supine Examination in Cerebral Palsy
- Psoas
- FFD / Thomas test
- must test knee first
- do over edge of bed if FFD knee - Adductors
- scissored gait if bilateral
- apparent leg length inequality if unilateral
- Trendelenburg gait
- decreased hip abduction - Hamstrings
- FFD at knee
- knee flexed at start of stance phase
Popliteal angle (hip flexed at 90°) - straight is 0˚
Unable to sit up with legs straight
- decreased SLR
- can’t touch toes
- Triceps Surae
- ankle equinus
- tiptoe gait
Silverskiold test
- distinguish between the gastrocnemius and soleus
- test ankle DF range with knee flexed and extended
- if gastrocnemius tight, reduced DF with knee extended
On the Side and Prone Examination in Cerebral Palsy
On side
- Iliotibial Tract
Obers’ test
- patient on side and flex knee with hip in neutral abduction then as flex knee further hip abducts
- Quadriceps
- stiff leg gait
- inability to flex knee with hip extended suggests tight rectus
Ely test (RF)
- child prone
- when the knee is flexed the hip flexes suggesting tight RF
- Rotational profile
Tone and Reflexes Examination in Cerebral Palsy
Increased / clonus / clasp knife
Primitive Reflexes
- child supine in arms, allow head to drop back
- arms & legs stick out in extension
- disappears by 4 months
- arms and legs extend when child held prone
- appears at 5 months
- tone reduced & arms/legs flex when prone but increased tone & extended arms & legs with supine position
Upper Limb Examination in Cerebral Palsy
- resting position
- contractures
- joint stability
Hand placement
- ability to place hand in space
- < 10 seconds
- ability to identify ojects in hand without looking
Full Examination in Talipes Equinovarus
Look, Walk, ROM, Feel, Exclude, Rotation
Deformity / CAVES Cavus - relative pronation of forefoot c.f. hindfoot Adduction - forefoot Varus - heel Equinus - heel Supination - midfoot
Posterior / medial crease
Curved lateral border of foot
Calf atrophy
Walk older child
Dynamic supination - require T anterior transfer
Metatarsus adductus
Foot progression angle - tibial torsion
Empty heel
Palpable talus - devils thumbprint anterior to lateral malleolus
Navicular fixed to medial malleolus
Os calcis fixed to the lateral malleolus
- spinal dysraphism - look at spine
- arthrogryposis
- neuromuscular disorders
Rotational Profile
Pes Planus Examination
On weight bearing have combination of
- flat longitudinal arch
- pronated forefoot
- valgus heel
Flexible flatfoot
- Foot appears normal when suspended / NWB
- Recreation of longitudinal arch & heel varus on toe raise / windlass
- Recreation of longitudinal arch by passive DF of Hallux (Jack’s test) with weight bearing
- Mobile or hypermobile STJ
- Weight bearing callus on lateral longitudinal arch
Must look at back
- exclude spinal dysraphism
- compensatory - tight T achilles / out-toeing / genu valgum
- physiological
Rigid - CVT / tarsal coalition / skewfoot
Trauma - midfoot fracture / Lisfranc / rupture spring ligament / rupture plantar fascia
Neuromuscular - CP, spina bifida, polio
Toe Walking Paeds Examination
Rule Out
- CP
- Duchenne’s MD
- Short Leg / DDH
- Dysraphism
- Trendelenberg
- signs spinal dysraphism
- scoliosis
- Heel / Toe walk
- running coordination - hemiplegic / brings out very minor posturing / look at UL
Gower’s sign
- Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy
- ask to squat then stand up
- have to hand walk up their legs as severe proximal muscle weakness
Upper limbs
- for hemiplegia, increased tone
- active +/- passive ROM
- sole of foot - if always on toes then heel will be soft
- Silverskiold
Neurological exam
- especially abdominal reflexes