What is a major cause of chest pain in the ambulatory setting that is said to be reproducible?
In what are you able to exacerbate the chest pain with palpation on physical exam and is likely secondary to a viral illness and other causes of inflammation?
True or False
Rheumatic diseases such as fibromyalgia a common cause of chest wall pain
Most cases of costochondritis improve over the course of a few weeks with additional treatments such as what?
- Home stretching program
- Activity modification
*refer all patients in which the diagnosis is unclear
It is estimated that what affects an estimated 30 million people in the US?
Knee joint accounts for approximately ___% of cases
also affects:
Is age an important risk factor in osteoarthritis?
Yes, more common in older population
In general what age group will see osteoarthritis?
Over 50
True or False
Females are at greater risk for osteoarthritis than males
1.7 times more likely
Other risk factors for osteoarthritis include what?
- Family history
- Joint injuries
- Chronic inflammation
- Obesity
- Occupation
- Heavy workload
True or False
Osteoarthritis can be due to the destruction of the joint cartilage due to “wear and tear”
The following are symptoms associated with what?
- Pain that is exacerbated with use, alleviated with rest
- Pain is aching, deep in later stages
- Sharp pain at beginning stages
What will you see on plain films in a patient with osteoarthritis?
- Joint space narrowing
- Osteophytes
- Subchondral sclerosis
- Cysts
What is the treatment for osteoarthritis?
- Control pain
b. Tylenol - Stop insult to cartilage
a. activity/lifestyle mod
b. weight reduction - Rehab
a. aerobic and strengthening exercises
A loss of ___% in body weight is associated with a 50% reduction in pain associated with osteoarthritis over ___ months
- 10%
2. 18 Months
These are some common examples of what?
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Reactive arthritis
- Psoriatic arthritis
- Ankylosing spondylitis
Inflammatory Arthroses
What is an autoimmune disorder of unknown etiology that mostly affects small joints bilaterally?
Hands, fingers, wrists, feet, ankles
Rheumatoid arthritis
What inflammatory arthroses has an insidious onset with the distal joints? (DIPJ of the hands are spared)
Rheumatoid arthritis
The following may be symptoms of what inflammatory arthroses?
- Morning stiffness (1 hour for 6 weeks)
- Arthritis (>/= 3 joints for 6 weeks)
- Swelling of hand joints (6 weeks)
- Symmetrical joint swelling (6 weeks)
- Rheumatoid nodules
- Positive RE factor
- Hand X-ray shows erosions or osteopenia
Rheumatoid arthritis
Patients with the following findings on physical exam may have what?
- Elbow nodules
- Swelling/hypertrophy (especially in PIP early sign)
- Swan neck deformity
- Lateral drift of the toes
Rheumatoid arthritis
What lab tests should be ordered for a patient with possible rheumatoid arthritis?
- RF
- Anti-CCP
True or False
Rheumatoid arthritis
Plain films may show osteopenia and mild soft tissue swelling along with erosions
What is the treatment for RA?
- MEDADVICE with MO or refer to internal medicine
- NSAIDS/Tylenol
- DMARD (disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drug)
- PT/Surgery
What is a spondylarthopathy that is preceded and precipitated by infection in the body such as:
- Diarrheal illness
- STIs
Reactive arthritis
True or False
The incidence of reactive arthritis is estimated around 10 per 1,000 people
The acute onset of joint pain with reactive arthritis is usually ____ to ____ weeks after infection
1 to 4 weeks
A patient presents with peripheral arthritis in his knees and enthesitis (inflammation of the insertion sites of ligaments, tendons, and fascia), dactylitis, and lower back pain. He mentions a recent diarrheal illness 2 weeks ago. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Reactive arthritis
True or False
You need to exclude other etiologies for joint paint for a patient with possible reactive arthritis
What are some differential diagnosis for reactive arthritis?
- Lyme disease
- Septic joint
- RA
- Psoriatic arthritis