What is the medical term for tennis elbow?
Lateral (tendinosis) epicondylitis
What is the medical term for Golfers elbow and Bowlers elbow?
Medial (tendinosis) epicondylitis
What injuries are commonly seen in sports or activities that require excessive wrist and hand extension?
Lateral/Medial Epicondylitis
What is an overuse injury involving excessive use of the flexor and pronator muscles just distal to the medial epicondyle?
Medial epicondylitis
Less common than lateral epicondylitis (lateral tendinosis)
True or False
Activities that require excessive wrist and hand flexion lead to medial epicondylitis
A patient presents with the following, what is the most likely diagnosis?
Gradual onset of pain in the lateral elbow and forearm during activities involving gripping and wrist extension
Lateral epicondylitis
Lateral epicondylitis can be caused from things such as what?
- Lifting
- Turning screwdrivers
- Excessive typing
- less commonly results from direct blow to the lateral aspect of the elbow
A patient presents with the following, what is the most likely diagnosis?
Gradual onset of pain at the medial aspect of the elbow, exacerbated by activities that involve wrist flexion and forearm pronation
Medial epicondylitis
Medial epicondylitis can be caused from things such as what?
- Golf swing
- Baseball pitching
- Pull through stroke of swimming
- Weight lifting
- Bowling
- Many forms of manual labor
Palpation of the elbow in a patient with possible lateral epicondylitis may reveal what?
- tenderness over common extensor origin
2. 1cm distal and slightly anterior to lateral epicondyle
Palpation of the elbow in a patient with possible medial epicondylitis may reveal what?
Tenderness just distal to medial epicondyle
True or False
Patients with medial/lateral epicondylitis may lose AROM
True or False
In lateral epicondylitis wrist extension and grip strength may be limited by pain
True or False
In medial epicondylitis wrist flexion and pronation is limited by pain
Is the history and physical exam enough to diagnose medial/lateral epicondylitis?
What imaging may be warranted in cases of medial/lateral epicondylitis not responding to conservative management?
Are plain radiographs needed in patients with elbow pain and no history of trauma?
What is the treatment for Medial/lateral epicondylitis?
a. limit repetitive activity - NSAIDS
- Tennis elbow strap for comfort
- Pain free stretching and forearm strengthening
- PT consult if conservative management fails
- Ortho consult if no improvement
- Steroid injections
What is located superficially on the extensor side of the elbow making it susceptible to irritation and inflammation?
Olecranon Bursa
What disease process of the elbow may occur secondary to trauma, inflammation, or infection?
Olecranon Bursitis
Can rheumatoid arthritis (RA), gout or other systemic inflammatory processes cause Olecranon Bursitis?
True or False
Olecranon bursitis
Elbow flexion and extension may be limited by pain
What diagnostic tests may be required for a patient with olecranon bursitis?
- aspiration (may be diagnostic and therapeutic)
a. test aspirate for WBC count, crystals, gram stain, and culture - X-ray to rule out fracture of olecranon process
Light duty for patients with olecranon bursitis should be focused on activity modification to include avoiding what?
hyperflexion against hard surfaces
What is the treatment for mild cases of olecranon bursitis?
- Pressure wraps
- Ice
What is the treatment for moderate to severe cases of olecranon bursitis?
- aspiration of fluid
2. refer to ortho for evaluation
What are the more common forms of nerve compression syndrome of the upper extremities?
- cubital tunnel syndrome
- median nerve compression
a. occurs in the wrist/hand (carpal tunnel)
What are the less common forms of nerve compression syndrome of the upper extremities?
- Posterior interosseous nerve compression
- Pronator syndrome
- Radial tunnel syndrome
Cubital tunnel syndrome is caused by the compression of what nerve?
Ulnar nerve
Compression of the ulnar nerve is second only to what as a source of nerve entrapment in the upper extremities?
Carpal tunnel syndrome
True or False
Cubital tunnel syndrome
The most common site for nerve compression is where the ulnar nerve passes in the groove on the posterior aspect of the medial epicondyle (cubital tunnel)
These are all potential causes of what nerve compression syndrome?
- direct blow to the cubital tunnel
- nerve stretched from flexed elbow for prolonged periods of time
- Cubitus valgus (carrying angle greater than 10 degrees)
- Osteophytes or scar tissue
Cubital tunnel syndrome
A patient experiencing the following symptoms may have what form of nerve compression of the upper extremities?
- numbness/tingling of the 4th and 5th digits
- elbow pain/ache
- may radiate proximally to shoulder and neck
- activities of daily living (ADL) such as opening jars or turning keys in doors are late signs
- intrinsic muscle atrophy implies nerve compression for months
Ulnar nerve compression (cubital tunnel syndrome)
Physical exam: Ulnar nerve compression
Visual exam is usually unremarkable, but a carrying angle greater than ___ degrees may be aggravating findings for ulnar nerve neuritis; and visible muscle wasting implies ulnar nerve compression of ____ to ____ in duration
- 10 degrees.
2. several months to years
Ulnar nerve compression
Vibration and light touch will be affected in the ____ digit and the ulnar half of the ___ digit
- 5th digit
2. 4th digit
True or False
Ulnar nerve compression
Two point discrimination will be affected with progressive nerve degeneration
What special test would be used to identify ulnar nerve compression?
Tinnel sign: firm percussion over the ulnar nerve in the ulnar groove over the cubital tunnel
Positive if it reproduces the symptoms
Nerve compression syndrome
Electromyographic/nerve conduction velocity(EMG/NCV) study with velocity reduction of ____% or more suggests ulnar nerve compression
When are radiographs indicated for cubital tunnel syndrome?
history of elbow trauma
What is the treatment for Ulnar Nerve Compression?
- Limiting elbow flexion and direct pressure on the ulnar nerve is the MOST IMPORTANT STEP IN TREATMENT
- Splint elbow or wrap towel around elbow to avoid greater than 90 degree flexion at night
- Surgical decompression and transposition of ulnar nerve if 3-4 months of conservative management failed
What is the primary structure that resists valgus stress at the elbow?
Ulnar collateral ligament
True or False
Trauma to the ulnar collateral ligament is common
Trauma to this ligament is rare
A common injury to the ulnar collateral ligament comes from what?
excessive overhead throwing motions (baseball pitcher)
Repetitive valgus stress to the elbow may result in instability or disability of what ligament?
Ulnar collateral ligament
The following are symptoms of what?
- Acute onset, patient will describe a “pop” while throwing
- Most commonly patients experience a gradual onset of symptoms with progressive medial elbow pain with valgus stresses
- May experience symptoms consistent with ulnar neuritis
Ulnar collateral ligament tear
Ulnar collateral ligament tear
Positive Moving valgus stress test - valgus stress is applied to the elbow while moving elbow into full flexion and extension. The test is positive when more pain is felt between ___ degrees and ___ degrees of flexion
- 70 degrees
2. 120 degrees