Gradual onset of pain in lateral elbow and forearm during
activities involving gripping and wrist extension
Lateral epicondylitis
Gradual onset of pain at medial aspect of elbow. Exacerbated
by activities that involve wrist flexion and forearm pronation.
Medial Epicondylitis
DETERMINE the management of a patient with lateral and medial epicondylitis?
-light duty
-tennis elbow strap
-physical therapy
-ortho consult
-steroid injection
DETERMINE the management of a patient with olecranon bursitis
-light duty
-pressure wrap
-severe aspiration of fluid
DETERMINE the management of a patient with nerve compression syndrome of the upper
-Modify activities
-Splint elbow
-surgical decompression
DETERMINE the management of a patient with ligamentous injury
-light duty
-failed tx consult ortho
DETERMINE the management of a patient with an elbow dislocation
-pain management
-neurovascular check
-reduce if delayed MEDEVAC
DETERMINE the management of a patient with carpal tunnel syndrome
-light duty
-ergonomic mods
-ortho consult
DETERMINE the management of a patient with de quervain tenosynovitis
-spica splint
-light duty
-ortho consult if failed tx
DETERMINE the management of a patient with suspected scaphoid fracture
-thumb spica splint
-light duty
-consult to ortho
DETERMINE the management of a patient with ganglion of the wrist
-splint wrist or finger
-consult ortho
DETERMINE the management of a patient with “jersey finger”
-splint finger with PIP and DIP slightly flexed
-plain films
-refer to ortho
DETERMINE the management of a patient with Mallet finger
-splint the finger in full extension for 6-8 weeks
DETERMINE the management of a patient with Boutonniere deformity
-splint PIP in extension for 3-6 weeks
-allow DIP to move freely
-physical therapy