Clinical Approach to Neurodevelopmental and Attention Disorders (Cooley) Flashcards
Intellectual Disability will have adaptive functioning deficits in what three domains?
1) Conceptual
2) Social
3) Practical
What deficits are noted with intellectual disability in the conceptual domain?
1) Reasoning
2) Planning
3) Learning
4) Problem solving
How does intellectual disability present in preschoolers?
Language and pre-academic skills develop slowly
How does intellectual disability present in school age children?
Progress in reading, writing, mathematics, concepts of time and money lags behind that of peers
How does intellectual disability present in adults?
1) Academic skill typically at an elementary level
2) Support needed for work and personal life
What deficits are noted with intellectual disability in the social domain?
1) Developing friendships
2) Recognizing social cues
3) Difficulty regulating emotion and behavior around others
Due to the deficits noted with intellectual disability in the practical domain, what do they need help with?
Health care and legal decisions
The Denver Developmental Screening Test (DDST) and Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children® Fifth Edition (WISC®-V) are used as?
Diagnostic tools used for intellectual disability
When diagnosing intellectual disability, severity is based on?
Adaptive functioning (not IQ scores)
What is characterized by a child unable to undergo systematic assessments of intellectual functioning even though they meet observational diagnostic criteria of Intellectual Disability Disorder?
Global developmental delay
Global developmental delay occurs in what children?
1) Those too young to participate in standardized testing
2) Acquired insult during development period
3) Severe head injury
When diagnosing communication disorders by assessing speech, language, and communication abilities what must you take into account?
The individual’s cultural and language context
Language Disorder is a type of communication disorder that is characterized by?
Difficulty with spoken, written, and sign language expected for their age
Speech Sound Disorder is a type of communication disorder that is characterized by?
Difficulty making speech sounds that are intelligible and limits verbal communication
Speech Sound Disorder is not attributable to limited opportunity for?
Language acquisition
Childhood-Onset Fluency Disorder (Stuttering) is a type of communication disorder that is characterized by?
Difficulty with the fluency and patterns of speech sound
Can Childhood-Onset Fluency Disorder be attributable to a speech-motor or sensory deficit, neurological insult such as stroke, tumor, or trauma, or another mental disorder?
Social (Pragmatic) Communication Disorder is a type of communication disorder that is characterized by?
Difficulty with social use of verbal and nonverbal communication (such as speaking differently in a classroom than on a playground, talking differently to a child than to an adult, and avoiding overly formal language)
What is the most common associated feature of Social (Pragmatic) Communication Disorder?
The delay in reaching language milestones
Autism Spectrum Disorder is characterized by? (long list)
1) Problems with social communication and social interactions
2) Problems with nonverbal cues used for social interaction
3) Problems with developing and maintaining relationships
4) Inflexible adherence to routines
5) Obsessive and intense fascination with unusual objects
6) Abnormal reaction to sensory input
Autism spectrum disorder frequently co-occurs with what other disorder?
Intellectual disability
To make comorbid diagnoses of autism spectrum disorder and intellectual disability, what should be below that expected for general developmental level?
Social communication
Only risperidone and aripiprazole are currently FDA approved for what symptoms associated with Autism?
Irritability and agitation
Which sex with ADHD present more commonly with the inattentive subtype?
What may contribute to referral bias causing under identification and lack of treatment for females with ADHD?
Females with ADHD show less disruptive behavior
What can be exacerbated by stimulant medications used to treat ADHD?
Tic symptoms
What deficits associated with ADHD cause problems in the ability to assess a situation, prioritizing what is relevant vs what isn’t, and developing and organizing a plan of action?
Executive function deficits
Executive function deficit is an information processing dysfunction within what area of the brain?
Prefrontal Cortex
Executive function deficit is primarily due to a deficiency of?
Dopamine and norepinephrine
Which ADHD type is characterized by failure to give close attention to details or makes careless mistakes, struggles to follow through on instructions, and has difficulty with organization?
Inattentive type of ADHD
Which ADHD type is characterized by difficulty remaining seated, difficulty engaging in activities quietly, and blurts out answers before questions have been completed?
Hyperactive type of ADHD
What is the first line of treatment for children ages 4-5 years of age recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) clinical practice guidelines for ADHD?
Behavior therapy
What motor disorder is characterized by clumsiness in catching an object, handwriting, and participation in sports?
Developmental Coordination Disorder
Can Developmental Coordination Disorder be attributable to a neuro condition such as cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, or other degenerative disorder?
What motor disorder is characterized by repetitive, compulsive, and purposeless motor behavior such as hand shaking, body rocking, and hitting own body?
Stereotypic Movement Disorder
What must be present at the same time during the illness to be classified as Tourette syndrome?
Multiple motor tics and one or more phonic tics
A Single or multiple motor or vocal tics have been present during the illness, but not both motor and vocal at the same time while the tics may wax and wane in frequency but have persisted for more than 1 year is characteristic of?
Persistent (Chronic) Motor or Vocal Tic Disorder