Clinical Flashcards
paradoxical interventions
focus on SX RELIEF
Gestalt boundary disturbance: introjection--takes beliefs of others into self transference awareness "Growth disorder" Goal of therapy: regain wholeness
Structural family therapy
boundary problems: detouring, stable coalition, triangulation
Person-centered therapy
incongruence: between sense of self and world - leads to anxiety
Conditions of worth
Goal of therapy: Reducing incongruence
Empathy ( most imp), genuineness, unconditional + regard
Analytical psychotherapy
Unconscious: Collective unconscious + personal/individual
Individuation: conscious + unconscious
Two attitudes: extra version or introversion
4 basic psych functions: thinking, feeling, sensing, intuiting
Separation/individuation (4-5 mos)
Inferiority feelings
Style of life (by 4-5 yo)
Teleological approach
choice theory - 5 basic needs
Success v failure ID
Personal construct
bipolar dimensions of meaning
“Construes” events
De Shazar
Solution-focused (Not focused on etiology!) Miracle Question Identifying expectations Scaling (1-10) questions --task assigned for next session --ask what's better? Reinforce
Prochaska & DiClemente
Transtheoretical model of behavior change
Pre contemplation – no intention of action
Contemplation – aware, but ambivalent
Preparation – action in 30 days, have a plan
Action – making changes
Maintenance – working to prevent relapse, confidence in changes
“Grandfather of family therapy”
MRI in Palo Alto
Communication/Interaction therapy
Extended family systems
Focus of psychodynamic
Unconscious processes
Insight into unconscious
Universal principals
Early development
Motivational Interviewing
OARS Open-ended questions Affirmation Reflective listening Summary reflections
Feminist vs. non-sexist therapy
Non-sexist focuses on personal causes and behavior change
Interpersonal Therapy
Tx for major depression
Brief, manualized
Goals: reduce Sx, increase effective interactions
Targets: interpersonal role disputes, role transitions, grief, interpersonal deficits
Exploring expectations/perceptions of others
Increasing effect communication/problem solving skills
Using therapeutic relationship ad a MODEL
Differences between family therapies
Bowen extended – differentiation, works with 2 members, multigenerational transmission
Haley strategic – emphasis on communication, direct directives, paradoxical interventions
Minuchin structural – focus on boundaries, then join/evaluate/unbalance
Racial Cultural ID Model
CDRIII Conformity Dissonance Resistance/Immersion Introspection Integrative Awareness
Therapist preference depending on stage of Racial-Cultural ID
Conformity - conforms to majority
(prefers majority group therapist)
Dissonance - questioning, becomes suspicious of majority
(Prefers therapist knowledgeable of their group)
Resistance/Immersion -reject majority group, blame them for problems
(Therapist from own group)
Introspection -
(Prefers own group therapist; may see therapist with similar world view)
Integrative Awareness - multicultural perspective
Cross’ Black Racial ID Model
Preencounter – views Whites as ideal; low racial salience
Encounter – high AA ID/racial awareness
Immersion/Emersion – immersed in AA culture, denigrates whites
Internalization – 3 ids: pro-Black/no racist, bicultural, multicultural
Helms’ White Racial ID Model
Contact: little awareness of id, racist attitudes/beliefs
**IPS: obliviousness, denial
Disintegration: paternalistic toward AA; retreat into white society
**IPS: ambivalence, suppression of info
Reintegration: accepts racist views, whites superiority
**IPS:selective perception, neg out group distortion
Pseudoindependent: questions racist views, whites contribution to racism
**IPS: selective perception, reshaping reality
Immersion/Emersion: explore meaning of being white, confronts biases
**IPS: hyper vigilance, reshaping
Autonomy: no racist white id
**IPS: flexibility
Homosexual ID Model
Self-recognition/ID Confusion
ID Assumption
Commitment/ID Integration
Acculturation (Berry)
Integration – maintains own, includes aspects of dominant
Assimilation – accepts dominant, relinquishes own
Separation – separates from dominant, accepts own
Marginalization – neither dominant or own
Group therapy (Yalom)
(1) orientation, participation, search for meaning, dependency
(2) conflict, dominance, rebellion
(3) cohesiveness
Freud defense mechanisms
Repression (most basic)
Reaction formation
Freudian analysis
Catharsis, insight and working through