Big Ideas Flashcards
Kohlberg’s stages of moral development
pre conventional stage 1 stage 2 conventional stage 3 - stage 4 - existing rules/laws post conventional stage 5 - social contracts; democratic laws stage 6 - universal morality
Atkinson, Morten & Sue’s Racial Identity model
Dissonance Immersion Introspection Integrated Awareness
Helms’ White Racial Identity Model
Contact Disintegration –considerable conflict Reintegration –adopting racist views Pseudo-Independence Immersion-Emersion –embracing white identity while rejecting racist views –realizing whites have responsibility for racism Autonomy –whites are responsible for racism
5 for Sx of Schizophrenia
hallucinations negative Sx grossly disorganized/abnormal motor behavior delusions disorganized thinking
5 for Sx of Schizophrenia
hallucinations negative Sx grossly disorganized/abnormal motor behavior delusions disorganized thinking
Kohlberg’s gender identity development (ISC)
(ISC) identity – recognition of own gender by age 3 stability – stable over time (but not situations) constancy – constant over time AND situations
Types of headaches
Goal-Setting theory
conscious acceptance of goal research: money incentives have positive effect on achievement regardless of circumstances; may have detrimental effect if goals are self-set
Equity theory
beliefs related to effort/performance and performance/outcomes
expectancy theory
self-other comparisons
Job enrichment vs job enlargement
enrichment –> “redesigns” the job to include variety of tasks, responsibility and and autonomy *positive effects on job satisfaction and job performance* enlargement–>
Adler’s “style of life”
goals and ways a person attempts to achieve those goals well stablished by age 4 to 5
solution focused therapy
uses “exceptions” (alternatives to maladaptive behavior)
step-parent/step-child relationships
stepfathers=distant and disengaged less likely to have conflict if child is early adolescent at time of remarriage stepparents tend to be more authoritarian stepparent relationships are more difficult for GIRLS
step-parent/step-child relationships
stepfathers=distant and disengaged less likely to have conflict if child is early adolescent at time of remarriage stepparents tend to be more authoritarian stepparent relationships are more difficult for GIRLS
Sternberg’s triarchic theory of intelligence
analytical – componential facet (metacomponents, performance components, knowledge-aquisition components) creative – experiential facet practical – contextual facet
social inhibition vs social facilitation
social inhibition – when task is complex or unfamiliar social facilitation – when task is simple or familiar
utility analysis
aka “cost-benefit analysis” uses accounting procedures to evaluate costs and benefits of training programs, selection procedures, and other personnel interventions.
types of headache
classic migraine–> begins with an aura common migraine–> no aura; throbbing pain cluster headache–> sharp, unilateral pain; autonomic symptoms
Gestalt therapy
goal: integrate fragments of personality into integrated whole use dreamwork – recurrent dreams represent parts of self not fully accepted and integrated
emotional development of children
sense of self emerges – 18 to 24 mos jealousy, embarrassment, empathy – by 24 mos shame, guilt, pride – 30 to 36 mos
Frued and Erickson ages and stages
1 - 3 yo: anal stage autonomy vs shame 3 - 6 yo: phallic initiative vs guilt 6 - 12 yo: latency industry vs inferiority adolescence: genital identity vs role confusion
Malpractice is a tort involving ____
negligence Tort = civil wrongdoing involving breach of duty
conditions of malpractice
duty to client breach of that duty harm to the patient causal relationship between breach and harm caused
elements of informed consent
adequate information and comprehend that information voluntary (no coercion) capacity to make rational decisions