Clinical- 5 Flashcards
What is dementia?
acquire, generalized + usually progressive impairment of cognitive fxn
What is preserved in dementia, which goes away in coma or confusional states?
level of consciousness
What are the cognitive changes with age?
slower info processing, impaired learning, reduced word finding/fluency, increased reaction time
What are the neuro-opthalmologic changes with aging?
slow pupil, impaired upgaze, impaired convergence
What are the motor changes with aging?
atrophy of hand/foot muscles, increased msucle tone, flexion posture, small or board gait
What ar ethe sensory changes with aging?
reduced visual,auditory, gustatory, olfactory and vibration acuity
what are the reflex changes with aging?
primitive reflexes, absent abdominal and ankle reflexes
What are the 5 reversible causes of dementia?
normal pressure hydrocephalus, intracranial mass lesions, B12 deficiency, hypothyroidism, neurosyphilis
What are the 4 dementias with extrapyramidal symptoms?
dementiawith Lewy bodies, corticobasal ganglionic degeneration, Huntingtions, progressive suprenuclear palsy
What are the 4 diseases withOUT extrapyrimidal symptoms?
Alz, Picks, Creutzfeldt-Jacob,normal pressure hydrocephalus
Alz- epidemiology
60-70% cause of dementia
15% of people >65
45% 85 and older
men = women
Alz- mutation
in APP, PS1 or PS2
Which trisomy has an icnreased risk of Alz?
Trisomy 21
Why do Downs have an increased risk of Alz?
the APP gene is on chromosome 21 –> more APP –> Alz!
Which apolipoprotein has an increased risk of Alz?
Apo E4
Which apolipoprotein is PROTECTIVE against Alz??(big board quesiton)
How do neuritic plaques form?
APP is cleaved by a-secretase or b-secretase incorrectly –> AB42 aggregates (normal is Ab40)
What is the fxn of tau?
stabilization of microtubules
What happens to tau in Alz?
it becomes hyperphosphorylated
What happens when tau gets phosphoprylated?
it dissociates from th microtubules –> aggregates form tangles
What happens if there is synaptic dysfxn?
memory loss
Why is the focal cerebral atrophy in Alz?
you lose glutamatergic and cholinergic neurons
What are the neurological manifestations of Alz?
progressive cognitive impairment, aphasia, anomia and acalculia, depression, apraxia
What are the motor manifestations of Alz?
gait disorders- short, slow,shuffling steps with flexedposture
Alz- Tx
no Tx to reverse existing deficits