Clinical- 2 Flashcards
What are the 4 contraindications to an LP?
- suspected intracranial mass lesion (causes transtntorial herniation)
- Local infection
- Coagulopathy
- suspected spinal cord mass lesion
What are the 4 indications to do an LP?
- Diagnose crap
- Therapy response in meningitis/other disease
- Administer meds
- Reduce CSF pressure
What types of things can cause an unsuccessful tap?
Obesity, degenerative disease of the spine, spinal surgery, recent LP, dehydration
What happens if u stab an artery on an LP?
What is the post-LP headache?
headache that’s worse hen sitting up, related to the size of the needle rather than the amt of CSF drained
What are EEG’s good for?
Dx of szrs, certain neurological disorders and ALOC
What can EMG’s Dx?
they can detect disorders of the motor units and can indicate the underlying lesion. provide a guide to prognosis
What types of things does nerve conduction studies help Dx?
they confirm the presence and extent of peripheral nerve damage.
True or False: nerve conduction studies can confirm whether sensory Sx are caused by a lesion proximal or distal to the DRG.
If a patient presents with mononeuropathy, what can nerve conduction studies also detect?
subclinical involvement of other peripheral nerves
True or False: unfortunately nerve conduction studies cant distinguish between a polyneuropathy and mononeuropathy multiplex.
Nerve conduction studies can see what cause of polyneuropathies?
Compression focal neuropathies
In axonal neuropathies, is nerve conduction increased or decreased?
Normal (myelin is A-OK)
In demyelinating diseases, is nerve conduction increased or decreased?
What can MRI’s detect in strokes?
If used early-cerebral infarcts
If used for 2-3 days- hematomas