Clinical 11 Diabeetus And Preggers Flashcards
Fetal Complications of Pre-existing Diabetes
Macrosomia & assoc traumatic delivery
Delayed organ maturation
FGR, aka IUGR (intra-uterine growth restriction)
Congenital anomalies
(Cardiac, Neural tube, Sacral agenesis (caudal regression))
Fetal Complications of Gestational Diabetes
Macrosomia and associated traumatic delivery
Delayed organ maturation
FGR (fetal growth restriction), aka IUGR
Screening for Gestational Diabetes
24-28 weeks gestation. Gest. DM usually presents in the last half of pregnancy.
1 hour 50 gram glucola test
If value exceeds 140, perform 3 hr glucose tolerance test, 100 gram loading dose
F:95, 1hr:180, 2hr:155, 3hr:140
Gestational diabetes is diagnosed if two abnormal values found on 3ºGTT
White Classification A1
Abn GTT;
normal values with diet&exercise.
No insulin needed
White Classification A2
abnormal values with diet and exercise
Insulin needed
Antepartum Management
Fetal Well being
Normal glucose levels
Intrapartum management
Pts requiring insulin are treated with IV insulin at a rate of 0.5- 2units insulin/her
maintain glucose levels of 80-120 mg/dl
Post-partum Management
Insulin requirements drop sharply after deliver as insulin antagonists from the placenta are no longer present
Gestational diabetics
Don’t need insulin post-partum test with 75 GTT and screen with FBS for diabetes
Increased likelihood of becoming diabetic late rin life.