clin path 2: Cytology Flashcards
pure transudate
due to hypoalbuminemia
modified transudate
die to impaired blood or lymph flow
true exudate
inflammation and apillary permeability
a fluid that is clear in appearance with a total protein of <3d/dl, fewer that 6000 NC and no clotting can only be defines as a?
a fluid that is cloudy, with greater that 3 g/dl of protein and more that 6000 NCC/ ul, that clots can only be defined as an___
you suspect uroabdomen from swishy noises herd in the abdomen. What test can you run
creatinine or BUN. Creatinine is better because it does not equilibriate as fast as urea does
if you suspect a chylous effusion what can you run?
if you suspect bile leakage what can you test
you note inflammation, and upon cytology you see neutrophils. Whats that called?
you see a bunch of different WBCs in an inflammatory process, whats that called
mixed inflammation
you note inflammation, and upon cytology you note macrophages and lymphs are dominating the slide. Whats that called?
mononuclear inflammation
you have a cat that comes in with lethargy and dyspnea. You cannot hear lung sounds, so you take an xray, and see that the lungs have collapsed. you decide to put a catheder into the thoracic cavity to sample the effusion. you see some echinocytes, some toxic neutrophils: dohle bodies with increased blueness with a foamy cytoplasm. The TP is 4.7, and the NCC is 113000/ul, making it an exudate. you also note filamentous bacteria in the bacteria. upon necropsy, you note granulomas on the surface of the pleura. whats your Mdx?
bacterial pyothorax
actinomyces and nocardia
a 3 year old cat comes in with an abdominal effusion and a TP of 5.5, NCC 8900/ul; 40% neutrophils, 20% lymphocytes, 40% Ig mononuclear cells. This should instantly make you think of what? background amorphous material was noted on cytology
FIP (wet form)- which caused a vasculitis
a cat comes in with dyspnea. You take a same of thoracic cavity fluid sample (I do not care about syntax…..). you also note that fluid triglyceride concentration is greater than what is found in the serum. you also note a lot of small lymphocytes on the effusion
Chylous effusion
chylous effusions (acute)
mostly small lymphocytes
chronic chylous effusion
more inflammatory cells like neutrophils and macrophages
more triglyceride in the effusion than in the serum.