Climate change And Photosynthesis Flashcards
Stops osmotic loss of water from chloroplasts
Deforestation needed to clear spaces to produce biofuels. Discuss why production of biofuels at not be carbon neutral
More CO2 in atmosphere
Forests are carbon sinks
Net increase in CO2 in atmosphere
Less carbon dioxide removed by photosynthesis
Burning trees produce carbon dioxide
Burning fossil fuels produce carbon dioxide
Increased decomposition produces carbon dioxide
Second generation biofuel
Do not affect food supply
Made using non edible components
People becoming more responsible for their environment
Role of each photosystem
Electron transport
Movement of hydrogen ions across thylakoid membrane
ATP production/photophosphorlyatikn
In Calvin cycle
Involved in carbon fixation
To form GP
This is converted to GALP
Explain importance of rubisco in productivity of an ecosystem
Fixes inorganic carbon
Allowing formation of organic molecules
Allow transfer of energy to next trophic level
Organisms and abiotic factors
Source of H produced by LDR
Explain why increase in CO2 affects growth of plants in glasshouses
CO2 is a limiting factor
More glucose is produced
Increased rate of growth
Explain why value for GPP is lower than light energy available to ecosystem
- Not all light falls on plants
- some of the light is reflected from the surface of the leaf
- some light is wrong wavelength/ not absorbed by chlorophyll
- some light misses the chloroplasts and passes through the leaf
Explain why respiration affects production of biomass
organic molecules used in respiration to provide energy
more organic molecules used in respiration, the less available for the production of biomass
Explain why anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases are affecting the climate.
burning fossil fuels
increasing methane/CO2
more infrared radiation is trapped in
the atmosphere
* causing a mean increase in the surface atmospheric
explain why a diet based on plant protein produces lower greenhouse gases than a diet based on animal protein
plants remove CO2 from atmosphere
plants produce organic compounds from photosynthesis
animals produce more CO2 by respiration
some animals produce methane
explain why beef cattle farming on deforested land produces more greenhouse gases than from reared on natural pastures
trees are carbon sink
burning trees releases CO2 into atmosphere
without trees, there is no photosynthesis to remove CO2 from the atmopshere
explain why acidic conditions in peat bogs prevent decomposition
enzymes are denatured
enzymes cannot digest organic material
conditions are anaerobic
less aerobic respiration by decomposers
Explain how studying pollen grains in peat bogs provide evidence of climate change
Pollen preserved in peat bogs
A plant species can be identified from its pollen
Climate affects type of plants growing
The deeper the peat, the further back in period of time the pollen was produced
Changes in pollen over time indicate changes in climate
Q10 coefficient definition
Ratio of a rate of an enzyme reaction taking place at temperatures differing by 10 C
Why is data not valid
Cannot assume trend will continue
Not enough data collected
Data only from one location
Data fluctuates
Why does tropical rainforest have greater impact on climate change
Use greater percentage of gross productivity in respiration
Tropical rain forests occupy a larger surface area
Therefore tropical rainforests release more CO2
Which is a greenhouse gas
Explain how two species of African elephant could evolve from a common ancestor
2 populations are geographically isolated from each other
Reduced gene flow between the two populations
Leads to allopatric speciation
Different selection pressures lead to natural selection
Explain how reforestation of tropical rainforests can be used to minimise climate change
Growing trees
More CO2 taken in by photosynthesis than released by respiration
Reducing CO2 in atmosphere
Slows rate of global warming
How can Hardy Weinberg equation be used as evidence for changes in population
Calculate allele frequencies
Sampling over time
Describe how forests can be managed as. A sustainable source
Replacing trees that have been cut down
Cut down older trees
Replace with young trees
Describe how starch is formed from Calvin cycle
2 GALP used to produce a glucose molecule
Joined together by glycosidic bonds to form starch
By condensation reactions
Producing amylose and amylopectin
explain why number of species in two different locations may change over time
increase = geographical isolation. different allele frequencies within seperate populations. evolution leading to formation of new species
decrease = risk of natural disaster, disease, predation so may bcome extinct
Importance of RUBISCO to productivity of an ecosystem
Fixes carbon
Allowing formation of inorganic molecules
Organic molecules allow transfer of energy to next trophic level
Two biotic factors that could affect number of bird species observed in forest
Food availability
Interspecific competition
Chi squared value greater than critical value
Significant difference. Null hypothesis rejected
Difference between niche and habitat
Niche is way an organism interacts with its environment
Habitat is place where organism lives
How to calculated differences in masses and prove they’re significant
Mean values
T test