Climate change and mitigation Flashcards
What are greenhouse gases other than CO2?
- nitrous oxide (N2O)
- CFH’s
- Methane
Where does weather occur?
In the troposphere
- first 16-17km
Because that’s where water vapour is
Explain the structure of the atmosphere
It’s a mixture of solids, gases and liquids which are held near to earth via the gravitational pull
List the layers of the earths atmosphere from closest to furthest away.
What occurs in the Troposphere?
Weather processes, a fall in temperature (in comparison the the other levels)
What occurs in the Stratosphere?
Increase in temperature with height as it is closer to solar radiation, it does lack dust and water vapour though
What is the Mesosphere like?
The atmosphere lacks density so it cant absorb energy and is therefore very cold
Where does the earth absorb most of the solar energy?
In tropical regions
Where does the earth loose most of its energy?
Near the poles as they reflect the radiation
WHat type of system is the atmosphere is relation to energy?
An open system as energy is lost after respiration and other processes.
WHat is the atmospheric energy budget?
The earths balance of incoming and outgoing energy. It used to be at equilibrium, but has been disrupted due to human interference.
WHat is radiation?
The emission of electromagnetic waves such as x-rays
What is convection?
The transfer of heat via the movement of gas (eg. Tea/ volcanoes)
What is conduction?
The transfer of heat by contact, eg. The albedo effect.
What is shortwave radiation?
The incoming radiation from the sun in form of UV light.
What is long wave radiation?
The earths energy output from absorbing short wave radiation.
When is there less or more energy loss?
Blue skies mean more energy loss, cloudy skies with fine particles (like pollution) absorb the heat and less energy is lost
What is the greenhouse effect?
When greenhouse gases, such as water vapour, methane, CFS and N2Os absorb the energy output of the earth, warming the atmosphere. Greenhouse gases allow short wave radiation to pass, but not absorb great numbers of long-wave radiation
What does the greenhouse effect result in?
Warming of the atmosphere.
WHat is the greenhouse effect important for ?
all life on earth
What is the enhanced greenhouse effect?
Enhanced numbers of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere due to human interference (CO2 emissions etc).
What effects variations in solar radiation?
- change in the output of energy from the sun
The suns solar cycle changes and the earths orbit too. Changing the distance and pattern of solar radiation to the earth - the earths reflectivity (the albedo). When the ice melts and is replaced by darker surfaces, the earth absorbs more heat.
What is global dimming?
The earths dimming is a decrease in the amount of solar radiation reaching the earths surface as a result of pollution clouds/ volcano eruption etc.
Explain the temperature fluctuations happening via volcano eruptions with an example
El Chichon- first in half a year a spike in temperature, then a developing decrease in temperature for a decade
What was the temperature change that happened from 911?
a 1.1 C increase
What plays a large role in controlling the earths atmosphere?
Feedback loops
What are feedback loops?
Things which speed up or slow town warming trends
What is a positive feedback loop?
Something which accelerates temperature rise
What is a negative feedback loop?
Something which slows down temperature increase
Give an example of positive feedback loop?
Melting of ice caps result in revealing more land/ earths surface. This is face is not/less reflective and therefore absorbs more short wave radiation, emitting more Infrared(heat). Melting ice caps also reveal rotting vegetation which release methane, increasing greenhouse gases and warming effect.
Give an example of a positive feedback loop related to CO2 increase
A rise in CO2 as a result from biomass decomposition (trees), increases CO2 in the atmosphere(Greenhouse gas) and increases temperatures
Give an example of negative feedback to do with CO2.
An increase in CO2 in the atmosphere leads to more plant growth due to higher levels of photosynthesis. Increased biomass activity reduces concentrations of CO2.